The two hundred and fortieth chapter of the flame chicken that was completely exploded

This is not over yet!

While being burned by the flames, a heavy mental blow fell from the sky and landed on the poor flaming chicken. The moment when the effect of mental strength was triggered, the enemy's special defense was lowered, making the flames more vigorous.

After two rounds of attacks, the flame chicken's blood volume instantly dropped by more than half, leaving only one-third.

Shadow of Mourning was taken aback by the opponent's reckless play and amazing damage, but the mood was not particularly bad. Although the Fire Chicken Firework skill did not trigger the breaking move, but the opponent was not much better after a hard frontal damage. go.

Although the sun elves can use the 'synchronization' feature to infect the opponent with burns, poisoning, and paralysis, they will also suffer the same damage. In addition to the inherently thin blood volume, the sun elves will also be seriously injured in this way.

Fighting for blood, the flame chicken is above the sun elf.

"That burning is a synchronous effect?"

"No, the sun elf didn't trigger the burning effect at all!"

"what happened?"

"This sun elf is weird!"

At this moment, the players watching the battle suddenly found something strange.

There is no burning effect on the sun elf, but the flaming chicken was injured by the burning of the flame.


"Sun elf, fantasy light!"

No one will explain for the enemy, but only beat up the underdogs. Although Qianxia is a female player, she does not have the habit of being soft-hearted.

The sun elf made a high-pitched cry, and the ruby ​​​​inlaid on his head rushed forward with a bright light. The flame chicken's sight was blocked, and he couldn't find his opponent in an instant, but the trainer was not affected.

"Flaming Chicken, the front is at six o'clock, using multiple chain legs!"

This flaming chicken is obviously trained, even if the vision is disturbed, it will not hinder the movement for half a minute, the legs slammed on the ground and vacated, and the crackling sound suddenly burst out.

"Sun Elf, Double Mind Power"! "

A win-win smile appeared on the corner of Qianxia's mouth. Using the elite level and skills of the sun elf, a ferocious double thought force directly locked the flame chicken that rushed towards her face.

rub rub! !

The flaming chicken was hit hard, and the plane crashed directly and drew a straight line on the ground. It failed miserably!

"The flaming chicken loses its ability to fight, and the sun elf wins!" the referee announced loudly, indicating the result of the game.

The entire onlooker hall was silent, and after the silence, there was a sudden eruption.

"Actually won!"

"This flaming chicken lost so much that it didn't even use any skills."

"Although there is attribute suppression, the strength of that female player should not be underestimated."

"The point of victory or defeat should be the first reckless fireworks. It's a pity that you know that the other party has synchronization skills."

"The synchronization just now is a bit strange. Could it be the advanced talent effect of template evolution?"

"It's very possible, but the effect is still uncertain!"

The players were hustle and bustle, and their expressions were full of surprise. I didn't expect that the female player's strength would be so powerful, and even Lin Wen's eyes were full of surprise.

But some local players in Rota City didn't have too many surprises for the heroic girl's victory. Instead, they thought it was very reasonable. Many players even shouted each other's names, and their expressions were full of admiration.

This Oludelang City competition is not like the Elf League Competition or the Carnival Competition, which allows players to prepare before the competition, because no one knows who their opponent is, even the elf that the opponent may use. do not know.

Under such circumstances, Qianxia of Rota City was able to defeat her opponent so easily. It could be said that she was unbelievably powerful, and the strength of both sides was also very obvious.

After reading the fighting methods used by the opponent just now, Lin Wen already had a preliminary understanding of the Sun Elf's skills and Qianxia's fighting methods.

This sun elf is a boss-level Pokémon. The most worthy of attention is undoubtedly the advanced skills or characteristics brought by the template evolution. The rebound of the skills that can make the flame chickens can't stand just now is obviously some kind of powerful. Passive skills, but an accurate judgment cannot be issued yet.

But the opponent's tactics are worth learning. First, use the strange skills to make the flame chicken get its own burning effect, so as to use the rule that the abnormal state cannot be exchanged to prevent the opponent from replacing the elf, so as to avoid the restraint of the attributes of the elf. Then give the opponent a thunderous blow.

Qianxia and the Sun Spirit?

Lin Wen squinted slightly, staring at the high-spirited girl. He, who was already not very interested in female prey, suddenly became a little curious.

".' The battle continues, please choose whether to replace the elf with remaining blood and summon other elf to fight."

"No need, I will continue with the sun elf."

Qianxia smiled sweetly, full of confidence in her elf.

Even the surrounding players were attracted by the charming smile on her face, and became obsessed.

"The other party can start summoning the second elf!" The referee nodded, signaling Shadowmourne to continue the fight.

"Super power system..."

Shadow Mourning's first Pokémon underestimated the enemy and was instantly killed. The original ugly face was now extremely bad. After hesitating for a while, he summoned the other Pokémon he had prepared (Hao Nuo Zhao).

"It's up to you!"

Along with the elf ball thrown out, a elf with more than two meters of fleshy wings, a neck covered with white fluff, and a circle on its ears appeared in the battlefield. The wings spread out and incited, it looked extremely spectacular, and the condescending stare at the elf. Only a small and exquisite sun elf.

"Oh? This one is actually used..."

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