Thinking of the name of the person mentioned by the staff member just now, Lin Wen hesitated for a while, and asked, "That...the Lord Sopa you mentioned just now...who is it?"

"Lord Sopa?"

The staff in front paused for a while, turned around, looked at Lin Wen, looked at Lin Wen carefully, and then suddenly said: "I forgot Researcher Yang Yan, you just debuted, and you don't know Mr. Sopa. normal……"

Speaking of this, the staff member patted his head: "Hey... Researcher Yang Yan's strength has improved too quickly, so I innately thought that you are an old-fashioned trainer, and you should know more information."

Lin Wen smiled lightly and took over his flattery, ready to listen to his explanation.

"Lord Sopa, is one of the senior officers of the alliance..." The staff member replied seriously: "What is the management... I don't know, but Mr. Sopa is very famous. The alliance Some of the most powerful trainers in the group have heard of his name."

Speaking of this, the staff member suddenly paused and said, "Of course... Researcher Yang Yan, you have just become a trainer for less than a year, so it's not surprising that you don't know Lord Sopa."

After answering, the staff looked at Lin Wen and asked carefully, "Researcher Yang Yan, do you have any questions?"

"No more." Lin Wen shook his head gently.

"Well... let's hurry up." The staff member of the alliance said: "Lord Sopa is probably in a hurry."

Subsequently, the league staff stepped up.

Lin Wen followed behind him and quickly followed.

While keeping up, all kinds of information flashed in Lin Wen's mind!

League top!

Unexpectedly... this time he came to the Golden City Elf Alliance to receive the reward, and he was able to meet the top of the alliance!

Suddenly... Lin Wen thought of Charles Industrial Park, but it was King Kona who asked him to come to the Golden City to receive the reward. It seems... I am afraid that King Kona already knew about this!

The top of the Elf League!

This is undoubtedly a big man in the wizard century!

It is estimated that in some aspects, it is even inferior to the King of Heaven, and it is still too much!

After all, if it really counts, then the heavenly kings in various regions are closer to the roles of combatants and guardians, and in such a large organization as the Alliance, in addition to these combatants, There are so many managers!

It is estimated that... this Sopa should be one of them. Hearing the introduction of the staff in front of him, he is quite famous!

It seems... his performance in this world-class character "Team Rocket Destruction" is indeed a bit amazing, and he even alarmed the top of the alliance!

This is also the first time Lin Wen has had direct contact with the high-level leaders of the alliance!

In the past, although researcher Yang Yan's reputation spread farther and farther, the impression of the top leaders of the alliance... still stayed on others.

After all... this is just a general term, and the top level of the alliance includes more than one person!

Thinking of these things in my mind... Lin Wen couldn't help but looked at the staff in front of him and said, "Can I ask, what is the matter with Mr. Sopa looking for me?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Hearing his questioning voice, the staff of the alliance stepped down again, looked at Lin Wen with admiration in their eyes, and said sincerely: "Researcher Yang Yan, in this battle with Team Rocket... you... The strength shown is really powerful beyond imagination!"

He paused, thinking of the scenes that Lin Wen showed in this battle!

You must know... before, Lin Wen single-handedly broke into the Rockets base and defeated the boss of Sakagi, which has actually proved his strength, but... After all, no one has seen it!

Even with the alliance's ability to collect information, it has been confirmed that this matter is true. Under the capital waterfall, there is indeed a Rocket Team secret base that has been destroyed in a large area, but I have not seen Lin Wen fighting with my own eyes. Strength, naturally there is no clear understanding...

And in this large-scale battle with Team Rocket... Lin Wen undoubtedly showed his strength to the fullest!

Real king-level combat power!

Perhaps... In terms of commanding elves, in terms of familiarity with elves, the Heart of Yang Yan still has a certain deficiency compared to the old heavenly king. After all, this is a gap in experience, but compared with the strength of elves controlled by the guard, Yang Yan's heart has a certain deficiency. The Heart of Flame is no longer inferior to any Heavenly King!Very powerful!

In this battle, in addition to completely dispelling players' doubts about the strength of the Yang Yan Heart, it also allowed the Elf Alliance to finally understand the actual combat power of Lin Wen, a Yang Yan researcher!With reference!

The staff thought of this in their minds, and their tone became more respectful, and then said: "Especially... Researcher Yang Yan, at the end of the battle, you actually successfully commanded the legendary elf, the god of the sea, Lugia!"

"Lord Sopa is very shocked by this. This is the main reason why I came to invite you soon after I got you to come to the alliance!"

The tone of this alliance staff member is very respectful, but also with a slight envy! .

Chapter six hundred and thirty fourth meeting with high-level

The legendary elf that can only be admired, actually willingly fought under the command of Lin Wen!

This is not something that can be done by strength alone. After all, every legendary elf is not lacking in strength. If you want to command a legendary elf without being subdued, I am afraid that you must get the recognition of the other party!

This is undoubtedly a very rare situation!

So... Lin Wen completely attracted the attention of the top leaders of the alliance. After this high-level alliance named Sopa came to the Elf Alliance in the Golden City, he specifically ordered King Kona to contact the Heart of Yang Yan to come here. Alliance station to receive rewards...

And Lin Wen agreed with King Kona's suggestion, so he came here now!

After listening to the staff's introduction, Lin Wen finally realized that "[-]" had passed everything in vain!

He has some guesses in his heart... I am afraid, after all, the reason why this alliance executive, Lord Sopa, will contact him to meet, I am afraid that his strength is second, and the main reason is that he actually commands the sea. Fight against a legendary beast like God Lugia!

After all... a trainer with the strength of Xiang Linwen is very rare in the alliance, but some can be recruited!

But being able to get a legendary elf to agree to his own command and fight under his own command without being subdued is undoubtedly a very rare situation!

Because of this... it has attracted the attention of the top leaders of the alliance!

With these thoughts in mind, Lin Wen was led into a room under the leadership of the staff.

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