Lin Wen showed a gratified smile. Although it was a bit regretful, it was a good gain to see Shanaido's kind side.

At this moment, the humming of the helicopter's wings suddenly sounded in the distance, and there were also sirens below. Originally, the bus was robbed by Linwen, and the call was made in advance. Now more than half an hour has passed. Center, it's almost time to come.

Just lucky, otherwise I don't know how long I would have to wait.

After handing over the formalities and accepting the thanks from the investigators in the Chengdu area, Lin Wen took back all the elves except Ye Elf, and rode the Ye Elf alone towards Yanmo City.

The speed of Lin Wen riding Ye Elf is not much slower than that of express trains. Originally, he did not want Ye Elf to be tired out of good intentions. After all, the distance between cities is not very close. As a modern person, he must think of normal and comfortable transportation. Tools, who would know that this kind of thing would happen, it really is that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, and they will be targeted everywhere.

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years.

Lin Wen said that he would never use any means of transportation other than high-speed trains and planes that could never be replaced. He even had the idea of ​​finding a dragon-type mount in the Dragon Cave. The word dragon has always been an artifact. .

Chapter [-] Black Driver Incident

Hurrying on the road is undoubtedly boring. In the next time, Lin Wen logged into the official website from the system panel after indicating the direction to Ye Elf.

What surprised him a little was that this black car incident was directly posted on the official website by those passengers, and many people in other areas complained and filed lawsuits. And the organization that complained, launched a protest against Galaxy Brain and the national forces behind it.

The frequent occurrence of black car drivers has seriously affected the game experience, and the ALICE friends are angry! !

There are various game experiences, and not everyone will focus on game matters, especially those 'players' in their [-]s and [-]s. After all, they enter the virtual world just to experience the "sixty-eighty" step of technology. The novelty and the shocking feeling of the game helmet.

There are many things that can be done in Elf Century. You can directly enter the game for vacation after work and vacation. Any place you go to is a natural and beautiful tourist attraction.

Galaxy Zhinao is worthy of the world's top intelligent AI. The virtual world it plans not only satisfies gamers, but also satisfies mentally exhausted office workers. It builds a near-perfect world with quantum computing-level computing machines.

However, now this kind of casual player's gameplay has been targeted by gamers, and it is not safe to ride in a car.

This is not only the case in the Huaxia District, but also the players in the foreign district. This is a completely bad case.

At first, the backstage staff didn’t pay attention, and the same goes for Galaxy Brain. After all, the chaos of the villain organization is also a part of the game. If you are unhappy, you don’t play, but the point is that most of the players who suffer are ordinary leisure travel players. In fact, this has deviated from them. desired goal.

This is the first time that such a large-scale online virtual game has been constructed, and problems are inevitable.

In order to show their 'sincerity', office workers in other regions began to have large-scale strikes, and now the state forces in various regions began to panic.

These office workers are not easily fooled by the law, especially casual players in Europe and the United States. They love to do this trick. They march and demonstrate at every turn, just like playing. Once they succeed, their rights and interests can be guaranteed, even if they fail. Take a walk to keep fit.

No wonder it is said that the capitalist square dance is a demonstration, and it really is magical.

You North American players are really good enough to play.

The protest continued for a week before adjustments were made. First of all, there will be two types of shuttle buses. One is the tourist shuttle bus with Galaxy Brain Protection, which can only be trained with an average level of elf lower than [-]. The safety performance of this type of car is perfectly guaranteed, that is, the legendary invincible mode that is not disturbed by any elf, which can be regarded as a protective measure for later players.

The other is for high-end players to ride other vehicles that are faster but have safety hazards. This chaos mechanism has not been removed, but it has slightly weakened the objects that the villain players can shoot.

There is no maintenance in this emergency update, only a little maintenance is done, that is, the invincible cover is directly placed on the qualified vehicles to avoid the continued occurrence of bad events.


However, that only happened a week later. There is still no final conclusion. The forum is in a state of dire straits. Not only ALICE friends but also some gamers have begun to protest, and the number has directly exceeded the level of [-] million. The most terrifying human collective protest event.

If you just look at the excitement, it’s fine. After all, the formation of the virtual world system has already impacted Microsoft’s client structure. At the beginning, the economic system of the American Empire was about to explode, and Wall Street’s stocks fell directly from [-] million to [-] million. Comparable to the disaster storm on Friday.

But now, the name of Heart of Yang Yan has also been proposed by some thoughtful sunspots.

This attack was originally aimed at him, but it was just grafted onto someone else. It was simply a disaster. The root cause of everything was him.  …

The Heart of Yang Yan had just been in the limelight a few days ago, and now he ran out into the show again, it was inevitable that he would be condemned by some brainless trolls. These guys who were more beasts than dogs barked wildly, and the rhythm of the rhythm was really good. Compared with a wave, I am not afraid to die on the beach.

The point is that what these sunspots said really has some truth. The old way of public opinion operation experience is comparable to the old driver's S-shaped lane turning without deceleration. Some ignorant players began to follow the focus fire output.

At this time, Yang Yan fans also became angry, and began to fight back, from the incident of the black driver to the war of brute force.

No matter how awesome the heart of Yang Yan is, he is just a player, and no matter how many fans there are, he can't match the real Internet army.

Public opinion is terrifying, and the Internet is a magical place that can go on indefinitely just by breaking through. The forum that was once in dire straits has become an Asura hell.

Lin Wen looked at the headache, and was extremely upset. He didn't explain much, and directly threw out the video of his battle as evidence of his innocence. He even fought for his life in this battle, and most of the villain players were killed. When it comes to sanctions, it can be said that it has helped these casual players who have suffered from evil, and they are bitten back by others who are deliberately taking advantage of them. How can they not be angry.

At this time, Lin Wenzuo 0.5 was the major shareholder of the Lingxi trade union. He didn't regard money as money for a long time. He had the recording function on [-] hours a day. I took a selfie with the album, but I didn't expect it to be unintentional. The self-recording protected his rights and interests like a dash cam, and became the best proof of hitting the other side in the face.

Yang Yan, who has not seen him for a long time, made an extraordinary move. The video hits exceeded [-] million views within half a minute, and once again broke the record for the fastest video with [-] million views.


(Today I went to a meeting that was a pain in the ass, but I had a lot of time to write things at night. There are only two shifts left. I will ask for leave tomorrow to make up for the two shifts I owe a few days ago. jumped.).

Chapter [-] Professionalism

Lin Wen's video is completely from a first-person perspective. In addition, it was released temporarily, and there was not enough time to edit it. At first, Lin Wen thought that the quality would be affected, but what happened next was completely beyond his expectations.

This first-person perspective can be said to be perfect and also change the truth of the scene. Whether it is what Yang Yanzhi has seen or heard, or the next actions are all shown in the most objective way, it can be said that it is stripped off for others to evaluate.

However, whether it was the initial guess of getting out of the car or the vigilance of releasing the ice elf, they all reflected the literacy of Yang Yanxin as a top player. At first, some people wondered whether Yang Yanxin was too vigilant, just like the paranoia of being murdered. Like the patient, when the black car driver took off the mask, in front of the screen... oh no, the friends who used the virtual helmet to watch in all directions from the perspective of God were stunned.

"Nima, God Yang Yan is really a god not to be a detective!"

"Mama asked me why I had to kneel to watch the video series when I entered the virtual world."

"You can tell it's a black car? Especially the action of summoning the ice elf to be vigilant, it is almost as handsome as Sherlock Holmes!"


"Isn't this a farce directed and acted by the heart of Yang Yan? It's impossible for people to be so smart!"

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