Lin Wen and Karuna all looked back!

I saw the sky not far away, black and red, and Yveltal, who was full of a strong evil atmosphere, was galloping towards here!

Its goal seems to be pointing directly at the green ancient tree!

In the center of the withered forest, there is such an ancient green tree exuding vitality, which is undoubtedly a very conspicuous target, which was easily discovered by Yveltal!

Yveltal and Xerneas are old rivals!It has been sealed by Xerneas for hundreds of years, and the obsession and hatred for Xerneas is not the least bit!

Now, after flying around the white sandalwood forest and transforming the entire white sandalwood forest from a vibrant forest to a dead Jedi, it attacked the sleeping place of Xerneas!

It wants revenge!

Now that it wakes up first, it will naturally not let Xerneas go, but will launch the most powerful offensive against Xerneas!

After seeing Yveltal's figure, Lin Wen's face changed again and again. At this time, Xerneas was still asleep and could not wake up. What should this powerful Yveltal do? withstand?

If Yveltar is allowed to do damage to the sleeping Xerneas, then things will develop more like an unpredictable position!

Lin Wen's eyes immediately turned to Karuna beside him...  

"Miss Karuna! I need you to stop Yveltal first!" Lin Wen said while controlling the device.

It is not an easy task to infuse the energy in the energy storage crystal into the green ancient tree to help Xerneas recover!It must be controlled in real time. Lin Wen has no way to fight at this time, and there is no way to fight Yveltal!

Ka Lunai immediately understood what Lin Wen meant, without any hesitation, nodded firmly: "Okay!"

Immediately... She 1.7 sprinted towards Yveltal, who was galloping here at the end of the sky!

She wants to intercept Yveltal before it arrives here!

After all, the strength of the legendary elf is extremely strong, and Kalunai dare not choose the battlefield around the green ancient tree. If it spreads to Xerneas, it will be a matter of regret!

In the distant sky, Yveltal keeps approaching here!

Karuna stayed in the same place after being away from the green ancient tree for a thousand meters!

Her eyes looked at Yveltal who was approaching in the sky, showing a rather cautious expression!

Even a champion would not dare to have the slightest bit of care in the face of a legendary elf! .

Chapter [-]: The Clash of Champions and Legends

At this time, Karuna is still facing the nightmare of the Kalos region, Yveltal who caused huge damage to the entire Kalos region hundreds of years ago!

This is definitely a super powerful elf!The strength is unfathomable!

Taking a deep breath, Karuna calmed down, with determination on her face, looking at Yveltal who was getting closer, three Poké Balls appeared in her hands!

The light flashed, and three Poké Balls appeared in place!

Shanaido, Nianmeilong, Wrestling Hawkman!

Three elves exuding a powerful breath!

This is the main spirit of Karuna!

Facing Yveltal, Karuna did not dare to relax in the slightest, and directly dispatched her main elf!




Sticky Dragon!



Wrestling Eagle Man!



Three powerful elves with super high levels!

And, even more shocking, another point! 01

If Lin Wen was here, if the Wisdom Eye skill could have an effect on the champion, then he would definitely be exclaiming!

Because... these three elves are all lord-level elves!

Three lord-level elves!

As the champion of the Carlos region, Ka Lunai did not show his full combat power in front of Lin Wen. Now, after facing the legendary elf, he finally released his main elf!

Three lord-level elves above LV80, this is definitely the first very luxurious configuration!Carlos Regional Champion, well-deserved reputation!

After the three elves were released, their eyes were fixed on Yveltal who was constantly approaching on the edge of the sky!

With their power, one can easily feel the evil aura emanating from Yveltal, as well as the mighty strength of this legendary elf!

"Everything, it's up to you!" Karuna said softly to her three elves!

Then... she turned her head and glanced at the back, because of the distance, Lin Wen could no longer be seen here.

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