A thousand answers!

"God Yang Yan, invincible!"

Some players shouted hoarsely!

Immediately after, others joined in.

The members of the Yulong family, except for the elders of Yulong who are on the high platform, waiting to announce the results of the Yulong trial, other members of the Yulong family are also near the high platform.

At this time, most of the players in the audience were shouting the name of the Heart of Yang Yan. Of course, the NPCs of the Yulong family would not follow. They are noble NPCs, unless you pass some quest to increase their favorability to a certain level. Height, otherwise it's simply not possible... wait?

How is this going?

The expressions of the players suddenly froze!

I saw the members of the Yulong family below, staring wildly at the huge fast dragon with a huge body in the sky, full of piety and fanaticism, as if Christians saw their own beliefs.

"That's right... That is, that is the patron saint of our Yulong family, the giant fast dragon, it is absolutely impossible to admit mistakes!!" Someone muttered 747.

At this moment, on the high platform, it seemed that the elder Yulong, who had just recovered, suddenly made a thud, facing the flashing dragon in mid-air, and knelt down.

Like a domino, the elder Yulong's kneeling caused a chain reaction, and the members of the Yulong family not far away knelt down one by one, forming a row!

Each of them looked pious, with expressions of respect and fanaticism in their eyes.

A group of players were shouting the name of the heart of Yang Yan in unison. When they saw this scene, they were stunned. The original cheers were silent, and I didn't know what was going on.

This is an NPC, or an NPC of the Yulong family. With such a noble status, they would kneel down to a player?

The players saw this scene one after another, and suddenly stopped, looking at the NPCs of the Yulong family blankly, not knowing what happened.

In mid-air, Lin Wen looked at the members of the Yulong family who were kneeling together, and was very stunned.

He looked at the members of the Yulong family blankly, wondering in his heart... How do I feel that this is kneeling in my direction?

True or false, right?Huge fast dragon conquered even NPCs?This is a little bit arrogant....

Chapter [-] The patron saint of the Yulong family

In doubt, Lin Wen commanded the huge fast dragon and fell to the ground.

The huge body stepped on the ground, causing a slight vibration, and Lin Wen jumped off the huge fast dragon and landed on the ground.

The surrounding players naturally gave up a passage.

Lin Wen was in front, and the huge fast dragon followed, step by step toward the central high platform in the square.

After walking some distance, Lin Wen confirmed his thoughts instead.

These members of the Yulong family are indeed kneeling in their direction!

To be precise, it is a huge fast dragon towards the new born!

Why is this?

He subconsciously looked back at the flashing dragon behind him, but found that it also had a confused expression, and didn't quite understand what the humans of the Yulong family were doing in front of him.

Lin Wen thought about it carefully, but the Flash Fast Dragon had been with him since the time of the mini-dragon, from the mini-dragon, to the Huck Dragon, and then evolved into the current fast-dragon. Lin Wen doesn't remember that it ever came into contact with the Yulong family. a member of.

So...now, why is that?

At this time, Lin Wen had already walked not far from the members of the Yulong family.

Far away... He heard the muttering of members of the Yulong family.

"Your Majesty the great patron saint, you have finally reappeared..."

"The patron saint?" Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, but could no longer contain the doubts in his heart, and asked Elder Yulong, "Your Excellency Elder, have you misunderstood something?"

When he said this, Lin Wen turned slightly sideways and did not face Elder Yulong to show his respect. Even in the game, he did not want to be bowed down by an old man who was so many years older than him. year.

The huge fast dragon after Lin's tattoo also looked at the elder Yulong, showing a curious look, he did not know this old man.

Hearing Lin Wen's inquiry, Elder Yulong echoed the scene just now. The human in front of him actually stood on top of the fast dragon. He couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling dissatisfied in his heart, but the appearance of the huge fast dragon quickly calmed him down. mood.

His eyes still stayed on the giant fast dragon, but he got up.

As he got up, the members of the Yulong family on one side also got up one after another, but all of them were still staring at the flashing fast dragon, showing piety on their faces, as if they were afraid of it escaping.

Elder Yulong frowned and pondered for a while. After taking a deep look at Lin Wen, he looked at the flashing dragon not far behind Lin's tattoo, and spoke slowly.

"Decades ago, our Yulong family once had a family spirit 々ˇ."

Elder Yulong's voice was full of memories, and he narrated slowly.

Lin Wen subconsciously looked back at the new giant fast dragon, and had a guess in his heart, could it be...

Elder Yulong ignored Lin Wen's reaction and continued to narrate.

"That is a very powerful elf. When our Yulong family was in trouble, it was the one who sacrificed himself and helped our Yulong family overcome many difficulties."

"It is our spiritual symbol, the most powerful elf in our Yulong family!"

Elder Yulong's tone became enthusiastic and generous, as if recalling the scene in that era when their patron saint elf led the Yulong family to overcome all difficulties and break through all difficulties.

"But..." Elder Yulong's voice lowered, a little low: "It disappeared a few decades ago, and it has not appeared for decades."

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