After Lin Wen's gaze swept to the bottom of the sign, a system alert sounded in his ear.

"Ding Dong, player Heart of Yang Yan, please choose the elf you want to use."

"Doesn't apply to battle orders and communication? Still defeating a mirror spirit that is twice its own strength?"

Lin Wen's brows furrowed.

As we all know, the trainer and the elf are always in a complementary state. The elf is often unable to exert its full strength in battle due to various reasons of its naive character, and the trainer's command is to the elf. They are improving, so that they can fully utilize their combat power in battle!

Two elves with the same attributes, one was cultivated by a trainer and commanded during battle, and the other was a wild elves, then...they fought, and the outcome was obvious.

It can be seen from the fact that when Lucario was on the first floor of the Tower of Refinement, he easily defeated the mirror image of Lucario with 1.5 times his own strength. The elf's fighting consciousness is not perfect.

A level like this fifth floor is undoubtedly an improvement and exercise for the intelligence level and combat awareness of the elf!

However... As for how weak the elves after losing the player's command are, this has been verified by countless players for a long time!

After all... many players are also very curious about this question.

Lin Wen had seen many videos and demonstrations from players about this issue on the forum, and the proof was very clear. After an elf lost the command and control of a trainer, its strength was simply doubled!

Sora has attributes, but there is no way to fully utilize his strength!

This is a very serious problem!

Lin Wen is the first player to come to the fifth level. With his strength, he is still very troubled and tangled. If other players finally break through to the fifth level, if they see this rule, I am afraid they will be cursed!

Because this is almost a completely impossible task!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen's brows furrowed even deeper. From the first floor to now, this is the only rule that has troubled him.

"Then... which elf should I choose to fight?" Lin Wen pondered in his heart.

This is undoubtedly a difficult choice. For example, Lucario, although on the first floor, easily defeated an opponent whose strength was 1.5 times his own strength, but it was under the command of Lin Wen. Without Lin Wen's command, If Lucario fights that mirror image again, the outcome is still unknown!

So... Lin Wen was very hesitant.

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yan Xin, choose the elf you want to use."

The system prompt rang again in Lin Wen's ear.

Hearing the sound of the system sounding again, Lin Wen did not hesitate any longer, his eyes revealed firmness, and then he took out a Poké Ball.

The light flashed, and a proud figure appeared beside Lin Wen!

"Ye Elf... I decided to use you!"

In the end, Lin Wen chose one of his main elves, Ye Elf, to fight!

As the first elf to fight side by side with his own since the Eevee period, Ye elf is undoubtedly deeply trusted by Lin Wen, so Lin Wen chose to use it at this troubled juncture!

Moreover, as a lord-level elf, Ye Elf is the king of Ye Elf, the only elf in the Elf Century, its intelligence can definitely be regarded as a high-level AI, and it is completely possible to fight independently, just like a legendary little elf. Elves like that!

And...and most importantly!

Lin Wen was very impressed, when Ye Elf was still a leader.

In the Yacar Forest in the Hezhong area, when Ye Elf followed the three holy swordsmen to learn the mysterious sword, he was always fighting on his own!

In order to allow Ye Elf to comprehend skills faster and better, Lin Wen completely acted as a bystander during that week, and did not give any instructions to Ye Elf!

Every time Ye Elf fought against the three holy swordsmen, it was him who thought about how to fight the first battle, not Lin Wen to give advice or command!

This is undoubtedly a very useful experience for Ye Elf!

Experience of how to fight without the command of a trainer!

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, Lin Wen chose to use his old partner!Leaf Elf!

At the moment when the Leaf Elf appeared, the surrounding environment changed again!

The white space disappeared, replaced by... a lush forest!

Lin Wen's eyes looked left and right, and he couldn't help but sighed at the magic of the Tower of Refinement. The surrounding environment seemed to be real. When he was there, he actually came to a forest!

This made Lin Wen's mind flash a glimpse of enlightenment. After he chose Ye Elf, the surrounding environment changed into a map. This kind of environment is most suitable for Ye Elf, then... just like he chose other attributes. Elf, will there be other changes in the surrounding environment?

The Tower of Refinement... It's really amazing!

The lush forest took shape in the blink of an eye, and the Leaf Elf stood beside Lin Wen, feeling that the surrounding environment had turned into a forest, and it also had a happy mood...  

4.7 As a grass elves, the darlings of the forest... Leaf elves can be said to like the forest environment the most.

Suddenly... its eyes condensed and gathered in one direction!

Lin Wen keenly noticed this scene, and his gaze followed Ye Elf's gaze to the other end!

There... is a trail in this forest.It doesn't look unremarkable.

However, now from the trail, a figure came out!

It was a mirrored elf of a leaf elf!

That is... Ye Elf's opponent on the fifth floor!

In the forest environment, two leaf elves with almost identical appearances stood facing each other.

The two leaf elves were full of arrogance, and in their eyes, there was a battle intent! .

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