"I'm not joking with you!" Lin Wen replied earnestly, "Shuijun is by our side!"

"How is that possible!" the old mayor exclaimed angrily: "We are all blind and can't see Suijun's existence? Suijun is not here at all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the secretary next to him suddenly tugged at his sleeve...

The old mayor didn't care, but said to Lin Wen very seriously: "Researcher Yang Yan, have you found Suijun? No, no, I don't want you to make fun of us!"

Lin Wen didn't say anything, he just pouted towards a corner behind him and made a few mouth shapes.

The old mayor took a closer look and recognized the meaning of these mouth shapes.

"See for yourself."

He subconsciously came back to God!

I saw that in a corner of this living room, Sui Jun, who was two meters tall, stood proudly!

The old mayor's mouth suddenly opened, and he could no longer speak.

The secretary next to him came over and said in his ear, "The mayor... I reminded you just now, but you didn't agree."

Suijun's figure was noble and elegant, just standing there, a king's breath came from the surface.

Its eyes fell on the old mayor, with a hint of memory in his eyes.

The old mayor of Hualan City once said that Suijun owed them a favor five years ago, but now it seems that this is not a fraud, but something else!

And Lin Wen was able to invite Suijun, probably because this matter played a big role in the middle.

"Shuijun, I finally see you again." The old mayor also had memories in the cave in his eyes. Obviously, he must have personally experienced the incident five years ago.

Seeing that this person and a divine beast had a stance of unfolding memories, Lin Wen coughed lightly and said, "Mayor, my mission has been completed, look..."

"En!" The old mayor nodded again and again, understood what he meant without Lin Wen's reminder, and said, "I know, the reward promised to you will definitely not be less!"

As he said that, he waved his hand, and immediately someone walked out of the living room.

After a while, he came back with an exquisite box.

The old mayor took the box from him and solemnly handed it to Lin Wen: "Researcher Yang Yan, from now on, this Hua Lan heart belongs to you!"

Lin Wen took over the Hualan Heart, and looked at the hexagonal gemstone emitting a bright light inside, and was very satisfied.

This is a prop that can be compared with the super heart!It can greatly improve the physical strength of your water elf!

The Heart of Hualan: It was originally just a white jade stone placed in the center of the town by Hualan City. The stone formed after a long period of water purification contains a large amount of water energy. After being absorbed by the water elves, it can purify the water energy in their bodies. , comprehend rare skills, and directly activate the profound skills exclusive to water-type Pokémon with a very low probability.

Excellent props!The best props of the water spirit!

At the moment when you see the quest reward, all the previous efforts are nothing!

After the task of finding Suijun was completely completed, Lin Wen immediately wanted to retire. After all, what happened next had little to do with him!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the old mayor suddenly said: "It's not too late, the time for the annual review is getting closer, Suijun, please go and help us purify the water in Hualan City."

Suijun nodded lightly, it knew what to do before it came here, and it was a piece of cake for it, so there was no resistance.

Then... the old mayor's eyes fell on Lin's tattoo again.

He pondered and invited: "Researcher Yang Yan, if it wasn't for you this time, we would not have been able to find Suijun to help so smoothly. I hope you can come with us to watch Suijun purify the water source."

"Invite me?" Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "Okay."

As far as he is concerned, because there are many tasks to be dealt with, he doesn't want to agree to waste time, but after all the NPCs have sent invitations, Lin Wen is not ready to refuse, and agrees.

The group didn't waste a moment. The annual review has always been a sharp sword hanging over the heads of the senior management of Hualan City. Now that they have finally found Suijun, there is a solution. Of course, it is better to solve it early!

After the old mayor and others left the meeting room, there were naturally several cars waiting outside, and the group, together with Suijun, got into the car directly.

At the invitation of the old mayor of Hualan City, Lin Wen sat in a car with him. Apart from that, there was only one driver and Suijun in the car.

As soon as he got into the car, the old mayor facilitated Suijun to communicate.

It can be seen that he and Suijun are acquainted, and it is estimated that the old mayor also had a story of his own when he was young!

Because Suijun communicates with his heart, just listening to the old mayor's one-sided voice, Lin Wen can't guess what this person and the holy beast are talking about, but looking at the old mayor's smiling face , it can be seen that the two sides talked very harmoniously, and there was no accident.

After Lin Wen listened to it for a while, he felt that it was too boring, so he turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window, and acted as a lonely watcher...

Chapter [-]: Purifying the Dam

Just as he was bored looking at the passing scene outside the window, a voice suddenly came from his side.

"Researcher Yang Yan."

Lin Wen looked back and saw that the old mayor was looking at him, and when he saw him turn his head, he showed a kind smile.

"This time, I really thank you." The old mayor sincerely thanked you.

Lin Wen shook his head and said modestly, "This is what I should do, nothing."

"No..." The old mayor shook his head: "For you, it may not have taken much effort to find Shui Jun, but for me, for my entire Hualan City, it is a great help."

Without waiting for Lin Wen to speak, the old mayor said to himself, "Researcher Yang Yan, to tell you the truth, this is the last year of my term of office, and I hope this position can have a perfect ending."

"In the past few years, Hualan City has always passed the excellent evaluation of the annual review. If it doesn't get it this year..." Having said this, the old mayor shook his head: "Then I really..."

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