
Shanai Duo's predicted danger was triggered, and the protector moved to Lin Wen's side instantly. The super shield that spread along with the surrounding rocks was crushed by the strength of the shield, but this was not the case. It can block this attack, because this Pokémon has a feature called 'penetration', ignoring all shield-type defenses.

It's a rock monster!

When Lin Wen was blasted out, he finally saw the true face of the Pokémon, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he sighed that his luck was really bad.

The cute night cat exclaimed, was held in hand and followed the gun, and the two fell towards the cave behind.

Seeing that her master was attacked, Shanaido's original red eyes burst into a piercing light, and when she was in a state of rage, she directly triggered the super power 3.1 runaway, and her mental power broke through the thousand mark in an instant. The weird elf Huayan who shot just now The blame was directly seconds.

"Master Yang Yan!"

Shanaido didn't even care about the life and death of the elf, and also jumped towards the bottom.

Above the originally noisy tuyere, it suddenly became quiet.

It didn't take long for a green figure to appear where Shanaido and Lin Wen were standing just now. It was Ye Elf. It tilted its neck in confusion, and the smell of its owner was broken here, as if it was out of thin air. disappeared like.

In the end, Ye Elf took a few more steps forward and came to the abyss-like hole on the edge of the air vent, with deep and solid golden eyes. .

Chapter three hundred and forty-six dragon cave fourth floor

There are many theories about the origin of the dragon cave, including the well-known congenital theory, which refers to the fact that the dragon cave existed in the elf world a long time ago. This state was formed, and there are many mysterious terrains that cannot be explained by science.

For example, the water curtain cave under the wind cave.

The fourth floor of the Dragon Cave is a super-dangerous field that no one has ever resisted.


Fall from the sky.

Lin Wen and Duomeng Night Cat fell into a water curtain cave. The huge waves rolled up high and fell heavily. The surrounding rocks were completely wet, and the four quiet underground floors finally came after many years. new visitor.

Falling from the sky and the turbulent undercurrent at the bottom of the lake swept Lin Wen and the cute night cat into it. There was a bottomless feeling that the whole sea was connected to the outside!

The sudden impact made the two completely lose their sense of direction. The long-term suffocation at high altitude and falling into the water made the cute night cat directly lose consciousness. Lin Wen kept surging in the water. Only the physical strength value survived, otherwise the two would definitely be sentenced to death at the same time, and then sent back to their hometown.

On the other side, the cute night cat is still gulping water.

When Lin Wen returned to his senses, the first thing that came to his mind was to save people. He found Xiao Ye Mao, grabbed her hand, and dragged her tightly into his arms. Looking around, there was a dark space everywhere, and there was no light at all. Underwater is even scarier than a maze.

When the whole army was fired, Lin Wen thought of Minas, who could move freely in the water, and immediately summoned it.

Minas just came out and didn't seem to understand the situation. Lin Wen desperately used his body language to dance, and the other party barely understood what he meant and brought the two of them ashore.

"This Nima is more exciting than a roller coaster!"

This was Lin Wen's first sentence after he came out of the water. He suddenly hated the realism of Yinhe Brain.

Looking back at his companion, the cute night cat did not wake up because of this.

"Coma judgment?"

Lin Wen's brain was suffering from lack of oxygen, but he still did not lose his judgment. He looked at the wet little night cat and said this sentence.

Characters in the game who fall into a coma and lose consciousness will not immediately die or go offline, but a [-]-second timing judgment will appear. It is a security setting for players to be prohibited from logging in for hours.

However, the offline of the cute night cat at this time undoubtedly means failure. It is a pity to give up directly after finally reaching such a deep place.

"Little night cat?"

Lin Wen patted the other's tender face, but his eyes were focused on those thin cherry lips. Like most people, his first reaction in this situation was artificial respiration.

Want to try it?

The latter pondered for less than three seconds, then started to dry.

It's just a game anyway. If the other party can wake up, he will thank him. If he fails, the other party will only go offline. No matter which option he chooses, he will not lose.

"It's right to do my best for my teammates, just call me brother Lei Feng in the future."

Lin Wen took a deep breath. He used to work part-time as a lifeguard at the beach and learned this method of first aid for drowning, but he didn't expect to use things in reality in games, but life always surprises people.

once...twice...three times...

"Cough, cough, cough!"

It didn't take long for the little night cat's body to respond, a rapid cough and spit out some water, and his consciousness gradually returned to the game.

It actually worked! ?

Lin Wen was a little stunned. He just had the mentality of giving it a try. Who knows if it really works. It seems that it is necessary to learn some new things in the future.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Wen asked with concern, but the first sentence the other party said made him panic.

"Thank you, Brother Lei Feng, you are very skilled..."

The cute night cat threw a weird look here, remembering what happened just now.


Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then he showed a wry smile and asked, "You pretended?"

"certainly not!"

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