There is quite a meat shield stance with thick blood and high resistance!

And now, with the increase in the attributes of the dragon mark crystal and dragon totem, as well as the newly opened original dragon breath profound meaning skill, the attack of the flash dragon has undoubtedly been upgraded to a higher level!

Let it develop a little more evenly!

The huge fast dragon can kill the silver companion war beast that is also the lord level in one blow, and as its descendant, Lin Wen naturally does not want to see the flash fast dragon develop into a meat shield elf.

What he wants is for Flash Dragon to become a truly comprehensive and invincible God of War!

Stand proudly at the apex of the wizard world!

At this point, the improvement of the Flash Dragon has completely come to an end. Compared with the newly evolved it, its strength has made another great progress!become stronger!


Due to the huge size of the Flash Dragon, plus the dragon totem, the dragon mark crystals are all small props, so Lin Wen concentrated on improving the Flash Dragon's strength here, but it was not discovered by any player.

In fact, Lin Wen's attention won't be on these players anymore.

Because the gap between the strengths is really too big!

Players' impression of Lin Wen still remains in the three major guilds in the war. At 1VS60, Ha Kelong's devastating blow.However, after such a short period of time, after Huck Dragon evolved into a fast dragon, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes again!

This improvement can even exceed their imagination!

If facing the three major guilds again now, Lin Wen's flashing fast dragon, I am afraid that they can defeat them as easily as crushing ants, effortlessly!

No one could imagine this!

This group of onlookers didn't know what a terrifying existence the Flash Dragon they were watching was now!The player is no longer concerned by Lin Wen. His current goal is the Shadow Team, the Heavenly King trainer in various regions!It is the supreme throne of the elf world!

Elder Yulong distributed rewards in an orderly manner. As time passed, when the last player received his own random attribute Profound Stone, Elder Yulong shook his head, and then looked towards Lin Wen, leading a group of royals. The members of the dragon family came directly over.

The end of the reward distribution also means that this Dragon Trial has come to an end!

Everything is over.

Because of what happened in the Dragon Cave, many players who came to watch this time have begun to leave, and they all feel that the trip is worthwhile!

Not only did I see the three weakest guilds in history, the Heaven Defying Dragon Clan, the Money Hunter, the Hellfire...  

I even saw the real body of the first lord-level elf in the game!I saw the heroic appearance of the fast dragon soaring in the sky, and I saw the currently recognized first person in the game, the Heart of Yang Yan!

For these ordinary players, these are very wonderful gains, and they are all precious experiences they cannot forget in the game.

Now that the Royal Dragon Trial is completely over, the number of players in the square is gradually decreasing. Everyone still has a lot of things to do in the game. Catch the elves to catch the elves, and those who are leveling go to leveling. After the fun is over, everyone Return to normal life rhythm.

On the contrary, the players gathered around Lin Wen and the Flashing Fast Dragon basically did not see any decrease. All eyes were fixed on Lin Wen and the giant fast dragon, and they did not know what they were looking at.

Until... Elder Yulong led a group of Yulong family members to come.

Lin Wen was not familiar with the members of the Yulong family. Among the crowd, he only knew the members of the Yulong team.

After Elder Yulong came over, he said, "Thank you, Researcher Yang Yan, for helping our Yulong family in the dragon cave."

Lin Wen subconsciously glanced at the captain of Yulong Squad, and when he saw the other side nodding at him, he understood that he told Elder Yulong that he helped them in the dragon cave and destroyed the Hellfire plan, and replied: 2.3 "Nothing, this is all I should do."

Elder Yulong smiled and said: "Researcher Yang Yan, if it weren't for you, our Yulong family would have suffered a big loss this time in the dragon cave. I am now representing the Yulong family and formally invite you. , Researcher Yang Yan, are you willing to come to our Yulong family as a guest?"

Lin Wen nodded happily: "Of course I do."

The invisible overlord of the Chengdu area, the invitation of the Yulong family, I am afraid that few people will refuse.

(Nagging a few words, why do people keep saying that I am a eunuch recently, I have been getting better four times a day for a long time, recently, the throat inflammation caused a cold, fever, runny nose, and I have not stopped, and it has not stopped since the book was opened. , oh my God, such a conscientious author...).

Chapter [-]: Trade Union War

Elder Yulong smiled when he heard the words, his old face showed a rarer smile than usual, and his sincere eyes swept to the flashing dragon behind Lin's tattoo: "Later, our family's special car will come, when that time comes, Yang Researcher Yan, you are going to the family residence with us."

"Okay." Lin Wen nodded.

The players watching on the side, seeing this scene, immediately fried the pot!

The NPC of Yulong Family, Elder Yulong actually invited Yang Yanzhi to visit Yulong Family?

This is definitely the first case in the game, NPC forces invite players!

Could it be that the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan has become so powerful?

This action of Elder Yulong undoubtedly caused infinite associations among many players.

Lin Wen didn't care either, listening to Elder Yulong's questions and answering them one by one.

As for the guardian spirit elf of their Yulong family, Elder Yulong's concern for the giant 17 fast dragons is obviously unparalleled. Just now, because he was going to read the results of the Yulong Trial, he just listened to Lin Wen's narration.Now while waiting for the bus, Elder Yulong immediately began to carefully inquire about the whole story and what happened.

Lin Wen also intends to please the NPCs of the Yulong family. After all, this is a very powerful NPC force. As a personal experience, no one knows what happened in the Dragon Sanctuary better than him. The question about the elders of Yulong Answered one by one, very seriously.

The two asked and answered, and the time passed quickly.

Finally, after asking another question, Elder Yulong sighed.

"Hey... the guardian spirit elf has fallen into a deep sleep, I don't know when I will wake up."

"Well." Lin Wen nodded: "Dragon Sanctuary has also been closed. Maybe the next time the Dragon Sanctuary is opened, the huge fast dragon will wake up."

Elder Yulong lightly foreheaded, and then said angrily: "Shadow team, all shadow team! If it weren't for them, the guardian spirit elves would not fall into a deep sleep. When I return to the family this time, I will apply for a crusade against the shadow team!"

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