Even more than that, even many ordinary members of the Rockets also know about the newly emerging rookie in the Kanto region, Researcher Yang Yan. He has a short debut time, but his strength is already very strong, and he has repeatedly destroyed their Rockets plans. , became one of the most serious enemies of their Rockets.

"Researcher Yang Yan... It's really difficult." The Rocket team cadre felt a little bit troubled. Recently, he had heard rumors about Yang Yan's heart from the gossip. You know, Lian Yuan is in The seven sages of the Plasma Corps in the Hezhong area all know the character of Yang Yan's heart, and he, the cadre of the Rocket Team, has a better understanding of Yang Yan's heart.

"But... we have so many people here, are we afraid that he will fail?"

The lower-level cadre of the Rockets looked at the more than a dozen members of the Rockets behind him, and suddenly gained a certain amount of confidence, and shouted: "Heart of Yang Yan, you dare to come to our Rockets base alone, you are really throwing yourself in the net! "

At this time, he believed that Lin Wen was the one who entered alone and came here after crossing the first floor.

"Really?" Lin Wen looked at the Rockets cadre with a funny look, and said, "It's useless to talk too much, let's see the real chapter!"

Team Rocket has released elves one after another, and the battle with fewer enemies and more enemies is about to begin!

At this moment, a group of people suddenly came out from the stairs to the third floor from the second floor of the Rocket Team's secret base...  

The leader was wearing a black Rockets uniform, green hair with a top hat, and gloves on his hands.

One of the four cadres of the Rockets, Lance!

Behind him, followed by a group of Rockets members.

Lin Wen seemed to sense something, turned his palm over, and a Poké Ball appeared in his hand.

With a bang, Lucario appeared on the spot.

"Lucario, are these people the Rocket Team members who appeared on Daikan Island?" Lin Wen asked in a low voice.

Lucario narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and after feeling it carefully, he opened his eyes and nodded towards Lin Wen.

"Very good." Lin Wen nodded, and then said, "Lucario, come back first." He took Lucario back into the Poké Ball.

At the other end, Lance led a group of Team Rocket members who had followed him from the third floor to the team members on the second floor.

"What's the situation?" Lance looked at Lin Wen and asked the lower-level cadre who was talking to Lin Wen just now.

"Commander Lance." The lower-level cadre of Team Rocket said, "He is the only enemy in this invasion!"

"Only him?" Lance's 3.2 eyes focused on Lin's tattoo.

"That's right!" The bottom cadre of Team Rocket paused: "He...is the Heart of Yang Yan!"

Heart of Yang Yan!

As soon as the name came out of the lower-level cadres of the Rockets, Lance's eyes changed significantly!

As one of the four leaders of the Rockets, he only knew that Lin Wen's news was much more complete.

It is precisely because of this that he is more aware of the intractability of Yang Yan's heart!Whether it is personal strength or prestige in the alliance, researcher Yang Yan from the Kanto region has already made a breakthrough of his own!

"How did he find it here?" Lance was keenly aware of this problem and asked the lower-level cadres beside him. .

Chapter five hundred and twentieth battle cadre level

This Rocket Team's base is very secretive. It has been more than three years since its establishment. Because of the pollution of the capital waterfall, it is usually sparsely populated, so it has not been discovered by the alliance so far.

It is a very secret base for the Rockets!

How did this heart of Yang Yan find it here?Could it be that he was born unable to sense the organization's base?

The lower-level cadre next to him heard the words, looked at Lance carefully, and then said: "Commander Lance, I heard from the heart of Yang Yan, he seems to be here for the mysterious meteorite..."

"Mysterious meteorite?"

When Lance heard the words, his brows suddenly drew together.

Because, the members of the Rocket Team who went to Daikan Island in the Orange Islands to snatch the mysterious meteorite were under his leadership!

Moreover, they lived up to expectations and successfully completed the mission. After fighting with the guards of the alliance, they successfully snatched the mysterious meteorite.

When he was on the third floor of the secret base before, he and Sakagi were talking about the mysterious meteorite!

Now, this Heart of Yang Yan came here because of a mysterious meteorite, which undoubtedly proves that their originally perfect actions were flawed, and they were tracked here by a researcher.

Lance's brows furrowed deeply.

He didn't know that Lin Wen could find this secret base so quickly, not only because of the tracking ability of Lucario and Shanaido, but also because he had seen it here before!

Very impressed here.

If not, even if Lin Wen found the capital waterfall, it would take a long time to find the entrance to the secret base!

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to talk about it. Lance's eyes fell on Lin Wen, and he turned his hand over, and two Poke Balls have come to his hand.

"Heart of Yang Yan." Lance's eyes fell on Lin's tattoo: "I have heard of your name, and I know that you have sabotaged our organization's plans many times."

"But... I'm not the same as those wastes who eat and wait to die." His eyes narrowed: "Heart of Yang Yan, let me personally experience what is extraordinary about you!"

"Oh?" Lin Wen looked curiously at the top cadre of Team Rocket, and asked, "Are you going to duel with me?"

"That's right!"

Lance's voice is decisive!

The lower-level cadre of the Rockets on the side heard Lance's words, and quickly got close to Lance and said in a low voice: "Commander Lance, the strength of this Heart of Yang Yan must not be underestimated..."

"I know." Before he could finish speaking, Lance interrupted: "You guys can watch from the back."

Then, he took a few steps forward and walked to the opposite side of Lin Wen.

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