Even if you hire a high-level elf trainer who is second only to the master level, it will take at least half an hour for each point of effort to increase, which means that you may have to waste 50 hours here to get [-] additional attributes. value.

Looking at the price list again, the high-level elf trainer needs [-] alliance gold coins per hour, and it takes at least [-] million alliance gold coins to fill up the effort attribute value. This price is beyond the acceptable range of ordinary people...

Fortunately, most of Linwen's elves have exceeded 797 points of effort. At most, if they exercise here for a whole day at [-] hours, they can get full effort.

"Do you have a master-level trainer here?" Lin Wen asked the supervisor here.

"I'm sorry, the high level of trainers that our shop can hire is the limit. Even the master-level trainers are only hundreds of people in the elf alliance that is so big today, and many of them don't know where to go. The rest are either champions or heavenly kings. , or some powerful gym owner, not someone like our small shop can afford the price anyway." The man explained with a wry smile.

"Well then, help me exercise my elf, I'll come back in a day to get it."

Lin Wen shrugged, but he didn't get too entangled. Master level is just a title. No one knows if he has this kind of ability. After all, as long as the elf alliance writes an essay, it can come out. Although the various assessments are very strict, they are artificial after all. controlled.

The so-called elf training, as long as a special person arranges a suitable training method, the strength of the elf will be improved, whether it is a master trainer or not does not really matter (bfbj).

After entrusting all of his elf, Lin Wen left the training hall and started to wander in Dead Leaf City. It was obviously a waste of time to come to a new city and not have a good experience.

But this kind of waste seems a bit extravagant to very serious players. After all, they all spend their game time on leveling, not playing and leisurely game experience.

If it weren't for the fact that he knew that his elf's effort value would be full in advance and would obtain hidden skills, Lin Wen would not choose to waste this time.

Regarding the skill of 'thriving', Lin Wen wisely chose to keep it a secret, and even Ling Feng, a close business partner, did not say that he did not want rare skills to become popular skills. I am afraid that the entire Elf Century did not know that he had obtained this information. But without exception, they all chose to keep it secret, rather than showing it off. Of course, if you hide your strength, one more point is better.

After spending three hours simply visiting Dead Leaf City to relax his post-war spirit, Lin Wen decisively chose to go offline.

His online time has almost reached [-] hours. From the Victory Auction to the Orudelang City Competition, and since he tried the World Tree strategy with Qianxia, ​​he has experienced three more intense gym challenges. Three days of experience is enough for others to work hard for a month or more.

Now is the time to choose to rest. Anyway, the elf is kept in the elf training hall. There is not much benefit for him to stay in the game for a long time. It is better to recharge his batteries.

Before leaving, he habitually opened the friend list and observed it, and found that only the little girl Qianxia is still working hard, Lin Qi and the cute night cat are offline, and a male workaholic like Ling Feng can be ignored. .

Therefore, before leaving, he intends to condolences to this female friend who is about the same age as himself.


"Ding Dong! Player 'Yang Yan' sent you a message."

Qianxia, ​​who was browsing the forum, was taken aback. She suddenly focused her eyes on the prompt panel that suddenly appeared in the lower right corner, and opened it after a moment of hesitation.

"As the first batch of eco-warehouse experience users, do you work hard not to be afraid of accidents?"

After reading this text message with caring feelings, Qianxia first sighed in a guilty conscience, and then began to give a simple reply, because what she was doing on the forum just now was nothing else, just watching the heart of Yang Yan, which is The other party once again made headlines in the video and various news.

The heart of Yang Yan has always been the direction indicator of her efforts.

Qianxia, ​​who had just watched that performance, was even more convinced by this sentence, but she was a little distracted just now.

After Qianxia watched the video many times, her focus was no longer on Yang Yan's wonderful performance in the battle just now, but the confidence and meticulousness she showed in fighting with her most trusted elf, Ye Elf.

To be honest, when Yang Yan issued a battle order to let the leaf spirit climb up, sent a flying leaf cross slash to the electric dragon from a high altitude, and fought forward with Raichu's super-powerful electromagnetic cannon, there was always a trace in his eyes. Slightly squinting, with an air of killing, he is really handsome.

The beauty of Yang Yan's Heart can't be regarded as top-notch, but her invincible fighting style and charm are the feelings that can stimulate a girl's spring heart the most. Even a top female player like her is unavoidable to this mystery. The top masters have generated a lot of goodwill and interest.

Therefore, when being cared for, Qianxia will show the attitude of such a little girl.

"what's up?"

The text is cold.

Qianxia's face was a little red, and her breathing was a little unsteady. The moment she sent it out, she realized that this sentence had lost her own style.

Oops, the reaction seems to be a bit bad, it won't make people feel very cold...

Chapter [-] Long-lost daily life

"I'm going to go offline for a rest, so I'm just saying hello to you. Did I disturb you?" Lin Wen also felt it was not surprising, after all, his abruptness was a fact.

"No, I'll be offline soon, thank you." Qianxia took a few deep breaths before it became normal.

"Effort is a good thing, but high-tech equipment is not perfect. Adjust your work and rest properly." After a few simple explanations, Lin Wen immediately chose to go offline.

Qianxia, ​​who originally wanted to exchange a few more words, saw the other party's avatar turning gray, and she felt a sense of disappointment in her heart. Like Lin Wen, she was a guy who likes to go it alone, which is often referred to as a loose player.

Although it cannot be said that he has not communicated with other people, it is really the first time that he has communicated with an existence at this level of the Heart of Yang Yan.

In particular, the momentum of the video he just watched, the character Yang Yan has become a lot taller in Qian Xia's heart, and there is a trap - the urge to go away in just a few words.

"Probably worship..."

After Qianxia said this sentence with uncertainty, she turned her head to replay the video again, her expression was rather complicated, and it didn't take long before she chose to go offline.


Lin Wen didn't know that he had invisibly influenced another girl.

I only know that the ecological game warehouse feels very wonderful. If the game helmet is a hypnosis for neurons, then the game warehouse is a deeper dream transformation, but a very real dream.

When he ends the game, there will be a [-]-second countdown. This countdown is to allow him to come out of the ecological game warehouse more safely. At the moment when the game ends, the nutrient solution surrounding his body begins It is also for this reason that it is necessary to replace once every three days for backwards and outflows.

"Ding dong! Experience warehouse 121 will tell you the time. Today is December [-]th, seven o'clock and thirty-two seconds, and the outdoor temperature is fifteen degrees. Please keep warm."

With the almost same system prompt sound as in the game, Lin Wen frowned and walked out of the ecological game warehouse. The drying effect had already been produced in it, so he could not feel the moisture of the nutrient solution, but felt The viscosity caused by the thermal evaporation of nutrients in it.

"Take a shower."

Lin Wen didn't even think about it, and walked directly into his private bathroom.

After cleaning up his body, Lin Wen left the room wearing simple clothes. It was absolutely impossible to stay in his room for three consecutive days and say that he was not bored. However, not long after he came out, he heard Lin Qi's voice from Came from outside.

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