Because... the other elves of Linwen have developed more evenly, only Shanaido, who is taking the path of a mage, has a very high special attack, but in comparison, other attributes are much weaker.

And this genus (bhcg) guide stone can undoubtedly improve Shanaido's special attack attribute again!

Seeing that Shaneduo had absorbed the attribute guide stone, Lin Wen took it back into the Poké Ball.

Because... the surrounding environment has changed again!


Outside the Tower of Refinement.

After Lin Wen successfully crossed the second floor, and the second star lit up above his avatar, the entire outside players were stunned!

Usually, there are a lot of players who have passed through the second floor. Generally speaking, it will not cause shock to the players, but... But no one has ever passed through the first and second floors so quickly. , and now it has successfully climbed to the third floor!

You must know that the most players in the previous group crossed the third floor, but it took nearly half an hour!

And now, how long has this group of players been in?

Not even five minutes!

This made many players in the outside world fall into shock. They never thought that someone would break into the tower so quickly!

Some players couldn't help but shouted: "I've been paying attention to him since he crossed the first floor. Damn, the second star just lit up less than [-] seconds later!"

This... is a very shocking news!

After hearing the player's words, many players fell into a strange silence. In just [-] seconds, they successfully passed the second floor. Then... except for the wasted time, his role How much time will there be in the battle?

Twenty seconds?Or... ten seconds?

Nobody knows!

How strong is this player?

You must know that the second floor is not so easy. Players can only choose two elves, while the system has three opponents. There is a difference in number. Obviously, players do not take any advantage!

But this anonymous player used two elves to defeat the system's three elves in just half a minute. How did he do it?

Because Lin Wen chose to challenge anonymously, the players did not know his real information at all.

"Wouldn't it be one of the four little kings in our region?" Some players couldn't help but muttered.

"Don't be ridiculous, the Four Little Heavenly Kings have challenged the Tower of Refinement before, although they can pass through the first and second floors with ease, but now, how long has it been before this group of players entered the Tower of Refinement? Less than five minutes! Can the Four Little Heavenly Kings do it? I don't believe it!" A player retorted.

"Yes, it is!" Some players agreed. .

Chapter six hundred and ninety seventh thriving

There are four heavenly kings in all major regions, and the four little heavenly kings in the Carlos region are four players, who are considered to be the top four players in the Carlos region.

"It's not the Four Little Heavenly Kings, who would that be? Could it be Boyfriend Power?"

"Boyfriend Force... is also hanging? Although Boyfriend Force broke into the fourth floor last time, it took a lot of time, far~ far less fast than this person!"

Boyfriend Force is also a well-known player in the Carlos area - a top player!

Because of Lin Wen's speed, outside the entire Refinement Tower, it can be said that most players' attention was attracted to him. Because Lin Wen was an anonymous challenge, these players immediately guessed Lin Wen's body. Want to know which mystery_master this is!

"Next is the third floor... His speed should be slower, right?"

"Yes, it really should be slower, you must know that the opponent is the virtual mirror of the gym owner!"

The Tower of Refinement is the most well-known location in the Carlos area. Every day, many people come to watch the battle and observe the progress of the players. Now, there is such a short time.

Time passed through the first floor one after another, and the players on the second floor immediately attracted the attention of many people!

Even, some players have begun to contact their companions!

"Hey, hey, there's an expert who can break through the level very fast in the Tower of Refinement? Are you coming to see it?"

"What are you looking at? Are you bored?"

"It took him less than a minute to break into the first floor, and less than thirty seconds for the second floor!!!"

"What? It's true? I'll see it right now!"

Call friends!

Not only that.

The information transmission speed of the players is very fast. After discovering the Tower of Refinement, there was a player who broke through the level so quickly. In a short period of time, relevant posts have appeared on the forum, which caused players' concern. focus on!

"The Tower of Refinement in the Carlos Region was shocked to see an anonymous master, and he came to the third floor in three minutes! 》

"He's so fast, it took less than half a minute for the second floor! 》

"I'm hot!Breakthrough is really fast! 》

The appearance of this information immediately made many players notice the news!

In the forum, many players who are not in the Carlos area do not know the situation of the Tower of Refinement, and they even made inquiries. After getting the answers from the players in the Carlos area, they know that they want to pass through two levels so quickly. After the difficulty, I was amazed and paid attention to the real-time news of this matter!

At the same time... there are also many players in the Carlos area, aware of the player's strength, and even set off directly to the Tower of Refinement, preparing to watch the scene!

At the same time... the minds of countless players outside the Tower of Refinement all have a guess.

The challenge of the third layer, how long will this guy take?

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