"Ding dong! You used the Fairy Esoteric Learning Machine on Shanaido. Your Shanaido had a flash of inspiration and learned the elf esoteric skill 'Spirit Companion'. This skill will increase with the number of elves present. Only the elf exists, Shanaido's all attributes are increased by 5%, including himself, the maximum increase is 50%."

Such a subtle skill...

Lin Wen thought for a while, and finally came to this answer.

This skill of Fairy Companion will increase its effect with the increase of the number of elves on the field. It can exert the greatest effect in field battles. The increase of 50% of all attributes is enough to crush everything. With the crazy special attack attribute of Shanaido, it can Describe it as an explosion.

But in the regular single game, the effect is only 10%. The effect of this skill is even lower than the improvement brought by the winning badge. It is a bit embarrassing to say that it is a profound skill.

It's really extreme, either strong like a monster or weak like a normal skill.

".々It's better than nothing, just treat it as a surprise."

Lin Wen didn't have too many expressions, but he didn't like this kind of skill with too much contrast, and it was a little difficult to control. Compared with blind power, he preferred the feeling of being in control.

The Goblin's Profound Truth skill was just a small episode, and Lin Wen's thoughts quickly drifted to the Dragon Royal Trial.


The suspended train traveled at a high speed, and the scenery outside the window turned into a palette-like abstract color because of the speed. The final destination of the journey stopped at the west of the Quartz Plateau.

Clear water and long rivers, steep mountains and forests.

The Chengdu area is located in the west. If the Guandu area is a plain, then the Chengdu area is undoubtedly a plateau, and it is also the part that best fits the four characters of quartz plateau.

As soon as you get off the car, Linwen can breathe fresh air that is no less than that of the Guandu area. As the altitude increases, the air becomes thinner, and the air quality (money is good) is further improved, just like adding water to the usual water. Ice cubes, although not everyone likes it, can't deny the thrill of that freshness.

"Chengdu area, here I come!"

Lin Wen's eyes flashed a ray of light. There are many secrets waiting for him to search in this area where he has never logged in. Even if the sphere of influence of the Lingxi Guild is no longer here, he can still break out a piece of his own with the strength of his top Chinese player. world.

Before leaving the Chengdu area, Ling Feng gave him a statistical table of the unions and top players that should be paid attention to in the Chengdu area. Although Lin Wen felt that this was a big fuss, he was careful to drive the ten thousand year ship. a few glances.

(There are only two chapters today, I went to play 'Onmyoji'. If nothing else happens, I will write a new book on Onmyoji. I have always liked this system.).

Chapter [-] was targeted

The Quartz Plateau is very large, and it can be said to be the largest among all the sections of the Elf Century. It is divided into two places. The Guandu area is controlled by the Lingxi Union, which is currently the top trade union in China, and the Chengdu area is controlled by the hell. The fire union, the money hunter union, and the anti-sky dragon union formed a tripartite situation.

Don't think that the three-legged stalemate means that they are weak. On the contrary, this strange state makes the three unions form a perfect competitive relationship. There is a feeling of prosperity. The three together can even hang the consonants who are the top unions. .

It can be seen that no matter where the strength of these three unions is placed, they are all extremely top-notch existences, and they are also called the 'Yu Sanjia' in the city.

Before he came, Ling Feng sent someone very enthusiastically to supplement him with this knowledge, giving him the opportunity to use some means for these hidden competitors.

According to Ling Feng, the president of the Lingxi Trade Union, the Guandu area is only the first step in their ambitions. Although they dare not say that they want to rule the entire Huaxia region, the Quartz Plateau has to let their family alone. As a major shareholder, Lin Wen also has certain obligations.

"It's really troublesome, the union battle..."

Lin Wen sighed helplessly. He never had much interest in this kind of competition, so 877 chose the path of the unrefined player.

But this time, the Dragon Trial left him with no choice, because the Dragon Trial is like the competition in Orudelang City. One is survival-themed, and the rewards aren't much different, just enough to drive anyone crazy.

Therefore, the top players of the 'Yu Sanjia' in the city are here. As the top players in the city, they certainly won't let go of the large-scale events that are held openly by this system.

Lin Wen wanted to make himself stronger for the ownership of his ice elf, and he wanted to achieve a result that could be explained to the top leaders of the alliance in this Royal Dragon Trial.

And that doesn't include (bdaa) him, various top players from other regions.

Both sides have their own reasons, and neither can back down!



growing up!

Lin Wen showed a smile. No one knew more about elf fighting than himself. No matter what top player you were, he couldn't catch his eye. After all, he would be ruled by the elf he cultivated.

"Mom, why is that person smiling..."

"Don't look at those, I'll take you to see the elf."

A pair of mother and son smashed Lin Wen's YY suddenly, which was really unexpected.

"Cough cough!"

Lin Wen coughed twice, lowered his hat, glanced at the map, and immediately moved to the north side, leaving only a passerby-like back in place.

At this moment, outside the suspension terminal of the city, a man wearing a black alliance hat showed a smile, picked up the communicator and said in a low voice: "Boss, the target is already in place, you can start at any time, he should not have noticed us. He doesn't know that anonymity is of no use to us."

"Very good, but don't be impatient. Your mission has been completed. In order to avoid being noticed by him, change to No. [-] for tracking."

There was a deep voice on the opposite side, with a touch of excitement that could not be concealed in the deep voice, "I will send your money immediately, this task is thanks to your help, otherwise we would really not be able to lock this big fish."

In the Chengdu area, Kaji Town is filled with a strange atmosphere. This is the stronghold of the Money Hunter Guild of the three major trade unions in Chengdu.

A man with a scar on his face is holding a communication device and is communicating with the man just now. If anyone can recognize this guy, he will be shocked, because this person is the president of the money hunter union, a real ace hunter. , even the ID is this.

At this time, the Money Hunter Guild was going to attack the Heart of Yang Yan who came to the Chengdu area.

"Don't blame me, blame you for provoking too much hatred and breaking the balance of this area at the same time."

The ace hunter opened his mouth, and an extremely hideous smile appeared on his face. With the transmission of this news, a series of tasks for the Heart of Yang Yan were released.

They don't need to fight Yang Yan's heart, they just need to make the other party unable to catch up with the Royal Dragon Trial three days later. If it is only this level, this task is actually not difficult, especially when it comes to making money for black hands In the hands of the hunter's union.


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