Everything, let Ye Elf play by himself, decide how to fight with his opponent!

This is undoubtedly a huge test for Ye Elf's combat IQ!Fortunately, everything looks good!

Ye Elf's progress is fast!Even the three holy swordsmen elves can't help but praise them often!

As the only leaf elf king in the elf century, it naturally has a unique talent!Great potential!Only limited to boss-level templates!

Time is fleeting!

Lin Wen, Ye Elf, and the three holy swordsmen elves, day and night, seize every minute and every second as much as possible, and make progress.

In the blink of an eye, a full week has passed.

Ye Elf's mental outlook, compared to before, has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Because of the loss of the boss position recently and the lack of combat power, it was a little frustrated before.

But after a week of training, confidence returned to Ye Elf's body, its golden eyes were deep, the whole Elf had a different temperament, and the horns on the top of the head were even more shining!

At this time, by the side of a stream, Ye Elf and Bilijion stood opposite each other, preparing for a new round of sparring.

Gopaluwon, Delakion, and Lin Wen stood on one side and watched.

As Birigion, who also has grass attributes, he is undoubtedly one of Ye Elf's best opponents. Fighting against it will greatly improve Ye Elf himself!

The battle has not yet begun, Lin Wen, as a spectator, did not command Ye Elf, but let it play freely.

The two elves looked at each other, both looking for the other's flaws, ready to take action.

At this moment, Lin Wen's expression suddenly changed!

Because, a system prompt suddenly appeared!

"Ding Dong, Heart of Yang Yan, your Pokémon Ye Elf King, after unremitting efforts and training, he successfully mastered the skill "Mysterious Sword"."

"Mysterious sword skills!" Lin Wen's heart trembled slightly!

During this week's training, Lin Wen has long had a certain understanding of all of this. The Mysterious Sword skill can be said to be a skill that every holy swordsman must master. It is a very powerful fighting skill!

During this week's training, Ye Elf had a certain grasp of the mysterious sword skills, but he did not expect to have mastered it completely before this battle!

Having mastered the Mysterious Sword skill, no doubt half of the lord level promotion task was completed. Lin Wen couldn't hold back his joy and quickly checked the Mysterious Sword skill.

Mysterious Sword (half-sealed state): Use the long horn to perform a slashing attack. The incredible power on the horn will cause powerful physical damage. The target's defense is used instead of the target's special defense to calculate the damage.

"Half-sealed state?"

Seeing this word, Lin Wen frowned slightly, and then stretched it out, just like what Gopaluweng said, if you want to become a real holy swordsman, you must defeat Kyurem by 823. It is estimated that the mysterious sword skill is because of This is why it is in a semi-sealed state!

After all, only the true holy swordsman spirit can master the mysterious sword spirit!

I just don't know whether the mysterious sword skill in the semi-sealed state has any effect on the promotion task of the lord template.

Just as Lin Wen pondered this, the battle between Ye Elf and Bi Li Jiweng was about to break out!

After a week of hard training, Ye Elf has finally mastered the Mysterious Sword skill, and is obviously very excited. Originally it was facing off against Birigion, but now that it has mastered the Mysterious Sword, it is obviously eager to feel the power of this new skill. , with a kick of his hind legs, his body leaped swiftly, and rushed towards Biligion!

Birigion's body slumped slightly, ready to resist!

This is a battle without a command. Bilijion, who is a wild elves, and Ye Elf are fighting a battle purely based on their own strength!

On the side, the two holy swordsmen elves of Gopaluwon and Delakion, as well as Lin Wen, were very serious in front of the audience, paying attention to the battle situation.

Ye Elf's posture is extremely agile, and when he moves straight towards Bi Li Jiwon, it is like a green streamer, elusive! .

Chapter [-] Moving Forest

All of a sudden... it was in the fast-paced way, and it paused slightly, and two tenacious vine whips shot out!

Its speed is not reduced, and the whole body and the cane whip move forward at the same time!

The vine whip was dispatched like a spirit snake, and it was extremely fast. In the next second, it suddenly wrapped around Biligion's two front hooves!

Ye Elf's body slammed, his two front hooves kicked the ground hard, and his body swung backwards, trying to fly the whole body of Bi Li Jiweng, who was entangled by the vine whip!

During this week's training, it has learned a lot from the three holy swordsmen elves. Among them, following the powerful strength exercised by Delageon, it makes it confident to do this kind of action!

"The Ye Elf has controlled Birigion!" Delageon on the side whispered!

However, as a holy swordsman spirit, and the instructor of the new generation of holy swordsmen, how could Birigion be so easy to deal with?

It just shook its head slightly, and the leaves emitting light green light galloped forward, slashing on the vine whip!

Immediately, the vine whip was cut off by the sharp blades and fell to the ground in pieces!

In the next second, Bi Li Jiweng kicked his hind legs, and his posture instantly rushed forward, charging straight towards Ye Elf!

The other two holy swordsmen elves and Lin Wen did not dare to say a word, watching the battle quietly and nervously.

Not to be outdone, Ye Elf didn't lose the slightest frustration, and charged straight towards Bi Li Jiweng!

The two elves galloped and sprinted, and in the blink of an eye, they were about to collide with each other!

The two elves jumped at the same time!

The next second, the horns of the two elves slammed into each other fiercely!

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