Just as Lin Wen was about to continue his search, a voice suddenly came from a central room not far away!

"Miss Karuna! Come here!"

About ten meters away from Lin's tattoo, Ka Lunai put down the things in her hand and quickly rushed towards the room where the sound came from.

Lin Wen's eyes lit up slightly: "Could it be... Is this something you found?"

Didn't he hesitate at all, he hurried over... toward that room!

This cry also attracted the attention of many alliance trainers, and a few people gathered towards the room.

Soon, Lin Wen came outside the room!

At this time, a lot of people had gathered outside the room. After seeing Lin Wen coming, everyone nodded lightly, and then made way for Lin Wen to enter.

This is the effect of strength and fame!

Lin Wen nodded his thanks, and then entered the room!

I saw that this room was a large computer!

At this moment... the alliance staff member of the alliance who had cracked the gate code before was typing on the keyboard quickly in front of the computer!

As he tapped, lines of code appeared on the computer screen, changing rapidly!

The staff of the alliance had beads of sweat on his forehead, but he didn't dare to wipe it at all, he just worked very seriously!

Karuna was standing beside him, watching this scene nervously, for fear of missing any information!

Outside the room, many Alliance trainers who were watching here also quieted down and watched the activities of this computer expert!

For a time, everyone was quiet, and only the sound of the keyboard was constantly trying to sound!

About a minute later!

(caee) The staff member of the alliance hit the Enter key proudly and let out a long sigh of relief!

Immediately, Karuna, who was beside her, couldn't help but ask, "How's it going?"

There was no need for this alliance staff member to answer, the changes on the big screen in front of him had already told Karuna the answer!

Many alliance trainers outside could not be seen due to the distance, but Lin Wen and Karunai were standing in front of the computer, and naturally they could clearly see the information displayed on the computer!

It is... the sleeping coordinates of Yveltal that Team Flare discovered!

The staff member of the Alliance bowed slightly to Lin Wen and Karuna, and then left the room!

In this room at Team Flare's base, only Lin Wen and Karuna were left!

What is displayed on the computer is a relatively long document, and there are many arguments and documents to speculate on the sleeping place of Yveltal!

And in the end, the answer is given!

Lin Wen and Karunai pulled the document to the end, and they both saw the sleeping place of Yveltal as determined by Team Flare!

The bottom of a natural mysterious lake in the sandalwood forest!

In the back, the coordinates of this place are accurately recorded!

Lin Wen and Ka Lunai looked at each other and exhaled a long breath, feeling that their trip was worthwhile!

The alliance has been searching for the sleeping location of the two legendary elves, but in the end, only a limited number of forest locations with high probability have been identified!

The Flare Team obviously took a step ahead and speculated on the exact location of Yveltal!

If it wasn't because Xerneas sacrificed his freedom to seal Yveltal, and if he wanted to release Yveltal, he had to deal with Xerneas first, then... I am afraid that Team Flare has already Yveltal is not necessarily released!

Coming to the Flare Team base and successfully learning Yveltal's location information is undoubtedly a huge gain!

Afterwards, a flash of light flashed in Lin Wen's mind, and there was another guess!

He looked at Karuna and said, "Miss Karuna! As far as I can see, Xerneas's sleeping place is not too far from Yveltal's sleeping place. It may be within ten miles around the mysterious lake where Yveltal sleeps!"

A strange color flashed in Karuna's eyes, and then she looked at Lin Wen, waiting for his detailed explanation. .

Chapter [-]: Carlos' Expansion

Lin Wen didn't hesitate, and immediately told his guess!

"Xerneas sealed Yveltal at the bottom of the mysterious lake, obviously with the idea of ​​sacrificing his own freedom, since that's the case... Xerneas's sleeping place should be far from Yvelre. Tar is not far!" Lin Wen said.

"After all... the distance of the seal is limited. If the distance between the two elves is too far, then I am afraid that Xerneas may not be able to guarantee the success of the windbreaker!~"

Karuna nodded and agreed with Lin Wen's statement!

But then, both of them fell silent, not knowing what they were thinking about in their minds.

Knowing the specific location of Yveltal, and inferring the location of Xerneas based on its location, the two should have been very happy. After all... this time they came to the White Sandalwood Forest, their original purpose was to To find Xerneas!

But now, the approximate location of Xerneas can almost be determined, but neither Lin Wen nor the champion Karuna are happy.

They looked at each other and saw the bitterness and hesitation in each other's eyes!

Because, from Fradali's mouth, they have already got that news!

Awakening and releasing Xerneas means releasing Carlos' nightmare!Yveltal!

You must know that [-] years ago, Yveltal ravaged the Carlos area, and Xerneas went to stop it. The battle between the two elves directly led to the destruction of many large forests in the Carlos area, and everything was lonely. !

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