Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Wen has successfully ridden on Ye Elf's back, but even if he succeeds, it is still dangerous. .

Chapter [-] The sturdy Shanaido

The range of the ice elf's extreme ice barrier is not large, and the ability of a single elf is limited, but it only resists some of the skills of the other elf.

Among them, there are still many skills that pass through the bunker and gallop in the direction of Lin Wen, especially the trajectory with a slightly curved trajectory, which is like a small fully automatic tracking missile.

To suffer!

about to hit!

Faced with several tracking-type skills, Lin Wen's expression did not change, but he lowered his body slightly, leaving the difficult opponent to his trusted partner.


The moment Ye Elf was collided by the high-speed stars, he let out a sharp cry, and a huge light burst out from his body. Almost instantly, the surrounding skills were directly offset by the fierce force, and even bounced out.

It was as if an invisible shield suddenly appeared beside Ye Elf, protecting himself, including Lin Wen, in it.

At the moment when its owner suffered a life-and-death crisis, it did not hesitate to expose its trump card.

That is the quasi-god-level skill of Ye Elf LV25, counterattacking and roaring.

"Nice job!"

Lin Wen showed a smile. He knew that Ye Elf would not let him down, and the counterattack roar was a little trick for Ye Elf to divide.

It’s just that the counter roar has a very special mechanical effect. It can only be used when the opponent causes damage to itself. However, even so, it can directly cancel the special effect of the opponent’s skills, and it is still a perfect countermeasure like a panacea. .

"Let's launch a counterattack, it's time to let them know what kind of opponents they are provoking!" After Lin Wen escaped danger, he immediately took Ye Elf to start a counterattack.

Leaf Elf, Ice Elf, and Alola Fire Nine-Tails stood in a stable triangular formation, driving out all opponents and establishing their own perfect defensive territory.

"They are concentrated, attack!"

The members of the Hunters Guild were not stupid and were not deceived by Lin Wen's tactics. At this time, their team members surrounded the opponent with a distance of five or six meters. In addition, the venue was spacious, and even if they directly used non-pointing skills, they would not hurt the allies.

The stupid thing of the friendly siege will not happen to their elites.


Lin Wen's eyes narrowed. He didn't panic when the little trick was seen, but became even more excited, because the stronger the opponent, it proved that the battle would provide him with more experience points, whether it was tactical experience or elf's. The experience is simply perfect.

Just treat it as a delicious dessert before the Royal Dragon Trial!

"Ice Elf, Extreme Ice Barrier!!"

Lin Wen let out a roar, and the ice elf roared violently at the thought of its square shape, and the powerful frost and ice instantly condensed, forming an invincible protective net around them, banishing all the opponent's attacks.

"It's not over yet, Ye Elf, Seed Bomb!!"

Ye Elf flickered brightly and understood the thoughts of his companions. The seed bomb has its own projectile function. Even if it is blocked by a polar ice barrier, it will not affect the normal use of the skill. This is a low-slope anti-aircraft gun-like tactic.

"Keep attacking, the ice wall can only last for five seconds!!" The man on the blood wing dragon calmly commanded.

Boom boom boom!

All the skills outside hit the ice wall.

At the same time, Ye Elf started the horn of the counterattack, and densely packed giant seeds formed around it, three times more than the number during the battle in the gym.

Then, blast away!

rub rub!

The black light and shadow attracted the attention of the players outside.

"what is that?"

"Some serious, like melon seeds, but it looks a little (bdbd) big."

"Don't be kidding, how come melon seeds suddenly appeared? And there are so many, so there's no bug, right?"

"Shit! It's a seed bomb, hurry up!"

Hearing that sentence, the villain players outside were immediately stunned.


How to hide?

I said densely before, that is not a description, but there are really so many, especially on such a high platform, where there is a cliff outside, no matter where you go, there is a dead end.

Boom boom boom!

A screen of experience.

Ye Elf exploded output, and actually gave the opponent a second!

Lin Wen's side instantly had an explosive advantage, and the originally unstable balance immediately tilted towards him.


At the same time, looking at the battlefield in the rear, Shanaido, who used teleportation to make a surprise attack, also established a considerable advantage.

Shanaido, who has reached LV39 now, can fight against these elite-level elves, even if the opponent's level is much higher than himself, he can easily rely on multiple magic leaves or a moon explosion in the state of meditation and blessing, and directly kill the opponent. Take it back to the cemetery and rest for a long time by the way.

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