"Fuck!Even Lugia? 》

"Meow!I thought I could only see Chao Meng this time, but I didn't expect to see Lugia! 》

"I really want to subdue it... It's good to be able to subdue one of them. 》

"What is Lugia going to do?Is it..."

With every refresh, countless new posts appear.

Within a day, two legendary elves appeared in front of the public, arousing the desire of countless players to discuss, and the forum, as the main area for players to exchange information, undoubtedly became popular immediately! .

Chapter [-] Pattern Reversal

on the battlefield.

Because of Lugia's appearance, all the players present, from the Alliance camp and the Rockets camp, fell into shock.

After being shocked and finally coming back to their senses, the players present realized a problem one after another!

Poseidon Lugia, what exactly are you planning to do here?

Players can't believe that Lugia, who is now staying above the sky, just came here to make soy sauce!

As a legendary elf who can't be seen at all and has no trace, Lugia must have something to do when he comes here!

After thinking about it for a while, many players from the alliance camp suddenly showed a rather surprised expression!

They thought of the purpose of Lugia's coming here!

As the god of the sea, Lugia, but also one of the legendary Pokémon of the lawful camp!

So... Lugia came here, could it still be to help the Rockets?


It came here, there is only one possibility!

That is, Lugia, it is the reinforcements sent by the Alliance!

After careful consideration, this is the only possibility!

It is very rare for the Rocket team to develop a legendary elf, Chaomeng. If the Rockets have a second legendary elf to help, then this battle will not be necessary at all!

A super dream has already reversed the situation of this battle. If there is another legendary elf, will it still be worth it?

The alliance simply patted and admitted defeat!

Moreover, the sea god Lugia, no matter how you think about it, it doesn't look like an elf who can get together with Team Rocket!

Therefore, many Alliance players have thought of this, and suddenly have a very surprising guess in their hearts. The second legendary elf that appeared on the battlefield, Sea God Lugia, is from the Alliance camp. Elf!

is here to help them!

Thinking of this, I don't know how many players from the alliance camp are ecstatic!

Originally thought... this battle will end in failure. After all, facing this unmatched Mewtwo, the alliance seems to have nowhere to turn the tables. It can only be consumed as the battle continues, and eventually Completely defeated!

And now, it's time to turn around!

The legendary elf, Lugia is here!

This must be the spirit of the alliance side!

The reason why it was reversed by the situation and was about to be defeated, to put it bluntly, is that Chao Meng's own strength is so powerful that he can achieve this step!

Well now, your Team Rocket has a legendary elf, but our alliance camp finally has a legendary elf!

As long as Mewtwo is dragged down or even defeated, it is still unknown who will die in this battle!

Thinking of this information, I don't know how many players from the Alliance camp have experienced ups and downs in morale, and there is more hope for the victory of this battle!

And the players of the Rockets camp are more depressed...

In their opinion, this battle was already a sure thing. Under the constant attacks of Chaomeng, no one could resist its attacks, and the strength of the alliance camp was reduced again and again. If this continues, the alliance camp will sooner or later. lose.

And they... will also win this otherwise hopeless battle!

But now, there are variables!

Legendary elf - Sea God Lugia!

Although many Team Rocket players thought in their hearts that it would be great if this Sea God Lugia was also their elf on Team Rocket's side, but thinking about it with their heads, they all knew that it was impossible.

This large-scale mission, the strength of the Rockets can not be strong to that level!

This Lugia must be a legendary elf on the alliance side.

This made many Rocket players couldn't help but pray in their hearts: "I hope Chaomeng will give some strength, don't wilt because of Lugia's arrival, so that they can win this battle!"

With the arrival of Lugia, the situation on the battlefield has become confusing again. No one knows where the final point of this battle is and which side will win!

· · · · Flowers 0


Below, Kona, Kazuki, and Sheba, the three kings, also showed joyful expressions after seeing Lugia's figure.

They are not players, and they need to think about it. As the king of the elf alliance, they naturally know which legendary elves are friends with the alliance!

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