At the end, Boss Sakagi snorted coldly and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, I didn't expect you to be such a sharp-tongued guy."

"Hehe." Lin Wen smiled: "I'm just narrating the facts."

That indifferent expression made the anger in Sakagi's heart rise even more!

He didn't want to go on talking nonsense, and said: "Since you have no plans to join our Rocket team at all, let's fight!"

Boss Sakagi's eyes narrowed: "Let me see, this time whether you will run away or I will be defeated and run away!"

On the word "escape", he deliberately emphasized his tone. Obviously, Lin Wen's language offensive made him uneasy.

"Come on!" Lin Wen held his heart.

Of course, he didn't just use language offensive against Sakagi. After all, for a sturdy boss like Sakagi, the verbal offensive might cause his mood swings for a while, but it didn't play a big role in battle. The battle-hardened boss Sakagi will naturally adjust his emotions well and will not affect the performance of the battle.

While talking to Sakagi, he was also observing Mewtwo!

And the intimacy between Sakagi and Chaomeng made Lin Wen frown slightly.

Obviously, the current super dream must be very obedient to the orders of boss Sakagi, because when the relationship between the elves and the trainers is very close, the first and other actions can be done.

Otherwise, if the relationship is not close enough, the elves will actively resist these intimate actions!

Like Lin Wen, he has a very close relationship with his many elves, so he can do many intimate actions with his elves, and even ride them.

You must know that in the original series of works, the relationship between Chao Meng and Sakagi is far from harmonious!

Even, in order to control Chao Meng, Sakagi had to make special armor to restrain Chao Meng.

But at the back, Chao Meng broke free from the shackles and broke away from Sakagi's control.

And now... this little super dream and Boss Sakagi's family-like intimate actions don't look like they will betray Boss Sakagi in the future.

Suddenly, Lin Wen's mind flashed.

"Could it be... is it because it's not fully developed yet?"

This guess suddenly appeared in his mind!

"Because of my arrival, Mewtwo, which has not been thoroughly researched, was released in advance, and its strength must have been weakened to a certain extent, but because of this, the original wildness has not yet appeared, so as the producer Sakagi Boss, can you control it easily?"

With these thoughts, Lin Wen had mixed feelings in his heart: "Mewtwo in perfect state will definitely resist Sakagi boss's orders, but now Mewtwo is not in perfect state, but he completely obeys Sakagi boss's orders, I really don't know. I've had good luck or bad luck."

At the same time, Lin Wen also tried to check Chaomeng's attributes with his Wisdom Eye skill, but he got a series of question marks, and he didn't know about Chaomeng's attributes.

This is not the first time this has happened. When facing the legendary elf, the wise eye elf cannot play an effective role. This is the case with the sea god Lugia, Kyurem, and now Chaomeng.

Just as these thoughts flashed in Lin Wen's mind, under the instructions of Boss Sakagi, the little dwarf Chao Meng, who was standing beside Boss Sakagi, had already taken a few steps forward and came to Sakagi.

This secret base, as a large-scale base for the Rockets to research and develop artificial elves, has huge investment, vast space, and ample space for battle.

Lin Wen took a deep breath. He didn't underestimate Chao Meng because he was a dwarf now, and said, "Ye Elf, Shining Dragon, Shanaido, Ice Elf, go."

The four elves, 490, took their steps and came to the middle of the battlefield!

The eyes of the five elves faced each other.

The senses of the elves are extremely keen. The four elves stared at the dwarf Chaomeng, who was only half a meter tall, with strong alertness in their eyes.

They can feel the power of this super dream!

At this moment, Chao Meng's body moved up and slowly floated up.

Lin Wen narrowed his eyes and gave an order very decisively.

"Ye Elf, use Ye Feng!"

"Xanadu, use multiple magic leaves!"

"Ice Elf, Frozen Wind!"

"Flickering Dragon, Dragon's Wrath!"

Since it is a four-on-one battle, it is natural to give full play to the numerical advantage!

Without saying a word, Lin Wen directed the elves to launch a round of skill bombing!

Countless blades swirled and floated up, exuding dazzling fluorescent light, sweeping towards the short Mewtwo!

At the same time, the cold wind protrudes, and the cold wind condensed with frost hits Chaomeng. It is combined with multiple magic leaves, leaf storms, ice flashes, and leaf blades, intertwined, and the effect is extremely gorgeous!The speed of the skills is suddenly accelerated, and the power is also greatly increased! .

Chapter five hundred and thirty first fierce

On the other side, the huge flashing dragon's mouth opened slightly, and a shock wave shot out!

Dragon Fury!

As a flashy dragon with a light purple rating, its power of a dragon's rage can be imagined!

Moving the forest!

Lord-level skills of the Leaf Elf!

Moving Forest: You can freely manipulate other trees to fight, the effect of all grass-based skills is doubled, you are immune to grass-based skills, your movement speed in the forest is increased by 100%, and all attributes are increased by an additional 50%.

This skill will cooperate with the power of nature and the deep-rooted two skills, the exclusive lord-level skill of the Leaf Elf King

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