Now, with such a powerful legendary elf, Chaomeng, the ambition of the boss of Sakagi has undoubtedly been enlarged infinitely. The ambition is built on the basis of strength. The Rockets who have Chaomeng undoubtedly have this foundation. !

"And the heart of Yang Yan..." Sakagi's eyes narrowed, thinking of Lin's tattoo.

The Heart of Yang Yan is undoubtedly one of Team Rocket's biggest enemies in the recent stage, and has repeatedly destroyed Team Rocket's plans.

Before, Boss Sakagi paid attention to this new Yang Yan researcher, but he did not pay attention to it at all. After all, as a rookie trainer, his strength is really limited, and it is difficult to wait for the elegant hall. would have too much impact.

Even if he had destroyed the Rockets' base and plan before, it was not too important, and most of them had the help of experts from the alliance.

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And this time... Lin Wen's single-handed intrusion has undoubtedly raised the threat level of Sakagi's heart and Yang Yan's heart by several levels!Straight to the top one of the few people to watch out for!

The strength he showed was really too powerful!

If Sakagi didn't come up with Chaomeng ahead of time, I'm afraid this secret base that the Rockets spent a lot of money to build would really be overturned by Yang Yanxin alone!

At that time... I am afraid that even Team Rocket will become the laughing stock of many evil forces.

"But now... his threat is not that big anymore." Sakagi thought, looking at Chao Meng.


The appearance of Chaomeng brought him great confidence!

"With the existence of Chaomeng, the strength of our Rockets team can be greatly expanded." Sakagi thought in his heart: "There will be a period of rapid development."

He clenched his fist slightly, his eyes full of confidence, arrogance and excitement, and muttered: "Alliance...heart of Yang Yan."

At this moment, Lance walked over slowly and said, "Boss, the personnel have been integrated."

Sakagi nodded lightly and looked at the Rockets who had already lined up.

The secret base was in a mess, because the collision of the super power storm caused great damage to the entire secret base, and a group of unprepared Rocket researchers were also in a mess. The losing team is average.

Boss Sakagi glanced at it, and then said: "Transfer immediately, carry all the important information, and destroy all the machines that cannot be taken away, and cannot be left to the alliance!"

"Yes!" The researchers nodded yes.

"Lance!" Sakagi Boss shouted again.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Lance leaned forward and asked.

"The mysterious meteorite you brought back must be carefully guarded. After arriving at the next base, immediately start to speed up the research and development of the master ball!"

Boss Sakagi paused: "Be sure to make the master ball as soon as possible!".

Chapter five hundred and thirty ninth Sakagi's worries

"Okay, boss."

"Okay, prepare to retreat." Sakagi waved his hand.

Lance backed away.

"We must speed up the research and development of the master ball, and strive to make it as soon as possible." Boss Sakagi looked at the well-behaved Chaomeng next to him, thinking.

The power of Chaomeng was beyond his expectations. While letting his ambition breed, he was very excited, but at the same time, it was inevitable that he was a little worried.

Can such a powerful man-made legendary elves really obey people's control?

You must know that every legendary elf has a profound command and autonomy, and is almost never under the control of people!

Looking at it now... Chaomeng is very obedient, and even in the collision of the super power storm just now, he took the initiative to protect Sakagi to prevent him from being hurt by "two three seven".

But as the big boss of the Rockets, I don't know how many ups and downs I have gone through, even Sakagi boss, eggs must not be put in one basket, and the choice must not be handed over to Chaomeng!

Chaomeng is undoubtedly the most powerful elf in Team Rocket at this stage. Such a powerful force must be in his own hands, and there must be no hidden dangers!

Sakagi set his eyes on Mewtwo's Poké Ball in his hand, and said in his heart; "When the Master Ball is developed, then Mewtwo will be transferred as soon as possible."

This way, you can be sure that nothing unexpected happens!

At the same time, the members of Team Rocket took away what was supposed to be taken away from this secret base at a very fast speed, destroyed it, and then quickly left here.

The successful withdrawal of the Heart of Yang Yan will undoubtedly expose this secret base completely. If it continues to stay, I am afraid that it will be surrounded by the alliance team!

Moreover, after the ravages of the super power storm, this base has also been greatly damaged. It has become a luxury to want to conduct research in a short period of time, and this base has become a useless place.

Although a huge amount of money was invested in the construction, at this time, it had to be discarded directly.

"But..." Boss Sakagi's eyes turned to Chaomeng beside him: "Fortunately, all the investment was not in vain, and the successful research of Chaomeng means that no matter how much they paid, it was worth it!"

Riding the flash dragon, Lin Wen quickly moved towards Vibrant City.

The speed of the flashing dragon was fast, and it soon came to the top of the research institute. Lin Wen looked down and saw that there were many vehicles gathered in front of the entrance of the research institute, with a unified logo on it.

Silver Corporation.

Obviously... After going to Daikan Island to start research on mysterious meteorites, it was found that the mysterious meteorite had been snatched away by Team Rocket. Researchers from Silver Corporation came to the institute with Dr. Ohno.

The excitement of the research institute also attracted many players to come to see if they could take the opportunity to receive any quests.

The arrival of the Flash Dragon undoubtedly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Just under everyone's attention, Lin Wen directed the flashing dragon to slowly descend.

When it fell to the ground, the ground couldn't help shaking.

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