Various scenes flashed through his mind, and now when he looked at Lin Wen again, a strange light flashed in Lance's eyes.

"." Lance 々¨. Standing proudly on the back of the Flash Dragon, Lin Wen was full of momentum and slowly said, "I didn't expect to meet you here again." "

He deliberately raised the decibel, which made what Lin Wen said could be heard clearly by every player around (Alright Zhao).

Into the ears of the players on both sides, it caused a burst of restlessness.

"What? Did the Great God of Yang Yan meet this Lance?"

"Then have they fought?"

"Who knows?"

"God Yang Yan, come on, kill this ratio for me!"

"Yeah...I didn't expect it either."

Lance's eyes were complicated, and he looked at Lin Wen with cowardice and timidity, but in the end, a strange light flashed and turned into firmness!

"Researcher Yang Yan of the Alliance." He looked up at Lin Wen in mid-air, and his voice filled the ears of everyone around him.

"Although I was defeated by you last time, this time... you can't defeat me!"

As soon as he said it, there was an uproar! .

Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh king shot

"Damn, what's the situation? This Lance was actually defeated by the Heart of Yang Yan?"

"No way... Then how to fight! Waste, as an NPC, how can you not even beat the Heart of Yang Yan?"

"Heart of Yang Yan, has it become so powerful?"

This is a player on the Rockets side.

On the other hand, the players from the alliance camp are completely different!

"God Yang Yan is cheating! Even this senior cadre has been defeated!"

"Everyone has been speculating whether God Yang Yan has the combat power of the Heavenly King class and can defeat the senior cadres of the Rocket Team. It seems that the Heavenly King class has run away!"

"Hey, hey, are there any classmates who want to join the Yang Yan Group? The king-level boss, I won't wait until it expires!"

After Lance showed up with the elite members of Team Rocket, these players were immediately suppressed, and there was nothing to say that their strength was not as good as others...

But now, as he said that he had been defeated by Lin Wen, it immediately aroused the fighting spirit of countless players!

"Just kidding, God Yang Yan has defeated you, isn't that easy to lead us to victory?"

It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and it is one of human nature to hug your thighs in any case, and now, Lin Wen has undoubtedly become the thigh that they want to hug, and has become a big tree that shelters them from the wind and rain. !

Seeing the noisy voices of the players, Lance's brows wrinkled, and he also found that his words were shameless and brave, which seemed to arouse the fighting spirit of the players of the enemy camp and became more confident.

But immediately, he stretched his brows.

For him, none of that matters!

Since he was once defeated by Lin Wen, only by defeating him can he wash away his shame!

Thinking of the elf in his elf ball, Lance couldn't help but feel more confident!

As for the "miscellaneous soldiers" of these alliances, they can naturally be easily dealt with, so what if their morale is high?After defeating the Heart of Yang Yan, their morale that had recovered would naturally decline, and with the difference in strength, Lance didn't think they could pose any threat to him!

This is the confidence that comes from strength!

Although he was defeated by Lin Wen, and even when facing Lin Wen, Lance seemed to have a shadow, but... he seemed to be prepared. After recalling all kinds of things in his mind, the first thing that came to his mind was not to retreat. To avoid a head-on conflict with Lin Wen.

What he thought was to defeat Lin Wen and wash away the shame!

"Can't beat you?"

Lin Wen turned his head slightly, looked down at Lance, and showed some funny eyes: "Although I don't know where your confidence comes from, those are not important."

"As long as there is one battle... then everything will be known!" Lin Wen said, his voice was full of fighting intent!

As for the defeated general, if he wanted to taste the taste of defeat again, then Lin Wen would not mind satisfying him again!

The momentum suddenly reached its peak.

The battle... is about to start!


at the same time!

At the rear of the alliance camp, Kona, Shiba, Kazuki, and the three heavenly kings stood together, looking at the huge battlefield in front of them.

Behind them, there are many elite trainers of the alliance!

These are the forces that the Alliance has not thrown into the battle!

The alliance side naturally has its own unique method of targeting. The real elite of the Rockets side has not joined the battle, and the alliance side, too!

And now, with the senior cadres and elite members of Team Rocket joining the battle, the heavenly kings on the alliance side are finally ready to take action!

King Kona swept across the entire battlefield, and then slowly said, "Everyone, it's time for us to join the battle."

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