"Flickering Dragon, take me to have a look!"

The flash dragon quickly raised its altitude and flew towards the place where the agitation came from!

Far away... The situation there entered Lin Wen's line of sight!

After seeing the situation there, Lin Wen's eyes narrowed slightly!

He saw the cadres of the Rockets!

It was Lance who he once had a relationship with!

At the Rockets base in Capital Falls, he was the team that followed Lance and came there, and defeated Lance!

Their different Rocket uniforms make it easy to identify them! .

Chapter [-] The last fight?

"Team Rocket is going to... make a last-ditch effort?" Lin Wen thought!

From the beginning of the world-class mission to the present, countless Rocket bases have been destroyed in the Kanto area, but in summary, it is found that there are no high-level Rockets at any base!

Often, the main force guarding each Rocket team's base is the Rocket team's players, as well as some low-level NPCs. When they encounter a base occasionally, there will be some strong Rocket members to defend.

The well-known Rockets cadres did not show up.

Now it seems that they are all gathered in this secret base!

In addition to Lance, there are many other members of the Rockets in uniforms behind him, the Rockets senior cadre!

They are obviously not the cannon fodder-level characters who were initially guarded!

The battle situation at this time clearly told Lin Wen about the situation!

Because after several senior cadres of Team Rocket appeared and led many 18 members behind them to join the battle, the battle situation suddenly changed!

Lin Wen couldn't help but be a little stunned after reading the elf attributes of several members of Team Rocket that appeared from a distance with his Eyesight skill!

Because... he found out that the members of the Rocket Team who appeared later, their elf attributes and combat power evaluations were unexpectedly high!

In other words...the elves of these people are almost all genetically modified Pokémon!

Team Rocket has been researching the genetic modification of elves for a long time, and even the doctoral researchers of the Alliance have to admit that in this regard, Team Rocket's research even surpasses the Alliance!

After all, the alliance itself is very resistant to genetic modification, which is a matter of artificially changing the attributes of elves!

And Team Rocket, as an evil force, has no pressure at all!

They don't have any psychological burden on this at all, they have been concentrating on the genetic modification of elves, and have made great progress!

Similar to the sprites currently used by these Team Rocket members, it is the most direct progress!

In addition to the entrance of Charles, Lin Wen stepped on the back of the flash dragon, overlooking the whole situation, and found that at the other entrances, there were also some senior Rockets cadres in unique black uniforms appearing!Behind him, there are countless members of Team Rocket who master genetically modified elves!

They are undoubtedly the elite mission of the Rockets!

Moreover, after they joined the battle, the effect appeared immediately, and the players of the alliance camp received great resistance!

Originally, the battle between the players of the Alliance camp and the players of the Rockets camp, although it would not be able to advance into the Charles Industrial Park for a while, but it was still dominated by the players of the Alliance, and it was pressing step by step!

And now, the appearance of these powerful Rocket Team senior cadres, and the appearance of countless elite members, will undoubtedly slow down the offensive of the players of the Alliance camp!

And... it caused them great trouble!

With the appearance of the Rockets cadres and elite members, the Rockets camp players, who were at a disadvantage, also cheered up one after another. One by one, their combat power far exceeded the previous one. For a time, the alliance side actually had a tendency to be counterattacked. !

With the appearance of the Rockets' senior cadres, the Rockets' counter-offensive has officially begun!

Lin Wen looked down at the whole situation in midair, and now there are not many people riding elves to fight in the sky, and his flashing dragon is not as conspicuous as usual!

With the addition of the senior cadres of the Rockets, the whole situation has undergone a change of reversal!

A powerful trainer has a huge impact on the battle situation!

The senior cadres of the Rockets are undoubtedly among the "powerful trainers"!

Every senior cadre of the Rockets has the strength of a near king!Not the king, but the strength is very close!

And now, because of Team Rocket's genetic modification technology, the attributes of the elf have been improved, which makes these senior cadres of Team Rocket, who were originally close to Heavenly Kings, fully possessed the combat power of Heavenly Kings!


Just like Lin Wen can completely crush Team Rocket players and bottom-level members, one knife at a time, the same is true for the senior cadres of Team Rocket!

And the many elite members who follow him are also very strong!Players far beyond the alliance camp!

After glancing at the battle situation in the sky, Lin Wen squinted his eyes and said, "Flickering Dragon, fly towards the position of the senior cadre of the Rocket Team!"


The flashing dragon roared, flapping its wings, and suddenly flew in the direction pointed by Lin Wen!

There, it is the position of Lin Wen's defeated general, Lance, the senior cadre of the Rockets!

There, at this time, it was also the place where the players of the alliance camp fought the most fiercely. The appearance of the senior cadres and elite members of the Rocket Team brought them great pressure and could not resist it at all. They were about to attack the entrance of the Charles Industrial Park. , such as 827 was forced to withdraw now!

It can be said that the players here are fighting a bit miserable!

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