However, the moment he resisted the surf, a colorful light of evolution burst out from the big steel snake, attracting everyone's attention. .

Chapter [-]: The Big Steel Snake's Counterattack

Colorful light? ? ?

"Is that light..."

"My God, do all of Ash's comrades have such perverted cards?"

"Kneeling, I thought Nibi Gym was relatively weak, but who knew it had such a big killer!"

The familiar light made the players unable to sit still, and they all stood up from the audience, their faces full of disbelief.

I saw an inconspicuous chain in front of the chest of Nibi Gym Master Xiaogang, but the orange-yellow evolution stone on it made people have to pay attention to three points.

It's a MEGA Evolution Stone!

The same MEGA evolution stone as Xiaoxia!

Xiaogang actually mastered the MEGA purification, but he is still the steel snake who has the closest relationship with him! "Zero Three Three"

There are nine gym owners in the Guandu area, but they are able to form a deep bond with their own elf. As far as the current information is concerned, the gym owner trainer who uses the MEGA evolution stone is only Xiaoxia's water arrow turtle, and the second one is Xiaogang, the owner of Nibi Gym in front of him.

"MEGA evolve, big steel snake!"

Xiaogang's eyes showed determination and perseverance. He rarely used this special combat device in battle, not because he didn't like to use it, but because he didn't have a strong enough opponent to allow him to actively use the trump card of MEGA evolution.

The whole process was just an instant of electric light and flint, and the big steel snake broke through from the colorful light, and let out a roar in the sky, as if some ancient beast broke free from the shackles of the chain.


The super-evolutionary big steel snake revealed its true body, the color and curve of the assembly line became more prominent, the metal coating on the surface of the body appeared more dazzling, and seven huge crystals extended from the body, making the already terrifying body even more hideous.

Compared with the previous cumbersomeness, the big steel snake in front of him has become more sleek, like a warrior who has learned magic, and the hexagonal matrix on his body gives a very mysterious feeling.

"The big steel snake is super-evolved, and Minas will suffer."

By coincidence, such thoughts flashed in the minds of players.

After the super-evolution of the big steel snake, not only the racial attributes will be greatly improved, but also a sand power feature will be added, which can increase its rock attribute, steel attribute, and ground attribute moves by 30% in the sand and hail weather. .

"Big steel snake, use sand and hail!"

Sure enough, Xiaogang started to create an advantage for himself, a ferocious sandstorm was blown up, and the big steel snake was like a bath in the environment of flying sand and rocks, becoming more moisturizing.

"Minas, use the water column circle!"

Lin Wen did not choose to replace the elf, but let Minas continue to fight.

Minas rolled up a curtain of water to surround his body. The slowly recovering blood volume was in stark contrast to the blood cutting in the sand and hail weather. Since the opponent summoned the weather, he would not leave his hand, "Begging for rain!"

Over the gymnasium, dark clouds began to cover up, and a light rain began to fall.

Strong wind, rain, flying sand.

The entire Nibi Gym seems to have suffered a terrorist attack by nature and fell into a very strange rival. From time to time, the early rotation has a feeling of doomsday.

Aware of the opponent's fighting intent, Xiaogang showed a smile and launched an attack mercilessly, "Big steel snake, use the landslide!"

The big steel snake roared up to the sky, its mysterious crystal-shaped tail slammed the ground, the rock gym was torn apart, and a very huge stone was provoked by its tail and threw it towards Minas, twenty yards away.


Like a meteor falling from the sky.

The players were stunned for a moment. The power of the big steel snake was too terrifying. This stone covered almost a quarter of the area of ​​the dojo. Coupled with the power and speed contained in it, it was impossible to dodge. Really An ancient beast-like savage attack.

"Minas, smash it with the dragon's tail!"

Lin Wen frowned, there was no way to hide, so Minas could only resist this move.

Minas turned over handsomely, his soft body erupted with tremendous strength, and finally concentrated on the delicate golden tail of the tail, and finally slammed it out like a vine whip.


Huge rock, shattered in response!

Minas' attack is not low, coupled with the ejection effect of the dragon's tail, the attack of the huge rock was instantly resisted by most of it, but such a huge rock still caused a lot of damage to Minas. . . ..

At first, the three skills of the fossilized pterosaur were less than one-third of the super-high armor, but almost half of the blood vessels were knocked out by the attack of the big steel snake, which meant that the attack of the big steel snake was almost Three times as many fossil pterosaurs.

What a terrible injury!

Lin Wen frowned sharply, even if Ye Elf made a move, he might not be able to drop half of Minas' health in seconds. He tentatively realized the horror of the big steel snake, and he immediately woke up.

"Passive defense is not enough in this battle, we must counterattack!"

Lin Wen's eyes flashed a resolute look, allowing Minas to skip the self-medical link at a risk, and use the effect of the begging rain to launch an attack on the big steel snake, "Minas, use a high-pressure water gun!"

"Big steel snake, turn the ball!"

The big steel snake revolved at a high speed, and the six crystal clear lenses and body revolved at a high speed, like a gust of black wind rushing towards Minas, and even the high-pressure water gun could not stop its momentum.

The sudden charge technique made Minas seem a little unprepared, and he was directly hit by a huge stone on the flank. His blood volume was almost bottomed out. At the same time, 4.3 lost the damage reduction effect of multiple scales. .

"Minas, use the healing water flow and self-healing!" Lin Wen was shocked, and immediately let Minas restore his blood. After the super-evolution of the big steel snake, it was a little unreasonable.

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