At that moment, the floating ice blade suddenly accelerated like a carrier-based aircraft equipped with Type [-] missiles, and with that group of dango that contained a violent frost atmosphere, charged towards the totem bird in the sky.

Compound skills!

The floating ice blade actually guided the frost breath forward.

"Totem bird, dodge!"

Na Zi's expression did not change when she sensed the danger, but she had already given an order before she spoke. The totem bird fluttered its wings and evaded in the air, but the floating ice blade was a controllable skill, and the speed was so fast that an ordinary flying elf could avoid it. .


Ferocious frost exploded in the air.

At the moment when the frost exploded, the ice slag splashed in the sky and the totem bird fell from the sky.

Not a spike, but the ultimate slowdown!

The flapping of the wings can no longer maintain their weight in flight. Once the bird cannot maintain its balance in the air, it will be like a fighter jet with one wing pierced, and can only accept the fate of falling.

"It's now, Ice Elf!"

Of course, Lin Wen would not miss this opportunity, let the ice elf pursue the victory, and pounce on an ice tooth to completely freeze the opponent's wings.

A bird that can't fly, it's called a miscellaneous soldier!

It didn't take long for the totem bird to enter a state of serious injury under the blows of the ice elf, and he lost his fighting consciousness.

"In this battle, the ice elf wins!"

The referee held the flag high, and the expression on his face was extremely complicated.

One is the incredible disbelief at the gym owner's consecutive defeats, and the other is the shock of the researcher's formidable strength. This is the first time he has seen such a powerful researcher.

It can be described as unprofessional work to the extreme.

After four consecutive defeats, Nazi sighed deeply. She has never suffered such a terrifying blow since she became the master of the gym. The strength of this man is unfathomable. It is said that the opponent's strongest elf is the grass type.

But now, she didn't even see the shadow of the grass, and the next battle was meaningless.

"I gave up 〃'."

Nazi admits defeat, but the gym owner actually admits that she is not as good as the other party!

Lin Wen was slightly startled, and almost jumped up from the spot. How could he be like this? His ice elf upgrades can be challenged entirely by the gym. The other party actually gave up at a critical moment, which made him feel bad.

I want to report, this is discrimination! !

Fortunately, the prompt sound from the system in time calmed the excitement in Lin Wen's heart.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player 'Heart of Yang Yan', you are the first player to perfectly defeat Nazi, the master of the Golden Gym in the Golden City. All the elves in the battle slots in the backpack will automatically be upgraded to one level, and you will be rewarded with an additional reputation of 500. Click, and you will get precious rewards from the Gym Master."

Bonus Blast!

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, and then showed a smile. He was worried about the upgrade just now, but who knew that the system directly gave him a grand prize.

Perfect victory?

To put it this way, he did not even get a elf seriously injured, and even made the powerful Nazi willing to admit defeat, and it is understandable to be judged as a perfect victory.

This reward not only upgrades all the five elves in his backpack, but also has precious rewards to collect. Don't be too impressed.

Moreover, this news also gave Lin Wen a pretty good piece of information.

According to the sound of the system just now, every player who takes the lead in defeating the local gym owner perfectly can get such a reward, and each area has at least eight gyms, and each gym can increase the comprehensive level LV1, and also There are precious hidden rewards, it seems a bit amazing.

If nothing else, no one else knows this information besides himself.

Thinking of this, the smile on Lin Wen's face couldn't stop. How could such a good reward be given to others? Although I don't dare to contract every area, at least the Guandu area and the Chengdu area are close to each other. , must not let others occupy first.

"Researcher Yang Yan, congratulations on your victory, this is your due reward."

It didn't take long for Nazi to come to Lin's tattoo, contradicting the emblem of the Golden Gym and a learning machine.


It seems to be similar to the rewards of Hualan Gym?

Lin Wen couldn't help but be a little puzzled, but the moment he saw the attributes attached to the contents, he quickly realized that the precious rewards the system said were referring to the badge and the learning machine.

Golden Badge (Winning): A special badge specially awarded to the strong by the Golden Gym, which is more effective than ordinary badges. After wearing it, it will increase the damage by 10% against Pokemon with a higher level than your own Pokemon.

Esoteric Learning Machine (Concentration): The skill jointly developed by Nazi and Elf, the master of the Golden Pavilion, can increase the Elf's special attack by 10% after using it, and reduce the probability of being interrupted by the opponent during the use of the skill.


Co-developed skills?

As expected of the superpower Nazi, she even fiddled with this kind of thing!

Lin Wen was a little shocked. He didn't expect Na Zi to have this kind of ability.

In addition, the attributes of the golden badge are also very good. After wearing it, the damage of all elves will be increased. This is different from the water badge of Hualan (Li Hao) gym. This badge is aimed at all elves, and the increase ratio is There are actually 10%!

This is a bit exaggerated. This winning golden badge is completely comparable to a skill, and it is also the effect of the increase of all members.

The effect of ordinary players challenging the golden badge is also to increase the damage when fighting against high-level elves, but the increase effect is not 10%, but only 3%, the difference is at least three times.

You can see how precious this reward is.

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