The Secret Art of the Holy Swordsman!

Draw your sword!

In the blink of an eye, the Leaf Elf had broken through countless stones and rushed in front of Bangira!

Ye Elf's speed is really too high, and in addition to the surprise that the stones were directly divided, even the fireworks have just reacted. The command voice has been issued!

"Bangira, use the wave of evil!"

Evil Wave: Evil wave wave is emitted, causing certain damage to the opponent, and there is a certain chance to make the opponent fear!

Bandera, who has rock and evil attributes, can also use evil skills!

After all, Bangira is a lord-level elf, and her reaction is also very fast, and her skills are released almost instantly!

The black wave of evil radiates out!

A circle of fluctuations spreads around!

He swept straight into the Ye Elf who was rushing towards Bangira!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, and he said firmly: "Ye Elf, directly resist the past!"

Resist the past!

I saw that the halo accompanied by the wave of evil swept across Ye Elf, and a trace of pain appeared on Ye Elf's face. After all, this was the attack of a legendary elf. To say that it had no effect on Ye Elf, then is impossible!

to yes!

In the blink of an eye, after hearing Lin Wen's order, the pain disappeared and turned into firmness!

The special effect of the wave of evil makes the opponent fall into a state of fear and does not trigger!

After all, this is not an inevitable special effect, it also depends on the abilities of both sides!

Ye Elf has been with Lin Tattoo since Ibrahimovic's time, and participated in countless battles with Lin Wen. Among them, there is no shortage of battles with legendary elves!

In Ye Elf's heart, he has long had the courage to fear nothing. It is completely impossible for a lord-level elf to make him fear by virtue of his skills!

Carrying the wave of evil, the leaf spirit approached Bangira again!

The fireworks asked Bangira to use the wave of evil, just to see if the Ye Elf could fall into a state of fear and stop this round of offensive!

After all, he has seen a lot of battle videos about the Heart of Yang Yan, and he naturally knows that Ye Elf's blow is powerful!

But, without a doubt, he failed in the face of the fearless Ye Elf!

Now, Ye Elf's speed, he has no time to direct Bangira to release the second skill!

I can only watch helplessly as the Leaf Elf strikes!

next second!

The lightsaber slammed into Bangira's body!

As the lightsaber hit, Bangira suddenly roared!

This sound is not a roar, but a painful roar!

As a rock-type elf, Bandera's defense is quite astonishing, but it is facing the leaf elves, and facing the unique skills of the holy swordsman, the mysterious sword!

The Secret Art of the Holy Swordsman!Mysterious Sword!

You must know that the power of the mysterious sword aside, the most important point of this skill is that it ignores defense!

Ignore the magic of defense!

There is no doubt that this skill has the most amazing effect when facing this kind of elves with amazing defenses!

And now!Ye Elf's opponent, Bandera, with the rock attribute Bandera, is obviously a Pokémon with amazing defense ability!

but!In the face of a rather powerful mysterious sword skill, its usual defensive ability that it is proud of seems to have failed!Under Ye Elf's mysterious sword skills, his entire body was severely traumatized!

One hit hit!

Bangira let out a rather painful howl!

In the miserable howl, it waved its big hand, trying to hit the leaf elf that attacked its body!

But obviously, this 687 is useless!

Ye Elf's body is quite flexible!Seeing that Bangira had a tendency to resist, Ye Elf stomped on his hind legs without any hesitation. He left the place and landed on the opposite side of Bangira, five or six meters away!Stand sharply!

On the other hand, Bangira's face showed a painful expression!


Firework's eyes were low, and his eyes were fixed on his little elf. Obviously, he didn't expect Lin Wen to give him a blow when the battle just started!

However, although this blow caused a lot of damage to Bangira!But as a firework, the president of the Hellfire Guild, the main elf hidden by the Hellfire Guild's first master, Bangira's strength is obviously quite powerful!

Like the leaf elf, it is a lord-level elf. Although the mysterious sword that can ignore the defense has caused quite strong damage to Bangira, after all, he is facing Bangira, and he did not kill him directly. !

However... Lin Wen didn't care either!

For it, the desired result has been obtained!

On the other side, the firework's eyes are low, without any hesitation, the command voice has been issued! .

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