In addition to chatting and talking, the search team of the Elf Alliance has boarded the large speedboat with these arrested Rocket members and researchers, and is ready to return to the city to deal with the villains of these evil organizations. Lin Wen and Xiaoxia also summoned their respective The water-type Pokémon is ready to leave Gemini Island and return to Hualan City.

After dealing with the incident of the Pokémon runaway near Hualan City, the sadness on Xiaoxia's face has long since vanished and disappeared, and now her face is full of happiness and joy, and the occasional frown and smile make people feel A beautiful feeling.

While rushing back to Hualan City, the system soon sent a new reminder, a message reminder about the summary of the battle rewards and the alliance's achievements.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player who completed the 'Heart of Yang Yan' and participated in the Battle of the Twin Islands and solved the Pokémon runaway incident in Hualan City. Now start counting rewards."

"Ding dong! You provided the geographical location of the Rockets' twin bases, personally handed in 4 elf genetic research materials, 6 elf template evolution reports, 5 elf cultivation experience, and conquered the ice elves of the twin bases, alone. Breaking into the secret base of the Rockets' twins and causing huge chaos, taking 35% of the credit for the entire Rockets strategy plan, and getting a general rating..."

"Ding dong! Your personal contribution is no more than 50%, and you only get 60% of the alliance merit rewards. Please make persistent efforts next time to play a bigger role."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player for finishing 'Heart of Yang Yan', you have obtained a total of 1500 Alliance Merit points and 500 Prestige Points!"

Five hundred reputation!

Fifteen hundred points of alliance merit!

Lin Wen's eyes lit up, this is not a small amount, 1500 alliance merit can be exchanged, at least it is a treasure of the level of frost potion.

Although his contribution in the Battle of Gemini Island this time was far less than that of Joban City, the overall harvest of this battle was far more than that of Joban City. Almost all the Rocket Team members and researchers of the entire Gemini Island Base were killed. Once caught, this military exploit is completely incomparable to ordinary combat, and the amount of the alliance's exploits will naturally become more.

Moreover, Lin Wen also obtained the Rocket Team's research 2.3 data for one year from it. The exchange of more than [-] points of alliance merits with these things alone is the key to his high reward.

Looking at the soaring achievements of the alliance, Lin Wen couldn't wait to go back to the alliance store to exchange treasures to improve his elf's strength.

In addition, there is an exciting news, at the end, hit Lin Wen.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player 'Heart of Yang Yan', you and the Elf Alliance have successfully broken through the secret base of the Rocket Team underground in the Twin Islands, and opened a new map "Underground Cave of Twin Islands", the system will issue an announcement to open to the public, you Do you want to reveal your name and share the glory with other players? Note: revealing your name can earn an additional 300 reputation points.".

Chapter [-] In exchange for treasures

"Depend on!"

Lin Wen, who always likes to hide his name and act in a low-key manner, after seeing the last comment, he couldn't help but scold Yinhe for being a fool. This is not forcing himself to reveal his name, and he is also using rewards to seduce himself, which is really shameless!

But after thinking about it for a while, Lin Wen still decided to reveal his name. The more he got in touch with the characters in the plot, the more he realized the influence of prestige and charm, especially the attribute of prestige, which was very popular no matter where he went.

And he has a hunch that this reputation will definitely play a huge role in the future. It should not be underestimated. How much can be stacked in the early game is counted.

Anyway, I can't hide my name. No matter where I go, I will attract attention, and opening the map can be said to be selling many players a favor, and I won't take it for nothing.

"Show your name!"

Lin Wen said generously.

"Ding dong! Player 'Heart of Yang Yan' defeated the secret base of Team Rocket hidden in Gemini Island. The new map of Hualan City, 'Underground Cave of Gemini Island' will be open to all players tomorrow, and elite-level Pokémon will appear on the new map. The probability is higher than ordinary wild, and I hope that playing 18 players can seize the opportunity to capture more powerful and rare Pokémon."

A bland news, like a boulder thrown into the middle of the lake, all players were alerted, and the official forum set off a new wave of storms.

"Underground cave in Twin Island?"

"No wonder I can't find the entrance all the time. It turned out to be a hidden map. I missed this opportunity. I regret it!"

"Isn't that where the original frozen bird lives? Damn it!!"

"Ming people don't pretend to be secretive, and God Yang Yan finally dares to reveal his name generously."

"It just so happens that I'm in Hualan City! There must be a lot of elite-level Pokémon just after the new map was opened. If you catch it, you can earn it!"

After the players received the system news, players from neighboring cities near Hualan City moved closer to here, and the large-scale player migration event was officially launched.

"The twin islands are not as simple as you think."

After accepting the reputation reward for revealing his name, Lin Wen could not help but silently mourn for those players who wanted to show their talents.

After completing the quest and going through the system correction, the Pokémon on the shores of the Twin Islands were restored to their original state, with the lowest level being LV15, while the Pokémon living in the underground caves of the Twin Islands had the lowest level being LV30, even those on the leaderboard. Experts dare not say that they will be able to win casually, wantonly capturing elite-level Pokémon.

As for those ordinary players, if you are not a little cautious, you should wait for the street. After all, not everyone is like him and can have the eye skills to recognize the strength of the elf.

After harvesting all the rewards from the system, the Twin Island incident has come to an end. According to the prior agreement, Lin Wen and Xiaoxia are going to start a friendly battle at Hualan Gym with all their strength.

Having said that, this challenge is still a type of gym challenge.

At this time, Lin Wen had not gone through the challenge of Nibi City yet. This gym challenge was entirely an extra challenge given by Xiaoxia, the gym owner.

Before the gym challenge, Lin Wen still delivered his elf to Miss Joy at the Elf Hospital and asked her to help his elf return to its peak strength, although Xiaoxia's strength is relatively average among gym owners , but it is also the master of the gymnasium, so it should not be underestimated.

At the same time, Lin Wen came to the alliance store to buy some treasures and props that could improve the strength of his Pokémon. Such things as alliance merit would not generate interest, and only investing as soon as possible would be able to get huge returns.

This is the second time that Lin Wen has entered the alliance store. He came to enter the same decoration as Nibi City, but it seems to be more in line with the style of Hualan City. The alliance store is full of water blue. Really deep pockets, no matter which city there is such a store shock field.

"Hello, Researcher Yang Yan, can I help you?"

The arrival of Lin Wen immediately attracted the attention of the staff of the alliance store. A young girl with a blue hairband and a sailor suit came to him and served him.

"Is it the JK uniform this time?"

There was some malicious intent in Lin Wen's eyes. JK was referring to the high school girls, and the uniform was the clothes they usually wore.

This uniform design has a unique feature. The skirt and the top can be used to correct the body shape. Girls who are originally slender will become petite and lovable under the sailor suit.

There are many types of JK uniforms. The girl in front of her is wearing an ultra-short style. She is bright and pure, with arms raised and knees raised. It is very eye-catching.

I didn't expect Yinhe Zhinao to be such a wretched guy. I won't talk about the uniform of the previous store 667 staff. This short summer JK uniform is really... silently giving you a hundred likes.

"Guest, is there any problem?" The girl was a little strange and nervous.

"No, I just think this dress fits you very well."

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