Long Aotian glanced at the two of them, and then said: "You all know that the heart of Yang Yan has now obtained the first lord-level elf in the elf century, and his strength has greatly increased, and his original strength will exceed most of us. If you cultivate lord-level elves again, I am afraid that there will be no rivals, according to your opinion, what should we do?"

"What should I do?" Scarface ace hunter sneered: "Of course, before he leaves the Dragon Cave, get rid of him!"

Nirvana couldn't help but sarcastically said: "How to solve it? Can you defeat the heart of Yang Yan?".

Chapter [-]: Lin Wen's Worries

"Do you think my money hunters are all your hellfire waste?" The ace hunter snorted coldly.

"Haha." Nirvana yin and yang said strangely: "It's really not as good as our hellfire. After all, the members of the money hunter can't steal chickens and lose rice."

"You're not finished, aren't you! If the Heart of Yang Yan hadn't come to Chengdu, I would have extinguished your hellfire sooner or later!" the ace hunter said angrily.

"I'm still afraid you won't succeed?"

"Okay!" Long Aotian had a headache and shouted, finally stopping the quarrel between the two.

He frowned: "The three of us are here now, to unite against the heart of Yang Yan, not to let you bang in the nest!"

"Heart of Yang Yan's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and even faintly has the posture of the first person in the game. We couldn't control it when he was not in our urban area before, but since he came to our area, we should let him understand. , who is the boss here!"

"Come to our site and take away the lord-level elves that originally belonged to us. What are you kidding?"

He turned around and looked at the ace hunter: "Hunter, you just said to solve the heart of Yang Yan, do you have any detailed plans?"

The Gold Medal Hunter nodded and temporarily calmed down his anger.

He and Nirvana were old rivals for many years, and they couldn't help but sneer at each other every time they met.


"I have the snatch ball that I acquired some time ago. Maybe our personal strength is not as strong as the heart of Yang Yan, but we have a huge guild."

"Just our money hunters, in this dragon cave, there are three teams, nearly [-] people!"

"No matter how strong his heart of Yang Yan is, he is still only one person after all, and there is no way to go against the sky. I have already thought about it. Since the three of us are gathered here, we will temporarily reach a short-term agreement to deal with Yang Yan together. Heart, grab his lord-level elf!"

"This Dragon Cave is a special map. Even if you use the snatch ball, it will not reduce the reputation and other values. If possible, you can even grab his other Pokémon!"

"You must know that every elf in the Heart of Yang Yan is a fine product!"

"As for who the lord-level elf will spend in the end, it depends on their own means."

Hearing this, Long Aotian nodded and looked at Nirvana: "Nirvana, do you have any opinion on the proposal the hunter said?"

"No." Nirvana said solemnly: "Although the little hunter is usually quite stupid, this plan is not bad. Since we have a guild, we must give full play to the power of the guild."

"Hey, who the hell are you calling stupid?" Scar's face became anxious and angrily said.

Nirvana squinted at him: "What about you, stupid."

Long Aotian looked at this scene helplessly, sighed with his forehead, and had to say: "Then follow the hunter's plan, the heart of Yang Yan is still in the dragon cave, and instruct the team members to pay attention, if they find it. The existence of the Heart of Yang Yan, contact the other two guilds, and let's deal with him together!"

He glanced at the two of them: "Remember! No matter what grudges you have between you, but we are a guild in the Chengdu area, how can we let an outsider take away the greatest benefits?"

After that, Long Aotian turned around neatly and left here.

Nirvana and Gold Medal Hunter looked at each other angrily, snorted coldly, and left here one after another.


Lin Wen had never known that the three major guilds in the Chengdu area had gathered together and were ready to attack him.

Of course... if he knew, he would probably only sigh with emotion, so it turns out that my brother is so powerful now that the three major guilds have to join forces to deal with it.

At this time, he was completely immersed in the fun of upgrading the mini-dragon, because the elf attribute improvement of the lord-level template was too sturdy, and it didn't take long for him to fight with those high-level elves in the dragon cave.

"Ding Dong, the level of your Pokémon mini-dragon has been raised to Lv22, and you will get 35 points of fixed attributes and 3 points of effort."

"Ding Dong, because of your talent 'Jirachi's Blessing', the mini-dragon has gained 1 additional free attribute."

Since the experience value of the quasi-god has not been reduced, the mini-dragon's level is still very fast at this time.

For other Pokémon to upgrade their levels, the route is very smooth, at most they only rise all the way, but for Mini Dragons, it is a steep rise!

A level 1 mini-dragon may only be able to fight with a low-level template dragon-type elves of level 5.6, but when it rises to level 7.8, it can start to fight over ten levels. The gap is not too amazing!

The elves of the elite template can get 2-5 points of fixed attributes for each level up, while the elves of the lord template can get 5-15 points!

Coupled with Lin Wen's high strength and luck, the attribute points obtained by the mini-dragon after each level up are basically capped, and at most they only hover around the three numbers of 13.14.15.

Lin Wen also has skills such as Kirachi's blessing and elite growth, which can add up to a total of 3 additional attributes! .

The most important thing is that it may be because of the power that the giant fast dragon instilled into the dragon egg before falling asleep. Among the skills of the mini dragon itself, there is also the existence of a sky-defying skill!

Dragon's Memory: The memory inherited from the giant fast dragon, the successor of the mini dragon, the owner has a very high growth talent, and each time you upgrade, you will get an additional 3 points of fixed attributes.Each evolution will gain two new bonus skills.

From level 1 to level 22, the attribute points obtained by the mini-dragon added up to a terrifying 756 points, which, on average, was a change in the strength of three color levels.

If you are fighting against an elite-level elf with normal development, the mini-dragon can already fight across the gap of thirty to forty levels!


And all this, but also through the skill bonus of Lin Wen.

Elf control, and the power of the head!

Until now, the miniature dragon's attribute panel has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the previous level.

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