Chapter three hundred and seventeen the violent Bangira

It's not schadenfreude, but the scene in front of me has never been seen before, and it's still the masterpiece of the gym owner and the heart of Yang Yan, which seems a bit funny.

It can also be seen from the side just how tyrannical the flames of the mutant Alola Nine-Tails are.

"Come out, Minas!"

Lin Wen was also quite ashamed, and quickly asked Minas to help save the scene. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. He said that he couldn't interfere with the house construction and forest grass. Why does the roof burn? Play a card.

After a lot of fuss, the flames on the Nibi gym were stopped, but before the fire was put out, most of the roof had been burned down. After the fire was extinguished, it felt like a bald head. I don’t know how many screenshots were sent to the forum. Laughing and pissing countless players.

Okay, it's kick-ass.

"It's okay, repairs of this level can be restored in three or two days." Xiaogang twitched the corners of his mouth. He also had some responsibility for this accident, and it was not easy to blame the other party. Both were unintentional actions. .

"Continue to fight, the game is not over yet, this is the third game." Lin Wen nodded and cooperated with him to quickly divert everyone's attention.

"In that case - come out, Bangira!" Xiaogang wanted to hold on, as Bangira, as a quasi-god, has the ability to turn things around.


A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Wen's mouth. With the growth of the elf's strength, the quasi-god elf was not a rare commodity in his place. The nine-tailed, leaf elf, and ice elf were all quasi-god elf, and the basic racial values ​​were all Breaking through [-], the potential is much higher than the normal quasi-god.


At this moment, Lin Wen suddenly discovered something very noteworthy.

Xiaogang's Bangira has actually advanced! !



Template: Boss Level

Strength evaluation: dark green

very scary!

It actually has the strength of the dark green level!

Lin Wen was surprised for a while, but he quickly regained his senses. A quasi-god is a quasi-god after all. The higher the level is, the more attributes are compared to the average elf. A super-evolved giant steel snake.

The most terrifying thing is that the suppression effect attached to the quasi-god itself is absolutely deadly to ordinary elves!

All kinds of data show that this will be a fierce battle!

It is no wonder that Xiaogang is still in the mood to continue fighting after three consecutive defeats. The other party wants to use the battle to test how much Bangira has grown.

"Bangira is only a template evolution, and it has increased by nearly three levels. Is it possible?"?"

Lin Wen frowned slightly. He was very impressed by the Bangira in Xiaogang's hand, because in the first Gym Challenge, his most powerful leaf elf was ended in the hand of this Bangira.

At that time, Bangira's data was LV55 elite quasi-god, dark yellow level strength evaluation.

Now Bangira's data is LV58 leader quasi-god, dark green level strength evaluation.

The difference between the front and the back is three tiers, which is almost a total of [-] points. Even if the Bangira one-kick system did not judge it as light green at that time, the attribute gap was at least [-] points. Attributes, where did the other three hundred and fifty attributes come from?

There is no doubt that it is a boss-level skill! !

Lin Wen showed a smile, but after guessing the effect of the opponent's boss-level skills, he finally felt more relieved, but he still couldn't feel relieved, because the huge attribute belt brought all-round growth.

Facts have proved that his idea is correct, the skill that Xiaogang Bangira obtained is the skill that increases his own attributes.

The performance of this skill is extremely stable. Unlike some elf boss-level skills, which only strengthen one skill, the benefits brought by the improvement of all attributes will undoubtedly be much greater, and it will also increase with the improvement of your elf level. There is nothing better than constant enhancement.

"Looks like you already understand something." Xiao Gang looked at Lin Wen's gradually soothing brows, and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

He knew that the elf researcher could see the habits and ability values ​​of the elf through observation, but he could not see through the specific moves and skills, which no one could do at any time, but Yang Yan researcher gave him the feeling of a This kind of immediate sense of sight can only be experienced when you see it through, and a strong self-confidence blows. This battle is already guaranteed.

"Of course, I am also the man who won seven gymnasiums." Lin Wen smiled confidently.


Bangira roared, and the venue suddenly set off a terrifying sand hail, and the quick sand nature swept the world. Combined with the dry drought skills of the nine tails, it left a red mark on the skin.

This quicksand...

Lin Wen frowned slightly, feeling that the shielding effect of the quicksand became stronger.

He stood on the high platform as a Pokémon trainer, and there was a situation where he couldn't see the elf at all. This was when his six-tails evolved into nine-tails and the size increased, and the six-tails before are now even shadows. Can't see, let alone stand in the position of bystanders and calmly command the battle.

On the other hand, on the side of the gym owner, Xiaogang, because of Bangira's huge stature, he could clearly find the location of his elf, and rely on the elf's eyes to launch a precise attack.

The usage of the weather can still be so magical!

(Okay Zhao) It's not about affecting the elves, but focusing on influencing the trainer's judgment!

"Nine tails, use the demonic fox fire!"

Forced helpless, can only seek stability.

The three pale cold flames are extremely conspicuous in the wind and sand, like a flickering indicator light in the night.

At this moment, the earth rumbled loudly, and Bangira rushed towards the direction of the nine tails like a heavy tank.

"Leisure succeeded!"

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