Then... attacked towards Master Itachi!

Fradali's voice came: "Master Itachi, hide!"

Master Itachi is an elf of the fighting department. The most sensitive thing is his body. With a little toes, he quickly left the place!

Then, the materialized phantom attack bombarded the ground, causing a blast!

"Come closer to Shanaido!" Fradali said immediately!

Hearing the command, after dodging the phantom attack, he moved his body quickly and attacked Shanaido!

Its speed is extremely fast. As the main elf of the leader of the Flaming Team, Fradali is naturally not an ordinary elf. Almost in the blink of an eye, it has come not far from Shanaido!

Fradali is also a trainer with Heavenly King-level combat power. His eyes are vicious, and he can tell at a glance that this Shanaido belongs to 097, a poor elf who specializes in attack, speed and defense!

This kind of elf is good for keeping a distance from the enemy, but if you don't keep your distance and are attacked by an opponent, especially a fighting elf like Master Itachi, then the end... can be imagined!

That would be a very scary scene!

The corners of Fradali's mouth were slightly raised, and he seemed to have seen the scene where Shanaido was killed by his master Itachi after being approached!

"Master Itachi, use the flying knee kick!" Fradali ordered!

Hearing the order, Master Itachi fell to the ground, bent up, then exploded violently and rushed forward!

Its knees arched slightly, and it aimed straight at Shanaido!

If this hit hits, then with Shanaido's rather dismal defensive power, it is possible to be killed in an instant!

Lin Wen's expression was calm, and at the critical moment, he opened his mouth and said, "Shanaiduo, use position replacement!"

Teleportation skills on the battlefield!

Then, in the unbelievable eyes of Master Itachi, Shanaido in front of him suddenly turned into a half-human-high rock!

Since its offensive, there is absolutely no way to stop it temporarily, and can only watch its flying knee kick hit the stone in front of it! .

Chapter [-]: Unexpectedly Powerful


Terrible power!

I saw that under Master Itachi's flying knee, a crack suddenly appeared in the stone in front of him, and then... it exploded!

After all, Fradali is the main elf of the leader of the Flaming Team, and the master Itachi has obviously undergone very strict special training, and his strength is very powerful!

The rocks exploded, splattered at any time, and shot around!

Master Itachi's face distorted unconsciously!

It... obviously felt the pain too!

Fighting skills, attacking an elf and attacking a hard rock is obviously a completely different feeling!

Especially... this is the situation when it is completely unprepared!

Seeing this scene, Fradali was also slightly surprised, and his eyes couldn't help narrowing. He thought that Shanaido was already a certain defeat, but he didn't expect this scene to appear!

Fradali looked at Shanaido, who had been transferred to another location through the exchange of positions, and couldn't help frowning!

Now... Shanaido has once again distanced himself from his master Itachi!

If you want to attack again, it is not that simple!


After Shanai Duo used the position exchange to leave the place, facing the master Itachi, who hit the stone with his flying knee kick, Lin Wen did not even give a command, but directly instructed Shanai Duo in the telepathy!

"Shanaido, use super power storm on this master Itachi!"

Shanai Duo's response came immediately: "Yes... Lord Yang Yan."

Super storm!

It can be said that it is the most powerful skill of Shanaido at present!Profound Skills!

Because Lin Wen didn't speak out, Fradali and his master Itachi were completely unprepared, and saw a flash of light in Shanaido's pupils, and then... the power of the super power storm had already acted on the master Itachi!

Super Storm is a skill in a wide range, but that doesn't mean it can't be used on single elves!

All the power was gathered on the body of the master Itachi!

You must know that when he was in the Rocket Team base, under the premise of super power runaway, Shanaido's super power storm was an existence comparable to Chao Meng!

Now... although Shanaido has not entered the state of super power runaway, but the power is also not to be underestimated!

Super Power Storm: Super power is a mystical skill, causing five consecutive stages of group damage to small elves in a large area. Each stage has a 10% chance of randomly adding a non-superimposable abnormal state. The skill damage and the special attack attributes of both sides are poor. The bigger the difference in special attack attributes, the higher the damage.

In the introduction of Super Storm, it was mentioned that the greater the difference in special attack attributes, the higher the damage!

And... Master Itachi, is a fighting-type Pokémon!

For a Pokémon with this attribute, the Special Attack Index is a very worrying value!

In the face of Shanaido, who has a high special attack, the gap between the two is infinitely widened!

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