
All kinds of voices came together, and everyone got goosebumps because of Ye Elf's unparalleled performance.


Really won!

With his own strength, Ye Elf successfully defeated the three elves of the gym owner, including a leader-level, an elite-level, and a Mega-evolved super-elf. This record is enough to be crowned king among thousands of elves. !

Not only Ye Elf, Lin Wen's strength in this battle is also indispensable, which is extremely amazing.

The two work together to play a battle song that no one can forget.

"Victory belongs to us, Ye Elf!"

Lin Wen raised his fist in the air, and the tightly clenched fist contained the hearts of the two, and the same determination as he and Ye Elf.

Ye Elf let out a cheerful cry and rushed back towards Lin Wen's side, but before reaching this direction, his body was already soft in the battle arena.

The system's beep sounded almost at the same time.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player 'Heart of Yang Yan', your Leaf Elf defeated the LV57 water arrow turtle and gained 1.5 times the experience bonus! The level has been increased from LV18 to LV19, gaining 18 fixed attributes and 5 hard work attribute values. , 1 point of effort attribute, 1 point of free attribute value!"

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the player 'Heart of Yang Yan', your Leaf Elf has broken through the limit in continuous battles, obtained an extra +1 bonus for all attributes, and learned a new skill in the battle: potential explosion, only the blood type Only Pokémon have a chance to comprehend, it will be triggered automatically when the HP value is lower than one-third, and all attributes will be increased by 10% until the end of the battle."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player 'Heart of Yang Yan', you have experienced a wonderful battle, you have grown visible to the naked eye, physical strength +5, charm +3!"

"Ding dong! Player 'Heart of Yang Yan', your leaf elf has entered a state of exhaustion during the battle and lost its ability to fight. It can continue to be used normally after careful maintenance. Please send it to the elf hospital for treatment as soon as possible."

At the same time as defeating the water arrow turtle to upgrade, Ye Elf also collapsed on the battlefield exhausted, unable to continue the fight.

"Leaf Elf!"

Lin Wen's expression suddenly changed, and what he was worried about finally happened. He didn't even have time to pay attention to the system's prompts, and immediately jumped off the special platform that could protect the Pokémon trainer, came to Ye Elf's side, and checked it. status.

Ye Elf looked a little sluggish, not only exhausted, but also mentally exhausted.

High-intensity battles make the elves reach their limits, or even break through them, so that their strength skyrockets, but this kind of battle will also impose a great burden on the body, and if you are not careful, it is likely to cause hidden dangers that cannot be erased.

For players, there will even be serious penalties such as being unable to summon for a week, or even permanently reducing a certain attribute.

After Lin Wen approached the elf, he didn't care about revealing his skills, and immediately used the healing technique to restore Ye Elf's physical injuries. Ye Elf gradually recovered his physical strength with a healing power, and finally was able to open his eyes and let out a fluttering cry. .

Seeing the improvement in Ye Elf's condition, Lin Wen could finally breathe a sigh of relief and comforted him with a smile: "It's hard work, Ye Elf, the next battle will be handed over to your companions."

Ye Elf nodded lightly as if understanding, closed his eyes again, and focused on his own recovery, so as not to distract the opponent from the battle. .

Chapter [-]: The Civil War of the Super Energy Department

After the healing technique was used up, Lin Wen used the Poke Ball to retrieve the Leaf Elf and let it rest in it.

At the same time, Lin Qi, who was watching the battle at the back, saw Ye Elf fall, and rushed out as well, but after being stopped by the gym trainer outside the battle arena, he could only stop and look at him with worry. here.

Ye Elf's fall in Hualan Taoist Hall also caused a huge sensation.

The attention of the players is all concentrated here, Ye Elf is not only the elf of Lin Wen, but also the idol they worship and trust.

After Lin Wen put Ye Elf in the Poké Ball, he immediately found his younger sister Lin Qi in the crowd, and came to her side and handed Ye Elf's Poké Ball to her, and said seriously, "Lin Qi, help me get it. Ye Elf was sent to the Elf Hospital for treatment first, and after the gym is over, I will go over there~"

The battle cannot end!

Otherwise, Ye Elf's previous efforts would be wasted.

"I see, brother."

Lin Qi nodded earnestly, with a cautious expression on his face, tightly holding the spirit ball in his hand.

There is no possibility of direct snatch and theft in the game, which is why Lin Wen is assured of handing it over to the opponent.

"Who is that woman? God Yang Yan actually gave the precious elf Toefl as Ye Elf to others. The relationship is absolutely extraordinary."

"Catch a loli alive, shocking gossip, Yang Yanshen's appetite is actually young!"

"Really or not, Yang Yanshen likes younger people?"

"After all, the voiceless soft body is easy to overturn, innocent, cute and charming. Lolita is the true love of a man."

"It's over, I have no chance..."

"Damn it, Loli! My favorite..."

The players are too far away to see Lin Qi's face clearly, they only know that it is a petite girl, that's all.

But players with camera equipment are different. These people clearly see Lin Qi's delicate and delicate face, with a green appearance in her cuteness, and everything they see is full of a budding beauty, which is endearing. .

I really want to hear this cute and green loli call her brother affectionately...


This kind of benefit can only be enjoyed by Lin Wen.

Looking at the care mixed with the strange girl's behavior, Lin Wen did not hesitate to entrust it. Everyone hated it, knowing that the relationship between the two was definitely not as simple as meeting game friends.

That is the strongest Pokémon at the moment, Ye Elf, and even a real couple might drop their bags and run away.

It is said that the value of Ye Elf is at the lowest price in the trading market, and some people offer the price of 8000W Huaxia coins for acquisition, which is evident.

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