Quest Requirements: Elf Master

Quest Rewards: The Alliance promises to fulfill a requirement.

Whether to accept?

A request from one side of the alliance?

When Lin Wen heard this, he couldn't help but be slightly lost.

The opposite Sopa saw this keenly, and couldn't help but look more satisfied, as if looking at a prey that was about to be caught.

Lin Wen was indeed a little surprised. He didn't expect the alliance party to promise such a big price!

After all... as the most powerful human force in the elf world, there is almost nothing that the elf alliance can't accomplish!

This really made Lin Wen a little moved!

But after just a few seconds, Lin Wen reacted and regained his firmness!

The promise of the alliance is indeed an exciting reward, but... although the alliance is extremely powerful, in comparison, it is not something that can be achieved!

For example, asking the Alliance to help you capture a legendary elf is obviously an impossible requirement!

Simply thinking of these, Lin Wen made a decision in his heart!

In contrast, in Lin Wen's view, the friendship of the legendary elf is more important!

After all... in the 4.5 elf world, the top rulers are these legendary elves who control the world's operation!

Not accepted!

Lin Wen raised his head slightly, and saw Sopa, the high-ranking member of the alliance who was looking at him, Lin Wen's mind turned a corner. The second time I came to the Elf Alliance is to receive my reward for this large-scale mission."

He smiled lightly: "I have gained a lot of points this time, and I should be able to exchange for good rewards."

Sopa was slightly stunned, and then asked: "Then about this mission..."

"I'll think about it, don't rush to make a decision." Lin Wen quickly replied. .

Chapter [-] Super Crown

"OK then."

Sopa nodded lightly, without forcing Lin Wen too much, but said, "Since that's the case... I'll have someone bring the exchange list."

Lin Wen nodded lightly in agreement.

"Come in!"

Sopa shouted softly towards the door, and then the door rang, and a figure walked into the room.

Lin Wen looked up, it was the Alliance staff who brought him here before!

After the staff member opened the door and entered, he looked at Sopa and said, "Lord Sopa, are you looking for me?"

"Well." Sopa nodded lightly, and then said, "Get the list of the highest-level rewards for this large-scale mission."

The staff glanced at Lin Wen, and immediately realized that this exchange list was obviously used for Lin Wen!

He nodded and said, "Okay... I'll go right now."

Then, he turned and left the room.

In the room, Sopa and Lin Wen were left again.

The two of them sat in the chairs, and they were silent for a while, and neither of them started the conversation easily.

Fortunately... the staff of the alliance quickly returned to the room. In addition to holding a table-like thing, there was also a small box.

"Give it directly to Researcher Yang Yan." Seeing the staff coming back, Sopa said.

The staff nodded lightly and then respectfully handed the exchange list to Lin Wen.

Then, the staff walked to Sopa's side again.

He put the small box in his hand on the desk in front of Sopa and leaned down, not knowing what was whispering beside Sopa.

After Sopa nodded lightly, the staff immediately resigned.

And Lin Wen's eyes focused on the exchange list!

The first time he saw the exchange list... Lin Wen couldn't help being surprised!

Because... the points required for these props are simply too huge!

At least, they all start at [-] points!

You must know that in this world-class mission, the system's control of points is very strict. You can only get a point for defeating a hostile player, which undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty of getting points!

If you want to get points, the main source is the reward for destroying the Rockets base!

Lin Wen is the first in the standings!Earned points are the most among players!But there are only less than [-] points!

This has already been the result of his all-out efforts!

And so many points, in this exchange list, can only be exchanged for one item!

This is something that Lin Wen never thought of!

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