Lao Tzu is the president of Hellfire, one of the three major guilds in the Chengdu area!How dare you say that to me, do you want to mess up? .

Chapter four hundred and ninth the wronged dragon proud of the world

Although I did lose to the Heart of Yang Yan, but...but...

Nirvana thought of this, and suddenly found that he had nothing to say.

Because, if sixty people besiege one person, if it succeeds, then this matter is a stain at best, but if it fails, this matter is ~ a shame!

And they, the Hell Society Guild, are now all members of the - bearing this shame!

Nirvana, who wanted to refute the players around him at first, suddenly lost the courage to open his mouth. He took his own team members and walked to the side, to the side of the Money Hunter Guild.

In the past, he and the ace hunter were mortal enemies, the kind who would go to work as soon as they disagreed, but at this moment, Nirvana only felt that the ace hunter was incomparably kind. After all, the two were brothers and sisters!

Nirvana bite the bullet, facing the contempt of the players, and came to the side of the ace hunter.

The ace hunter immediately gave him a sympathetic look.

Seeing this look, Nirvana originally wanted to scold the ace hunter, but when he thought of what the two of them were experiencing now, he suddenly sighed and didn't say anything.

The ace hunter listened to the foul language and smiled bitterly: "This somersault of us can be regarded as a complete set!"

He paused for a while, and there was an indescribable bitterness in his tone: "Before I came out of the Dragon Cave, I heard the report from my subordinates, and I didn't care, but looking at it now, the scene is far more complicated than we imagined."

Players have never been short of topics, and their performance in Dragon Cave is enough to make those who want to hype it black for a year, and even shutting down the server can't erase this black spot.

Nirvana nodded, and his face was also very miserable: "That's right... Our reputation has been completely ruined this time."

"Speaking of which, we can be considered lucky." Nirvana said with a wry smile: "The incident in the Dragon Cave this time, because of the live broadcast of the player forum, almost everyone knows about it, and every player is aware of this matter. , If it's normal, I'm afraid that the two of us plus Longao Tianxia will be famous all over the world."

"Unfortunately..." Nirvana closed his eyes painfully: "Yang Yan's heart belongs to him. We counted everything and tried everything, but we didn't expect the most impossible places to become possible."

"But who knows, the Heart of Yang Yan... There is actually a person who can face the combat power of a group of players! And it is also the top combat power of our union!"

"One wrong step, one wrong step!"

In the end, everything turned into a long sigh.


Ace Hunter looked at Nirvana, only to think that the face of this nemesis was not so abhorrent: "Yeah, one wrong step, one wrong step, and the whole game is lost."

He listened to the discussions of the surrounding players, shook his head and said, "Look, what do you say about us now? The three weakest guilds in the city! I didn't expect us to have today."

At this moment, there was a louder noise around the entrance of the Dragon Cave not far away.

Ace Hunter and Nirvana immediately turned their heads and looked over.

I saw a pair of uniformly dressed teams walking out of the Dragon Cave exit.

Heaven-defying Dragon Clan!

The usual Heaven-defying Dragon Clan, because of the influence of Long Ao Tian, ​​are very proud and imposing!

But... the members of the Heaven-Defying Dragon Clan at this time seemed to have no energy, and they were all downcast. After coming out of the Dragon Cave, they wanted to find a corner to lean on.

The players onlookers will not let go of the Heaven-Defying Dragon Clan because of this.

The bursts of discussion came into Long Aotian's ears, making his face turn blue and white.

"It's the Heaven-Defying Dragon Clan! The three weakest guilds are all together!"

"Let me tell you, this time the three weakest guilds were overrun by Yang Yan alone. It is said that they all spread to the servers of other countries. It can be said that it was a shame and they were thrown abroad!"

"I heard that Long Aotian has a Pokémon in the bottom of the box, why is it so bad?"

"The Pokémon at the bottom of the box? Compared with the Lord-level Harkron, they are all scum, and they are all scum!"

"It's not easy to become a guild recognized by all players, but the Heaven Defying Dragons, Hellfire, and Money Hunters have done it! All players agree that they are the weakest guild in the entire server!"

"666, you're right!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

Long Aotian is usually a very arrogant person. In fact, all his experiences are enough to make him bear the word arrogance!

Born into a rich and noble family, with a rich status, after entering the age of elves, the Heaven-defying Dragon Clan, which was formed by one hand, successfully became the three major guilds in the Chengdu area, and its prestige was shocking.Walking outside, no one should respectfully call President Long Ao.

When has he heard such gossip?

However, what these players said was right!

You did fight 60 out of 1 people, but you were counter-killed, or you were overwhelmed by crushing!

Still want to wash the floor?No wash!

What, you said that the heart of Yang Yan is strong, and it is the same for others?


That's right, that's right, we've all said it ourselves, I can do it too, after all, why was the 60VS1 turned over?

When a person has stains and shame, then his whole body is covered with black spots. At this time, the three major guilds are obviously in this state. After being defeated by Lin Wen, the three major guilds have a bad reputation. , is a player who can't help but complain about their weakness.

Long Aotian's face was red and purple, and he felt very blue in his heart, and his face was very ugly. As a person who grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth, since childhood, when has he suffered such grievances?

Everything is caused by the heart of Yang Yan!

Long Aotian hated and feared Lin Wen in his heart.Hate, because Lin Wen caused all this to happen.Fear, because his means can no longer target the heart of Yang Yan, this player has completely escaped the so-called shackles of the Great Guild, and even jumped out of the player's level.

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