"Leaf Elf!, Use the mysterious sword on the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus!"

"Flickering Dragon, use Dragon Crash on Cat Boss!"

In an instant, the three orders were issued!

The shapes of the Leaf Elf and the Flashing Dragon rushed out almost instantly!

The huge body of the flash dragon stepped on the ground, making the whole ground roar. That is to say, the Rockets invested a lot in this secret base, and the space for the construction was large enough. Otherwise, there would not be enough flash here at all. Dragon cast! .

Chapter [-]: The Terrifying Leaf Elf

Although its body is huge, as a lord-level elf, its speed is not slow at all!

In the blink of an eye, the huge figure has come to the front of the cat boss.

As a very agile elf, the cat boss should have avoided it, but under the effect of the frost aura, its speed has slowed down fatally, one step slower!

Just like the giant elephant slammed into the little milk cat, in the blink of an eye, the huge size of the flash dragon slammed into the cat boss!

It let out a painful howl, was slammed into the air, and then slammed to the ground, with circles in its eyes, and it lost its ability to fight with one blow!

Under the powerful attributes of the light purple evaluation of the flash dragon, let you be a genetically modified elf, so what?

You can still solve the "three three zeros" with one blow!Not at all sloppy!

Even the boss of Sakagi, as an experienced trainer, in front of this fast-paced attack speed, even before he could issue an order, the elves were already defeated!

It's so arrogant!It's so inexplicable!

This is the light purple-level evaluation lord-level flash dragon that is second only to very few divine beasts!

At the same time, the Leaf Elf, like a green streamer, has already sprinted to the front of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus!

In its memory, it still clearly remembers the scene of the last battle.

It fought with its two little friends and the three guys in front of it, and after a round of confident attacks, it didn't work!

The opponent's strong defense and physical strength make them very disadvantaged!

Now, the old enemy is reunited!

And the Leaf Elf is no longer the Leaf Elf it used to be!

Its heart is also full of energy, wanting to prove itself!

The single horn on the forehead suddenly exudes a dazzling light of fluorescent green, elongated and widened.

Draw your sword out of your body!

In the Yacar Forest, a week of focused training reverberated in his heart, and Ye Elf's mind became more determined!

The fluorescent green lightsaber on the forehead became sharper!

When it sprinted to the front of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, it suddenly swung!

It's like a swordsman cutting through thorns!

Open the Tianshan Mountains with one sword!

The bright green lightsaber slashed on the head of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus!

The energy of the green straw mat exploded!


One second, two seconds!

Mysterious Sword: Use the long horn to perform a slashing attack. The incredible power on the horn will cause powerful physical damage. The target's defense is used instead of the target's special defense to calculate the damage.Ignore 50% of the opponent's defense attribute, and ignore the increase and decrease of the target's evasion rate ability level and defense ability level.

The armored tyrannosaurus's defense is already very strong, and after the special genetic modification of the Rockets, this ability has been infinitely strengthened.

But under the mysterious sword that ignores the defense, the powerful defense is like a fake!

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus persisted for two seconds, the huge body fell to the ground with a bang, circles appeared in his eyes, and he lost the ability to fight!

The Leaf Elf landed on the ground and glanced proudly at the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus under the hoof. The king's demeanor was immediately evident!

The lightsaber above his head gradually shrank, disappeared, and returned to its unicorn shape.

Sheath the sword!

In the blink of an eye, the two elves sent by the boss of Sakagi have lost their ability to fight one after another, and the power of the two lord-level elves is fully revealed!

The audience... was silent!

Boss Sakagi's eyes focused on Ye Elf, although his expression did not change, but his heart turned upside down!

"How is it possible? How is it possible? How is it possible?"

"This leaf elf, the last time it fought, its attack was obviously unable to break through the defenses of the genetically modified elves. After such a short period of time, its strength has increased so much?"

This is undoubtedly a shocking thing!

After watching Ye Elf drop the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus with a single sword, Sakagi's initial neglect of Ye Elf disappeared long ago, and he looked at Ye Elf carefully.

This careful observation, he keenly found something wrong.

"This leaf elf... Compared with the last time, it seems to be bigger in size and has some slight changes in appearance!"

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