While summoning the Jewel Starfish, she also summoned two more Pokémon, the maximum number she could summon, and sent them to look for suspicious ocean flows.

Two people may not be enough, but if you can use the power of Pokémon, you can indeed find water that may be connected to the underground cave of Gemini Island in a short time.

Ten minutes... twenty minutes... thirty minutes...!

Time 667 passed slowly, and a strange water vortex caught Lin Wen's attention.

He got closer to observe, and his heart, which had no turbulence, suddenly cheered up.

"found it!"

Lin Wen breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of search took a lot of energy. After so long, he finally found the entrance.

But he was not in a hurry to let Minas break through this slate, but made a mark here, go up first to restore the state, by the way, ask Minas to remind Xiaoxia, let her stop searching, and go with him , if you encounter an enemy, it is easier to deal with it.

Lin Wen went ashore and sat down on the beach next to him, panting heavily. The long-term search on the seabed was quite exhausting. If it weren't for the fact that he was supported by three pieces of top-quality equipment, and because of the daytime, he would have been exhausted by now. collapsed.

It is not accidental that he was able to find the seabed entrance of the underground cave this time. After Lin Wen became the messenger of the sea god, the ability to sense the seabed under the control of Minas has also been improved. In addition, there are far more than one seabed entrance to the underground cave of Gemini Island. So it only took him half an hour to find it.

Of course, this is also related to his luck. In the absence of too many clues, luck has become the key. Xiaoxia used three Pokémon to search at the same time without any results, which is the best proof.

Under the reminder of Minas, Xiaoxia quickly floated up from the water on a gem starfish, walked straight to Lin Wen, and asked excitedly.

"Researcher Yang Yan, have you found it?"

"Well, since I don't know what's in it, I think it's better to wait for you."

A smile appeared on Lin Wen's face, he pointed to his side, and asked him to sit down and rest first.

Xiaoxia has just come out of the water, she is also slightly panting, the curve of her chest rises and falls with her breathing, water droplets drip from the ends of her hair, and her tender white skin that can be broken by bombs is crystal clear under the water and sunlight, as if she had just taken it out of the refrigerator. The pudding, I can't wait to let people take a bite.

Noticing Lin Wen's slightly teasing gaze, Xiaoxia's cheeks immediately turned a little red. Even after returning from the parade, her personality has become stable and her body has grown a lot, but she is a young girl only eighteen or nineteen years old. Being able to block this kind of gaze, he couldn't help but glared at the other party fiercely, so he made an angry look.

Just when she was about to say something, Lin Wen's next sentence left her speechless.

"Sorry, I was a little obsessed for a while."

Lin Wen smiled lightly, and then his eyes shifted to another place.

Xiaoxia stared at him in astonishment, (bici) did not expect this guy to be so straightforward, she couldn't help but feel a little joy in her heart, a sweet taste in her heart.

Her three sisters are traveling around the world, and there are very few people who can pay attention to her. Lin Wen's appearance at this time undoubtedly makes up for some of the shortcomings in her heart. Even a few simple compliments can make her heart. Some comfort.

Looking at Lin Wen who turned her head away, Xiaoxia took a deep breath and calmed down before she sat next to him and asked.

"Researcher Yang Yan, why do you know that there are hidden underground caves under Gemini Island?"

Lin Wen was silent for a moment, and then gave her a detailed analysis: "It's a very simple guess, you Hualan City have searched and tested the surrounding area, but there is not much gain, except for the twins closest to Hualan City. Island, it's just a simple island search, and even the power level of the Pokémon is not investigated. In this case, what is not searched is only not found by the naked eye, and the place that is 'unsearchable', that is, An underground cave that has not been discovered by anyone."


Xiaoxia's eyes shone brightly, and in addition to being shocked, she was extremely admired.

What so many people in Hualan City have not noticed, the other party has eliminated all wrong options and found the most accurate answer in just a few minutes of data search. This kind of vision and wisdom are ordinary people can have.

"It's not just me. It's also thanks to the members of Hualan City who have carefully searched the neighborhood in recent months. Otherwise, I wouldn't have found such a big loophole at once." Lin Wen smiled slightly, no Take all the credit.

This credit is too great, he is afraid that he will die.

"Researcher Yang Yan, what do you think will be inside?" Xiaoxia asked curiously.

"It's better to be the mastermind behind this incident, otherwise even if you find something, it's all for nothing." Lin Wen answered pragmatically.

"Not romantic at all..."

Xiaoxia rolled her eyes, patted her feet that were stuck to the sand, stood up from the ground, and stretched out her hand towards Lin Wen in high spirits.

"It's almost time to go."

"Hopefully what's inside doesn't let us down."

Lin Wen smiled, grabbed the small scallion and tender white hand, squeezed it with a slight force, and immediately stood up from the ground.

Seeing that Minas and Jewel Starfish, who were resting on the shore, had almost recovered, Lin Wen and Xiaoxia began to plan the next step, entering the underwater cave on Gemini Island! .

Chapter [-]: Giant Claw Crabs

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"Thanks a lot."

When he and Xiaoxia came to the shore, Lin Wen touched Minas' smooth side cheek like a reward.


Minas let out a jubilant tweet, and also stretched out his head and rubbed his face, the cold touch made people want to laugh, and the intimacy was enviable.

"Your relationship is really good."

Xiaoxia showed a knowing smile next to her. Seeing that Lin Wen likes water-type Pokémon as much as she does, her recognition of him has increased again.

"Most water-type Pokémon have gentle personalities, and those who don't like it are strange, right?"

Lin Wen nodded with a smile, and turned over and rode "Nine Nine Three" on Minas' body, ready to set off at any time.

"Yes, it's weird not to like such cute and beautiful Pokémon."

Xiaoxia is also riding on the back of the jewel starfish.

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