Lin Wen glanced at the lord-level steel snake in front of Lance, who was huge, and suddenly opened his mouth.

"Flash Dragon, use Dragon God Dive on the big steel snake!"

The order has been issued!

In the telepathy, Shanaido's gentle reply came.

"Yes, Lord Yang Yan."

Then... Shanaido began to act!

Mysterious rays of light flashed through the crimson pupils, and the fluctuations of thought power condensed into essence, attacking the wonderful frog flower!

"Miaohuahua, dodge quickly!" Lance's voice came over.

Hearing Lance's voice, Miaohuahua reacted in a timely manner, facing the fluctuation of the mind power from the attack, and quickly dodged to the side!

Although Frog Flower is not a Pokémon that is good at speed, but with preparations, it successfully evaded the fluctuation of psychic power!


Substantial thought power fluctuations suddenly bombarded the ground!

The ground of the loess was suddenly blasted, and the damage caused by the thought force after the materialization was even more terrifying!I saw the place where the wonderful frog flower dodged, a big pit appeared, and the clods splashed!

When Lance saw such a powerful attack, cold sweat could not help running down his forehead. If he hadn't escaped...then...

When he was at the Rocket Team's base in Ducheng Waterfall, Shanaido could exist beyond his dreams. The power of his super-skills was far beyond imagination and was very powerful!

Frog Flower dodged Shanaido's attack, but that doesn't mean it can relax!

Because... Ye Elf's figure turned into a stream of light, and he sprinted over when it was dodging his skills!

With the addition of the moving forest, the speed of the Leaf Elf has been doubled, and the entire body is rushing fast, only to see an afterimage!Root (Wang Lihao) could not capture its body!

In the blink of an eye, it has come to the front of the wonderful frog!

The two front hooves were raised high, and the rays of light flashed past, and then crashed towards the head of the wonderful frog flower who had just avoided the phantom attack and had no time to breathe!

The head of the wonderful frog was suddenly attacked with such a powerful force, and the whole body fell forward involuntarily.A head-turning onion came directly!

Although its size is not small, under the powerful power of Ye Elf, there is still no room for resistance!

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen opened his mouth and said: "." Shanai Duo, use multiple troublesome leaves on the wonderful frog flower! "

Multiple magic leaves!Shanaido's elite skills!

Countless leaves shining with magic light condensed in front of Shanaido, suspended into a large piece, and then bombarded the wonderful frog flower! .

Chapter five hundred and ninety-two meteorite hit the earth

Swish swish swish!

The sound of countless leaves breaking through the air resounded!

At this time, the wonderful frog flower was pressed under the two front hooves of the leaf elf king. Although he did not lose his fighting ability due to the strong recovery ability of the grass elf, he was still traumatized and struggled to get up!

It has no defenses at all!

Countless leaves full of magical light have already bombarded its abdomen!

After this raid, the wonderful frog flower couldn't help but let out a painful howl, very painful!

It's not over yet!

Lin Wen was determined to take it away without stopping. Seeing that the wonderful frog flower was attacked by multiple magic leaves and had not lost the ability to fight, he opened his mouth and said: "Ye elf, use a million wooden horns on it. !"

Million Wood Horn Strike: An advanced skill of the deadly blade. It uses the deadly horn to deal huge damage to the enemy, and it will definitely cause a critical strike. 50% of the damage caused by this skill is converted into the HP value of the Leaf Spirit King.

Million wood horn strikes!

Leaf Elf's Elite Template Skill!

The effect of the mysterious sword has disappeared after defeating the strange force 173, but at this time, its single horn once again emits a dazzling light!

Looking at the painful frog flower below, Ye Elf did not hesitate at all, and the horn suddenly fell off!

One hit, lore!

Under the bonus of the moving forest, the power of the grass-type skills of the Leaf Elf has been doubled, and with the attributes of the increase in battle, the power is very terrifying!

Even the wonderful frog flower, which is also an elves, may not be able to bear it!

Not to mention, the wonderful frog flower was attacked before, and it was not in a complete state. Now it was hit by the millions of wooden horns of the leaf spirit, and it was finally unable to resist. The huge body was paralyzed in place, and then turned Returned to the Poké Ball for a red light!

The second elf, successfully solved!

And just when Shanai Duo and Ye Elf worked together to easily defeat the wonderful frog flower, on the other side of the battlefield, the battle between the lord-level flash dragon and the lord-level steel snake had already begun!

The two elves are very large elves, each occupying an area!

Until... Lin Wen's command came! (bief)

"Flash Dragon, use Dragon God Dive on the big steel snake!"


The dragon's roar resounded throughout the battlefield, and the flashing dragon flapped its wings and took off suddenly!

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