Not to mention a siege!

Nian Meilong completely relied on his belief in the heirs, forced the opening of the reverse scale, and made a final fight, but he was directly exhausted and lost consciousness. .

Chapter [-] Accident

Seeing Nian Meilong falling to the ground, the cute night cat who ran ahead with the elf egg hurriedly ran back, looked at Lin Wen and said, "Brother Yangyan, you are really amazing, a quasi-god-level elf can also defeat ."

She was far away, and did not observe all the details like Lin Wen, who fought personally, so she did not feel as much as Lin Wen.

Lin Wen hummed softly, his interest was not high, and the feelings between the elves moved him: "Little Night Cat, you can subdue it, remember to take good care of it and its children after subduing it."

The cute night cat doesn't know why, but she treats the elf very well, so she didn't ask more, but asked: "Brother Yang Yan, won't you subdue it? This is a quasi-god elf. It is very helpful for the improvement of strength. big."

Lin Wen shook his head: "The cultivation of quasi-god elves is too slow. I already have quasi-god elves, and there are more than one. I need to cultivate them carefully, and I am not ready to find new partners."

Hearing what Lin Wen said, the cute night cat was ready to accept it.

Then, the cute night cat threw the Poké Ball!

The Poké Ball touched Nianmeilong's body, and with a flash of red light, it was retracted into the middle.

630 Ding Ding Ding

The cute night cat looked at the Poké Ball nervously, for fear of failing to capture it.

of course.

Maybe it was because Nianmeilong was completely exhausted and had no energy to resist. After only three or four flashes, the Poke Ball successfully caught Nianmeilong.

The cute night cat held the egg in one hand, ran over to pick up the Poké Ball, and shouted excitedly, "I've conquered the quasi-god elf!"

Lin Wen looked at this scene with a smile, thinking of the previous scene of fighting Nianmeilong, he instructed again: "Be sure to treat them both mother and son well."

"Yeah, Brother Yang Yan, I will, thank you!" Duomeng Ye Mao agreed, with unstoppable excitement and happiness in his tone, and walked back to Lin's tattoo.

Looking at her bright smile, Lin Wen couldn't help showing a smile on his face. He touched her head as if he was dealing with his own sister. The softness of the hair was passed from his fingers, which made him relax a lot.

"Okay, there are also dragon eggs. You also caught the quasi-god elf. This time the harvest is very big, but it's time for (biea) to leave here first."

"There are still a few days for the Royal Dragon Trial. In the remaining few days, hurry up and level up the elves." Lin Wen turned around and walked towards the passage when he came.

Suddenly, a shout came from behind him.

"Brother Yang Yan, wait."

Lin Wen turned his head: "What's wrong?"

The cute night cat trotted over holding the elf egg and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang Yan, put your ear close, I want to whisper to you."

Lin Wen blinked, looked around again, and said helplessly, "There's no one else here, just say it directly, and what a whisper."

The cute night cat pouted: "No, put your ears close."

"Okay." Lin Wen agreed, then leaned down slightly and put his ear to him, ready to hear what the girl was going to say.

Unexpectedly, just as he leaned over, he felt his cheeks get cold, and a slightly cold touch came along with the sound of 'muma'.


When he reacted, Xiao Ye Mao had already run into the passage, and her silver bell-like voice came: "Brother Yang Yan, thank you for helping me catch the quasi-god spirit, this is a reward for thanking you!"

Lin Wen stretched out his hand and touched the place where the cute night cat had kissed. Looking at the little night cat's back, he suddenly smiled and shook his head helplessly.

"It's really a little girl..."

He took a few quick steps and entered the passage.

It is estimated that this little girl was also shy after kissing him. As soon as Lin Wen entered the passage, he was stunned that he didn't see her figure, so he should have run to the front.

This makes Lin Wen a little dumbfounded. You can't pass through the lake yourself, and you can run so fast, don't you still have to wait for me?

So... Lin Wen walked slowly along the passage.

After walking a distance of tens of meters, under the light of Shanaido's flashing technique, Lin Wen saw the cute little girl standing at the entrance of the cave, looking at the lake with a look of disappointment.

Her complexion was very ruddy, like a red apple. She didn't know if she was shy, or if she was panting after running. She probably realized what a shame she had done just now.

There is nothing more obvious than a girl taking the initiative to kiss a boy.

Although Lin Wen himself did not take this little girl in his heart, Lin Qi with multiple fiancée attributes was enough to give him a headache, and one more day was not afraid, plus the ghostly little night cat. Life turned upside down.

Seeing the ruddy face of the cute night cat, Lin Wen couldn't help laughing and said, "Little night cat, why didn't you run away?"

When the cute night cat heard the words, he lowered his head slightly, did not speak, and was a little hesitant in his heart.

Although she is usually carefree, most of the little girls her age have similar personalities. They are carefree on the outside, but they are actually very slender and shy on the inside.

And this time, because the quasi-god-level Nianmei dragon was successfully captured, and even its offspring dragon eggs were harvested, it can be said that two quasi-god-level elves were harvested in one fell swoop. After being pleasantly surprised, he made the move just now!

You must know that this is a boss-level quasi-god elf, as far as the cute night cat knows, in the entire elf century, the current player's obtained boss-level quasi-god elf will never exceed an index.

The most famous one was being by her side at this time, helping her catch Nian Meilong's heart of Yang Yan.

In addition, almost no player has a boss-level quasi-god elf!

But now, she also has a leader-level quasi-god elf!

Still two!

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