Following behind him, he turned left and right several corners in the city hall, and climbed the stairs again. The city hall security finally brought Lin Wen to an office and turned his head: "Researcher Yang Yan, our city I'll be waiting for you here."

After speaking, he smiled apologetically: "I still need to go back to perform the task, so I can't accompany you."

Lin Wen nodded in understanding.

The security turned around and left.

Lin Wen watched his back turn around the corner, then looked at the wooden door of the office in front of him, took two steps forward, and knocked.

dong dong dong.

A voice came from the office: "Please come in."

Lin Wen pushed open the door and entered.

There was only one middle-aged man in the office. His temples were slightly white, and he was dressed in a gray suit and glasses. He looked polite.

Before Lin Wen could speak, he said, "You are Researcher Yang Yan, right?"

Lin Wen nodded lightly, realizing that this person in front of him should be the mayor of Feiyun City, and staying in the game for a long time made him accustomed to being polite to intelligent characters, and bowed slightly: "Hello, I am the Heart of Yang Yan. ."

"You're really young." The mayor of Feiyun City glanced at Lin Wen, and then said with emotion: "I already know something about you, if only the alliance could have more young people like you. , we old bones can relax a little bit."

Lin Wen shook his head slightly: "You passed the prize."

"That's not it." The mayor of Feiyun City stood up: "I have read your resume before, and it was less than a year after your debut, and you have already defeated the owner of the Eighth Avenue Pavilion in Guandu and qualified for the regional competition. , has extremely powerful strength, and has destroyed Team Rocket's plan many times! He has contributed his own strength to the peace of the Elf world."

Having said this, he paused slightly and continued: "I've even heard that in the Yulong trial some time ago, you successfully destroyed the shadow team's evil plan for the guardian spirit elves of the Yulong family, which can be said to be a great achievement. One. These are not something ordinary young people can do.”

For the high-level figures of the Elf Alliance, the heart of Yang Yan and the actions of Yang Yan researchers in the Guandu area have always been in their eyes, and they have left a very deep impression on them! .

Chapter [-] The task of change

Every strong rookie trainer will be valued by the Elf Alliance. People like the Heart of Yang Yan are not only powerful, but also progress rapidly, and have made great contributions to the Elf world. Obviously, they are on the list of focus. middle.

Hearing Feiyun City Mayor's praise for him, Lin Wen smiled embarrassedly, and then said modestly: "This is what I should do, since I am a member of the alliance, I naturally have to lead by example and protect Peace of the Union World!"

"Well said!" The mayor of Feiyun City nodded again and again and praised: "As a trainer, you should think like this."

After he finished speaking, he asked, "Researcher Yang Yan, what are you planning to do when you come to our Hezhong area this time? Tell me, and I'll see if I can help."

"Lord Mayor." Hearing his question to the point, Lin Wen asked directly: "I came to the Hezhong area, and I have a task to complete."

"When I came to the port before, I heard some news, which may be related to my mission, so I came to you to ask about the specific situation."

"Oh?" The mayor of Feiyun City was a little surprised when he heard this: "What news did you hear?"

"That's right." Lin Wen replied: "I heard two sailors at the port talking about the recent changes in the elves in the Yacar Forest, which seem to be related to the long-running legend of forest riots... "

Having said this, Lin Wen smiled embarrassedly: "Lord Mayor, I came here to ask, what is the legend of the forest riot?"

"The legend of the forest riot..." The mayor of Feiyun City groaned, with memories flashing in his eyes.

Lin Wen looked expectant: "Lord Mayor, do you understand?"

After arriving in the Hezhong area, the task of moving the forest has no clue so far. In Lin Wen's heart, there is a certain intuition. This forest riot may have a certain relationship with the task of moving the forest.

"Researcher Yang Yan, do you know the holy swordsman?" The mayor of Feiyun City did not directly answer Lin Wen, but instead asked instead.

"Holy Swordsman?" Lin Wen repeated, shaking his head slightly.

He really didn't know much about this term.

"In the Yacar Forest, there are three elves called holy swordsmen." The mayor of Feiyun City explained: "They are Gopaluwon, Delageon, and Birigion."

"The calm and calm Gopaluwon, the powerful Delageon, and the agile Birigion. These three elves are all fighting elves who have learned the "Holy Sword", and they are collectively called the Holy Swordsman."

"Is that so..." Lin Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"And now, the [-]-year-old Holy Swordsman War is about to begin, and the three Holy Knights are picking the ones who have the potential to become new Holy Knights. The fighting-type elf can prove it through their "horns" Your own strength, fighting each other, and passing the final tester will further improve your strength, so the elves of the fighting department have become so irritable recently."

"Now, there are often fairies fighting in the Yagar Forest for this reason."

"Is that so..." Lin Wen frowned slightly after hearing the mayor of Feiyun City explain the reason for the forest riot.

At this moment, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

"Ding Dong, the lord template promotion task: moving the forest, changes."

Lin Wen's expression changed subtly, and he quickly checked the task panel.

I saw that the original "Moving Forest" mission had disappeared, and replaced by a new mission!

Quest: New Holy Swordsman

Content: The [-]-year-old holy swordsman war is about to begin, and the bloody battle is coming. Please go to Yacar Forest and let Ye Elf follow the three holy swordsmen to learn the skill "Mysterious Sword." Enhance your fighting strength. , and defeat one of the three holy swordsmen instructors to prove his strength.

Mission time limit: None.

Mission Difficulty: Extremely difficult.

"The mission... has changed!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Lin Wen's spirit shook.

The change in the lord template promotion quest undoubtedly proves that the forest riot has a certain connection with Ye Elf's moving forest quest!

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