Lin Wen had this thought in his heart, but it was temporarily suppressed in his heart. Now the enemy is in the open, and I am in the dark, not to mention that since the Shadow Team dared to come here to fight the huge fast dragon, if there is no safe preparation, then It is absolutely impossible.

So, it's better to see their backhand before making plans!

Appearing as a surprise soldier is always much stronger than a frontal battle!

The cute night cat beside him obviously also wanted to take action, but after seeing Lin Wen shaking his head, he had to force himself to suppress the idea of ​​taking action.


After the Shadow Team and his party watched the huge fast dragon fall to the ground, the corners of the dead gold old man's mouth couldn't help curling up.

"Everything recorded in that history book is true, there really is such a powerful elves here!" he said in his heart, while looking at the huge fast dragon: "If such a powerful elves can be used by me, then I Who else can the Shadow Team be an enemy in the Elf World? The Elf Alliance is also weaker!"

The heart of the dead gold old man is getting more and more excited, but his face is calm.


At this moment, the huge fast dragon said.

"It can actually speak!" The old man of death gold became more excited and shocked, and his wisdom and language showed the strength of the other party.

"What are you doing?" The huge fast dragon glanced at the dilapidated environment: "Why destroy the environment of the Dragon Sanctuary!"

The dead gold old man didn't answer, just looked at the huge fast dragon, not knowing what he was thinking.

The eyes of the giant fast dragon narrowed, and the voice was very loud: "No matter what purpose you came to the Dragon Sanctuary for, but now, leave here immediately! I can pretend that none of this happened!"

"This is the sanctuary of dragons, the paradise of dragon elves, and human beings are not welcome!"

Finally, at this moment, the old man Dijin said: "Your Excellency Kuailong, we are just here to visit you, and have no other intentions."

The huge fast dragon roared angrily: "I said, humans are not welcome here! Leave the Dragon Sanctuary!"

The huge fast dragon was scolding, and suddenly noticed the shadow team's side, because its arrival has stopped the destruction of several dark elves, flame chickens, night giants, emperor 640 tooth sea lions and so on...

Then look at the surrounding environment has become a hellish landscape.

"This is?"

Kuailong's black pupils shrank slightly, and then, a thunderous roar spread throughout the entire Dragon Sanctuary!

Countless playful dragon-type elves looked sideways, and looked at the direction of the giant fast dragon with puzzled eyes.

"You actually do this kind of thing to the elves and our Sanctuary!" The giant fast dragon said angrily: "This is simply unforgivable!"

The huge fast dragon obviously saw the current situation of the dark elves!

After being baptized by the dark ball, the elves will become very cruel and ferocious. Although they still obey the trainer's instructions, their behaviors are very different from before. Even elves can't even be called elves. Call them beasts who only know how to fight!

Lin Wen hid in the hillside. Seeing this scene, he hated Team Shadow's actions in his heart.

Compared with the once innocent elf, it has completely changed its appearance.

The huge fast dragon was so angry, he obviously saw the changes of these dark elves. .

Chapter [-] The Dragon Crisis

"Unforgivable! It's unforgivable! You humans treat us elves like this, have you forgotten all the promises we once made!?"

The anger of the giant fast dragons is constantly escalating. Although each fast dragon has a lazy temperament, it is peace-loving. To do this kind of thing to the elves, deprive them of their will and personality and turn them into tools of war, it seems that there is no way to do it. Forgive, must be severely punished!

The dead gold old man turned a blind eye to the anger of the huge fast dragon, but showed a slightly puzzled look.


The members of the Shadow Team on the side heard the words and asked, "Lord Commander, what's the matter?"

The dead gold old man frowned, looked at the huge fast dragon in anger, and responded, "What is this fast dragon worried about? Why hasn't it shot us directly and drove us all out?"

Lin Wen, who was hiding on one side, also saw that something was wrong. He could feel the anger of the giant fast dragon, and the strength of the giant fast dragon was strong. Normally, the Shadow Team and his party made such an unforgivable act. The matter, and it was known by the giant fast dragon, it should definitely teach a lesson!

But now, the giant fast dragon seems to be worried about something, even if it is furious, it still does not take action against the shadow team, just warning and warning, trying to avoid the occurrence of battle as much as possible.

Lin Wen's eyes focused on the confrontation between the Shadow Team and the giant fast dragon, and his eyes suddenly turned around!

I saw a small elf that should not exist in the Dragon Sanctuary flapping its wings and flying towards the direction of the shadow team.

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed: "That's... a Boeing bat! This is the Pokémon of the dead gold old man, what is it doing?"

The giant fast dragon also discovered the existence of the Boeing bat, but still did not take action against the shadow team.

The Boeing bat fluttered its wings and soon came to the side of the dead gold old man. It seemed to be communicating with the dead gold old man in a strange way.After the exchange, the eyes of the dead gold old man became brighter and brighter, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became thicker and thicker.

"I see...Is it the stage of hatching and protecting dragon eggs? No wonder, no wonder there is no battle with us¨". "The dead gold old man said in his heart.

He looked at the huge fast dragon and said loudly: "Your Excellency Fast Dragon, we will leave the Dragon Sanctuary now, please rest assured."

From Lin Wen's point of view, the giant fast dragon seemed to be relieved, which made him even more puzzled.

After hearing the voice of the dead gold old man, the huge fast dragon said: "Yes, leave the Dragon Sanctuary!"

The team of Shadow Team seemed to be really ready to leave, they put away the three elves outside, turned around, and took a few steps back, as did the members of the Shadow Team.

Lin Wen's heart suddenly lifted. He didn't believe that the Shadow Team would just give up after preparing for such a long time. There must be something tricky about it!

as predicted!

Just when the Shadow Team turned back and the giant fast dragon relaxed its vigilance, the Shadow Team suddenly turned around!

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