Of course... this is not Kerni's deity. After all, as the gym owner of Borneo City, she still has a lot of things to do every day... Now, what appears here is only the Tower of Refinement through advanced It's just a mirror image of her that technology shows.

The requirement of the third floor is to defeat the virtual mirror of the local gym master!

Just as Lin Wen glanced at the mirror image of Kerni on the opposite side, Kerni also looked at him and said cheerfully, "Welcome, the trainer who came to challenge."

Lin Wen raised his brows: "Is this mirror still so smart?"

The challenge of the Tower of Refinement undoubtedly gave Lin Wen a very fresh feeling. As a game player, Lin Wen can be regarded as very keen on adventure and challenges. Otherwise, he would not have been riding on Minas alone. Go to the deep sea to find Lugia!

If he hadn't maintained such a heartbeat, he wouldn't have grown to the point where he thinks he is now.

Although the Tower of Refinement is not a wild environment, Lin Wen also enjoys this level of breakthrough. Before, it was only the image of the elf that appeared, but now there is the image of the master of the gymnasium, and it looks like Very intelligent, but it made Lin Wen feel novel.

Hearing Lin Wen's voice, Kerni's mirror image smiled and said, "Challenger, we can use three elves, and the battle rules are 1v1 battles. The elves cannot be replaced until they lose their combat power. Pokemon."

Having said that, Kerni's eyes turned to Lin Wen: "Challenger, do you understand?"

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then walked towards the podium.

Hearing Kerni's question, Lin Wen nodded lightly and said, "I understand!"

At the same time, Lin Wen also pondered in his heart.

The first and second levels are undoubtedly testing the trainer's ability, command ability, and ability to understand attributes.

However, the third layer does have a completely different existence!

Facing the Gym Master of Borneo City and fighting against the mirror image of Kerni, the test is undoubtedly the comprehensive strength of the elf trainer!

After all... just listen to what Korney said, this is a 3v3 battle, and players will undoubtedly need to use their own elves to fight against Korney's elves!

It can be said that this level is a level that truly reflects the strength of the trainer. After all, the opponent is the gym owner of Borneo City!The strength is very strong!

After nodding lightly at Kerni, Lin Wen thought about the elves who were going to fight!


at the same time!

Exterior of the Tower of Refinement.

Because of the news that the players gathered here, there have been more and more players!

Breaking through the first and second floors is not a shocking thing in the Tower of Refinement. After all, there are still many players who can do this!

It's rare... in such a short period of time, when other players who challenged at the same time were still struggling on the first floor, this No. 0017 had already reached the third floor!

How big of a gap is this?

At this time, basically everyone outside is paying attention to the progress of No. 0017, making guesses about how long it will take him to break through the third floor!

Moreover, they are also guessing who this anonymous player is!

Players who can break through the first and second floors in such a short period of time are definitely very powerful players. Such players should not be unknown!


Just when Lin Wen was thinking about which elf to choose, he saw the mirror image of Kerni on the opposite side, and released the elf first!

"Come out, Lucario!"

The light flashed, and a very well-developed Lucario appeared in place!

"Lucario?" Lin Wen's eyes lit up!

Korni, the master of the gym in Borneo City, the most important elf is Lucario. This elf has been cultivated by her to be very powerful!

Lin Wen was still hesitating about which elf to use, but after seeing Kerni release Lucario, he no longer hesitated!

A Poké Ball is thrown!

Lin Wen's Lucario appeared in the ring!

In Lin Wen's heart, 1.4 has a very strong and competitive spirit. Since the opponent has used Lucario, then... it is a fair fight to use Lucario himself!

"Are you also Lucario's trainer?"

After seeing the Lucario released by Lin Wen, Kerni's eyes lit up obviously, and she felt eager to try...  

Lin Wen nodded lightly: "That's right."

In his heart, he was feeling the high technology of this tower of refinement.

This is clearly the mirror image of Kerni, but it looks like a real person, and has a very high intelligence!

No wonder the Tower of Refinement is so popular, I am afraid that this very real mirror image is also a major reason for attracting players to come and challenge! .

Chapter [-] Lucario Civil War

On the ring, two Lucarios fought each other!

Both are Lucarios, although Kerni's side is only a mirror elf, but after they encountered each other, there was still a strong fighting intent in each other's eyes!


Corne's mirror image is the first to attack!

"Lucario, use the lightning flash to approach the opponent, then use the kick!"

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