Leaf Elf King


Variety: Unique

Attributes: Grass, Elf

gender: female

Strength Template: Lord Level

Compatibility: 225

Favorability: 100

Satiety: 85

HP: 401 / dark green (current value / strength evaluation)

Attack: 502 / medium blue

Defense: 376/Zhongqing

Special Attack: 452 / Light Blue

Special Defense: 354/Zhongqing

Speed: 369/Medium Youth

Strength evaluation: 409/deep green

Effort: 100

Skills: Sword Dance, Roar, Super Crash, Lightning Flint, Leaf Storm, Million Wood Horn Strike (Elite), King's Wind (Boss), Quasi-God, Slow Growth, Force of Nature, Complete Healing, Deep Rooted, Super Absorption, Parasitic Seed, Grass Flute Magic Sound, Sun Beam, Seed Bomb, Unyielding Will (Fetters), Touch of Life (Profound Truth), Flying Leaf Cross Slash, Trample, Thrive, Leaf Blade, Close Combat, Moving Forest (Lord).

Talents: Lush, Perceived Danger, Photosynthesis.

Ye Elf's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, completely qualitative changes!

Lin Wen originally thought that after being promoted to the lord template, although Ye Elf's potential would be greatly improved, his strength would not necessarily change.

But now, after being promoted to a lord template and becoming a lord-level elf, in addition to the terrifying 37 attribute points that Ye Elf can increase each time he upgrades, his own strength has been greatly improved, no doubt It is to let the next battle to challenge Kyurem have more certainty!

The current Ye Elf has reached the dark green level strength evaluation, but coupled with the quasi-god, the wind of the king, and the increase in the skill attributes of Lin Wen to weaken the enemy, the objects that can be fought are far beyond this strength!

Although the current Ye Elf can only look up to the light purple evaluation of Kuailong, you must know that Kuailong has undergone two qualitative changes in evolution and a high level of Lv60, so it will have such a high evaluation (bibe). !

And Ye Elf King, who has just reached Lv39, still has huge room for improvement. Sooner or later, its strength will reach a terrifying level!

On the side, Gopaluwon, Derakion, and Bilicion, who was defeated by the Leaf Spirit, all walked over.

They could keenly sense the improvement of Ye Elf's strength, Gopaluweng said: "Heart of Yang Yan, congratulations, Ye Elf's strength has been greatly improved."

Lin Wen suppressed his joy slightly, nodded and thanked: "I still want to thank you for your help and guidance to Ye Elf during this period of time. Without you, Ye Elf would not have made such great progress."

Ye Elf on the side nodded slightly. As the party involved, it naturally knew how much the three holy swordsmen elves had helped it.

Hearing Lin Wen's thanks, Gopaluweng shook his head and said, "We are just playing a supporting role."

Its gaze turned to Ye Elf: "In the final analysis, Ye Elf's talent is high enough! Only in such a short period of time can he master the use of the "sword", and his strength has greatly improved."

Speaking of which, its voice lowered slightly and said, "Heart of Yang Yan, since Ye Elf has mastered the use of the sword and his strength has been improved to a certain extent, it is time to let it represent us to participate. The holy swordsmen fought."

Having said this, Gopaluwong's eyes narrowed: "After being woken up by the last battle with the plasma group, Kyurem has a very bad temper. These days, he has been wreaking havoc in the depths of the forest, and many small The elves were all killed and had to leave the depths of the Yachi Forest."

"I know..." Lin Wen's gaze turned to the depths of the Yacar Forest, where there is the elf known as the strongest dragon on the ground, Kyurem!

Legendary Pixie!

After his eyes stayed in the depths of Yacar Forest for a while, he said, "I have already prepared myself, Ye Elf, how about you?"

Ye Elf nodded excitedly, full of fighting spirit.

"Okay!" Lin Wen clenched his fist and then said to the three holy swordsmen elves: "It's not too late, I will take the leaf elves to the depths of the Yache Forest to complete the holy swordsman battle with Kyurem. !"

"Well." Did the three holy swordsmen elves look at each other, and Gopaluweng said, "Then we will wait for your good news."

"Okay!" Lin Wen nodded and straddled Ye Elf's back. After being promoted to Lord-level Elf, Ye Elf's size increased a little, making it easier to ride. .

Chapter [-] Battle, legendary!

Then, Ye Elf kicked his hind legs and jumped seven or eight meters. After several bounces, he disappeared in place in an instant.

After being promoted to the lord template, Ye Elf's speed has skyrocketed. With the bonus of riding masters, the movement speed has reached an astonishing level. The car shot from the depths of the forest, and could only see the green light passing by, and the figure could not be seen clearly.

The three holy swordsmen elves kept watching the leaf elves leave here, and their backs disappeared completely. After a long silence, Delageon asked, "Do you think the leaf elves can defeat Kyurem?~"

Birigion shook his head: "Impossible... Kyurem's strength is very strong, although Ye Elf's current strength can already defeat us, but compared with Kyurem, it is insignificant - the gap is huge."

Having said this, Bi Lijion paused slightly: "The talent potential of Ye Elf is very powerful, but now it has not experienced enough battles after all, and there is still a strong room for improvement. Maybe, one day in the future, it will It will truly have the strength to defeat Chief Rem!"

Delageon was silent, nodded silently, and understood that Birigion was telling the truth.

"But even if you can't defeat Kyurem, so what?" At this time, the leader of the holy swordsmen, Gopaluweng said slowly.

It looked at the direction Lin Wen and Ye Elf left, as if to see the figure who was going to challenge the legend: "Dare to draw a sword against a terrifying enemy and fight hard, then... you are already a holy swordsman. It's gone!"

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