"Is the rear lost? Damn..."

"We can almost retreat, right?"

The appearance of Lin Wen became the last straw that crushed the Twin Island Rockets. Those Rockets members who were not very willing to fight felt that the moment they fell behind, almost all of them lost their will to continue fighting~ .

"You still want to escape? Turn them all into my merit points, Ye Elf, Minas, Kirulian-! Stay alive!"

Lin Wen indifferently looked at the group of Rockets who wanted to use the elf as an experimental body, and without hesitation, lowered it to _ Heavenly Punishment.

The anger of the elves concentrated together and bombed all the Rocket elves who were defending in the bottom area, turning them into experience.

The remaining members of Team Rocket will be restricted by Chillulian's gravity position, bound by the parasitic seeds of the leaf elves, and concentrated in a corner, waiting for the people of the Elf Alliance to come in and arrest them, and none of them are allowed to run.

On the other hand, the two days Lin Wen stayed at the Rockets base was not purely a porter. While carrying, he memorized all the basic structures of this floor. He knew where some valuable information might be hidden. Clearly, as a player, his primary task is of course to make money as soon as he can, and he would rather take the wrong one and not miss it.

"It should be here, right?"

Lin Wen brought his gorgeous group of Pokémon to an inconspicuous warehouse. He took a magnetic card and swiped it. The electronic system beeped, indicating that the authority was insufficient, and the color turned red.

Depend on!

Do not force me to use violence!

Lin Wen smacked his tongue fiercely, and immediately let Ye Elf come out. Of course, people who have the ability should do things like knocking down the door and demolishing the house.

Ye Elf is also his old partner. Under his call, he used a super ram to smash the metal gate into pieces. If anyone saw their skilled movements, they would definitely not know whether to laugh or cry. This is definitely a gang of thieves. , otherwise it is impossible to be so skilled, and the Rockets will be resigned to the disadvantage.

After destroying the metal gate, the contents of the warehouse were immediately exposed.

Lin Wen took a closer look, and the corners of his mouth immediately raised several arcs.

Good luck today!

This place is where Team Rocket hides data files and some precious semi-successful experimental elves. Team Rocket, which was raided by the Alliance, hurriedly responded and did not have time to clean up here. On the battlefield, all kinds of occasions happened to be cheap enough for Lin Wen, the thief.

If these precious research materials can be handed over to the Elf Alliance individually, it will definitely be able to exchange a large amount of Alliance Merit Points.

The good things, of course, have to be packed and taken away!

After putting these things into the backpack, Lin Wen found a unique blue potion in a further inner position.

When he stretched out his hand and took out the unique potion, the properties of the blue potion immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

Frost Potion: The perfect potion made by Dr. Cyranu of Rockets with expensive materials, which can enhance the frozen breath of ice and water Pokémon without any side effects. Each Pokémon can only be used once, and can also be taken In exchange for 1500 Alliance Merit.


Lin Wen's eyes shone brightly. Not to mention anything else, when he saw that he was able to exchange for [-] points of Alliance Merit, he knew that this kind of potion was definitely something that could not be found.

All kinds of powerful attribute Profound Stones only need about 500 points of Alliance Merit in the Elf Alliance, but this bottle of potion can be exchanged for 1500 points, and the value is three times more abnormal than the Profound Artifacts sold by the Alliance!

Speaking of Cao Cao's arrival, Lin Wen just finished talking about helping the ice elf to improve its attributes, so that it can become a quasi-god like a leaf elf, and immediately came across this superb item.

Moreover, Lin Wen discovered that this frost potion was completely prepared for the ice elves! !

The ice elf was captured at the Twin Island Rockets base, and the ice attribute potion was found at the Twin Island Rockets base. Obviously, this base was prepared to create a quasi-god-level Pokémon that was not a quasi-god. Sheila The last ingredient that Dr. Nu mentioned was probably this frost potion! !

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

What the Rockets can't achieve in a year of research is likely to be achieved in themselves!

It's so exciting!

After taking out the frost potion, Lin Wen looked at the ice elf without hesitation. It happened that he had just conquered the ice elf, and his favorability was a little low. The appearance of this potion can be said to be the best entry point for him to quickly improve the strength of the ice elf and the tacit understanding between the two parties. , it's time to brush another wave of attributes and favorability.

Lin Wen opened the frost potion, and a ferocious frosty aura spread from the vicinity of the test tube. The white mist filled his right hand and condensed into ice. His fingertips were too hard to move. Even the information on the bookshelf and table appeared faintly. of frosting.

........ ......

It's really a deadly prop, Lin Wen smiled wryly.

Just opening the bottle cap will make the small warehouse suffer such a powerful influence, and the environment has also changed. If you swallow this thing, I am afraid that even the water-type Pokémon will not be easy to accept, and it will only be able to immunize and absorb it. Ice-type ice-type Pokémon can absorb it.

"Are you going to use the frost potion on the ice elves? Yes/no."

The system pops up a prompt.

"of course."

Lin Wen nodded without hesitation, squatted down and fed the frost potion to the ice elf. If he didn't use his hands, he would be frozen.

The ice elf did not refuse Lin Wen's feeding, and even was very eager for the powerful ice energy contained in the frost potion. He opened his small mouth and grabbed the mouth of the test tube bottle, and then swallowed all the ice blue potion inside.

In Lin Wen's expectant gaze, the ice elf body immediately glowed with a dark blue light, and the frost potion began to work, purifying the pure ice power in the ice elf's body again, because it was more powerful, resulting in an uncontrollable frost field Splashed around, the dense frost and ice quickly condensed, freezing the walls and the ground, and the entire data warehouse became a big ice warehouse in the blink of an eye! .

Chapter [-]: Extreme Ice Elf

The freezing without warning made Lin Wen startled, and the situation was full of danger!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ye Elf stood in front of Lin's tattoo, and a greenness rose from his body to fight against that frosty meaning, preventing his master from being splashed by the ice attribute.

The fragility of human beings can be said to be deadly in front of elves. Even holding the frost potion in his hand will almost freeze him, not to mention the powerful aura of the ice elves after absorbing the potion.

Lin Wen also noticed that the ice elves were strong and pitiful, and quickly took out the poke balls and put away Minas and Kirulian to avoid accidental injuries.

When he came back to his senses, in the huge blue light, the body of the ice elf began to undergo subtle changes. The growth of the ice elf did not know how to thrive like the grass-type leaf elf, but there were some changes in the body.

In Lin Wen's shocked expression, the house cat-sized ice elf arched his body, raised his tail, and let out a discolored, sharp chirping.

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