Between the flip of the palm, a pokeball has appeared in his hand.


Not far away, three holy swordsman spirits have been watching the situation here.

After listening carefully, Bilijion finally confirmed his thoughts and said, "It seems that this human is indeed not with the plasma group, but is here to help us!"

Gopaluwon also nodded slightly, affirming its statement.

The three holy swordsmen have all fought against humans because of Pokémon. They have an understanding of human intrigue, insidiousness and cunning, so even if Lin Wen arrived, they did not immediately regard Lin Wen as helping them. friend.

Now after this series of conversations, the three elves can finally confirm Lin Wen's identity!They were also a little excited.

No one can understand the battle situation better than the parties involved. The three of them have fought so far, and they naturally understand their own situation. They all know that if they really dragged down with the plasma group, then the loss is far greater than the victory. When the results can be imagined!

And now, finally a new force has joined!

This undoubtedly tipped the scales of victory a little on their side.

Ye Elf and Shanai Duo who came here with Lin Wen, but they are all outside, the three holy swordsmen elves who are also elves can roughly feel the strength of the two of them, they are definitely two strong supporters!

However, at this moment, Gopaluweng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes fell on the elf ball that Lin Wen took out: "." That human... Is there another elf? "

... (does Qian Zhao)

Seeing Lin Wen taking out the Poké Ball, both Asura and Rhodes immediately focused their attention, ready to start the battle at any time!

As the characters in the seven sages of the plasma group, each of them is not weak, and they also have their own pride!


The next second, a huge figure appeared on the spot!

Yagara Forest, which had been hit by the aftermath of the battle, was attacked again!

The trees that had not collapsed were directly crushed, and the sound of clack clack was endless!

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen hurriedly shouted, "Little guy, take off!"

Dragon wings show!Push it hard!

A strong wind swept through everyone present, every elves!

In the next second, the earth-shattering dragon roar resounded throughout the Yachi Forest! .

Chapter [-] Repel

The eyes of the three holy swordsmen elf Gopaluwon, Delageon, and Birigion were stunned, looking at the huge figure suspended in mid-air, unable to speak for a long time.

Even Asura and Rhodes of the plasma group were completely shocked at this time, stunned in place, their lips slightly parted, obviously, the suffocating appearance of the Flash Dragon completely shocked them!

The flashing dragon hangs in the air, almost as if the sky is blocking the sun, and the forest below becomes dark.

Anyone who sees the Flash Dragon for the first time will be stunned by its appearance.

"This... what is this?" After recovering, Asura couldn't help but say in shock.

Although he has read the information about the Heart of Yang Yan, the information has not introduced that the Heart of Yang Yan has such a powerful elf!

Lin Wen was very satisfied with the shocking opening of the Flash Dragon!

As for the strength of the elves in the plasma group, Lin Wen checked it with his eyes when he entered the arena. This is a group of elves that are not weak at all. It would be more difficult for Ye Elf and Shanai Duo 657 to deal with them. Moreover, Lin Wen was very much looking forward to the lord-level leaf elves, so from the beginning, Lin Wen was ready to deal with his opponents cleanly and neatly!

At the same time, it is also a deterrent to the plasma group!

My heart of Yang Yan is not easy to mess with!

Flash Dragon is undoubtedly the best choice!

After the flashing dragon appeared, Lin Wen did not hesitate at all, and ordered the command: "Flashing dragon, use the original dragon breath!"

Primordial Dragon Breath: Dragon-type active and profound skill, spewing a deadly dragon breath at the enemy, causing huge damage and reducing the opponent's special attack and special defense by 50%. It lasts for three natural days and has a ten-hour cooldown.

After a period of time, the god-level skills that once destroyed hundreds of elves with one blow and made the situation of the three major guilds turn sharply appeared again!

Target, the elves of the Plasma Corps!

I saw a flashing dragon in mid-air opening its mouth, and the next second, a huge, scorching dragon-breathing pavilion came over!

Asura reacted and shouted (bicf): "Dodge, dodge!"

However, it's too late!

Under the huge attribute bonus of Flash Dragon, this powerful skill has become even more powerful!Any elves that are contaminated with the original dragon breath lose their fighting ability almost instantly!

Almost in one blow, the sharp morale of the plasma group was completely defeated!

Not far away, the three holy swordsmen elves looked at this scene in a stunned manner, and Gopaluweng, who had always been calm and calm, was also shocked at this time, and couldn't help saying: "The strength of this human being... so strong!"

Beside them, both Delakion and Birigion nodded their heads!

Almost instantly, the plasma group ushered in a rout!

This is something that neither Asura nor Rhodes thought of!

After Asura's introduction, both of them knew that the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan from the Guandu area might not be too weak, but no one thought that it would be so strong!

Just horrible!

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