Under such circumstances, now Lin Wen came to him for help, which made Ling Feng very surprised. He couldn't figure out what to do, so Lin Wen actually asked him to come to him!

You must know that after the annihilation of Team Rocket, the Heavenly King-level strength of the Heart of Yang Yan has been established. As long as you are a player who pays attention to current affairs news, you already know that the Heart of Yang Yan has the combat power of the Heavenly King-level!

"That's right." Lin Wen nodded lightly and said to the communicator: "There is indeed something that needs our guild's help." Lin Wen repeated.

Ling Feng was completely interested and asked curiously, "Brother Yang Yan, what is the matter?"

"That's right, I'm in the Carlos area now." Lin Wen looked up at Karuna, who was still in deep thought, and then whispered, "Here, now I have some news."

"What news?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

"A new expansion pack about the Carlos region!" Lin Wen replied.


Ling Feng's tone was full of shock, and he couldn't help but ask, "Brother Yang Yan, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

The emergence of a new expansion in a region is undoubtedly a boon for players, because it means they can get a lot of benefits from it!Many new missions will appear!

Just like this time before, after the Quartz Plateau expansion piece "Mewtwo's Counterattack" appeared, it was accompanied by the large-scale world-class mission of Team Rocket's annihilation!

Although there are some twists and turns in the middle, after the end of the mission, the Lingxi Guild can be said to have gained a lot this time!The overall strength has been improved by rewards!

So... Ling Feng was very surprised after hearing that Lin Wen actually mentioned the new expansion!

"That's right." Lin Wen replied: "After I came to the Carlos region, I acted with the regional champion Karuna here, sabotaging Team Flare's plan. Then, I got information about the Carlos region. The local legendary elves, the news of Xerneas and Yveltal!"

"Now, as long as I have such a thought, I can release them at any time..."

Lin Wen said word by word: "President Lingfeng, do you know anything about these two legendary elves in the Carlos area?"

"Yes." Ling Feng was shocked by Lin Wen's words, but he replied subconsciously, but because of Lin Wen's words, a huge wave turned up in his heart!

"What do you mean... with the regional champion Karuna here?"

"What the fuck? Can players cheat like this now, and act directly with the league's regional champions?"

"You must know that the champion of the alliance, the King of Heaven, has a lot of things to deal with every day. It's like a legendary elf. It's very difficult to see the dragon without seeing the end!"

In the annihilation of Team Rocket this time, the players feasted their eyes. Not only did they see two legendary elves, Chaomeng and Lugia, but they also met several champions in Guandu and Chengdu areas. reward!

Even Ling Feng himself has only come into contact with these few...

But now, on the phone, Lin Wen directly said that he was working with the champion Karuna!

People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away!What a bully without this 1.8!

I haven't even seen the shadow of the champion. You can already perform tasks with the champion. Is the gap too big?

Although he was used to being shocked by Lin Wen, Ling Feng was still a little sluggish after getting the news. The champion is one of the strongest human beings in the elf world!


Lin Wen didn't notice Ling Feng's shocking tone, and continued to describe: "It's good that you understand, these two elves had a battle eight hundred years ago, which caused serious damage to the Carlos area, but then, Zhe Erneas chose to sacrifice his freedom to seal Yveltal, and peace was ushered in the Carlos region!".

Chapter [-] Trust and Ambition

"And now, I have basically grasped the positions of these two elves. I can be sure that if they are released, there will be a new expansion piece in the Carlos area after all!"

Lin Wen told Lingfeng his guess.

"After all... this involves two legendary elves, and it also involves the safety of the entire Carlos region. If these two elves show up, then the appearance of the new expansion is almost inevitable."

After speaking, Lin Wen fell silent, waiting for Ling Feng's reply.

The communication device was silent for five seconds...

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that the other party hung up, but when he removed the communication device from his ear, he found that he was still on a call.

Lin Wen frowned slightly, and then shouted at the communication device: "Hey, hey, President Ling Feng? Ling Feng? Where are you? Where did the people go?"


"Ahhhh! I'm here I'm here!"

On the other end of the communicator, Ling Feng finally recovered from his shock and replied quickly.

At the same time, there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth!

This Yang Yan heart is really unexpected!

Whenever he thinks he has surprised others enough, he will make others experience more experienced things!

Before, because of his actions, he led out the super dream ahead of time, which led to the appearance of the new expansion piece of Quartz Plateau. This time, it was even more cheating. He went to the Carlos area and worked with the champion of the Carlos area, Karuna. Now ...Listening to Lin Wen's tone, the opening of this expansion pack is under his control!

There is only one word to describe it!


Hearing Ling Feng's reply, Lin Wen's brows stretched out, and he said, "President Ling Feng, did you hear what I just said?"

Although he was in shock just now, Ling Feng heard the information that Lin Wen said clearly, nodded when he heard the words, and replied to the communicator: "I heard it clearly."

Then... he opened his mouth with a little doubt: "Brother Yangyan... Although the Carlos area is under your control this time, there may be a new expansion film, but what does that have to do with our guild?"

Lin Wen's first sentence after contacting him was to seek his help and the guild's help, but now, Ling Feng has not heard that he needs help!

With the champion by his side, his strength is strong, and now the Heart of Yang Yan is completely invincible!

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