That is, the summoned legendary elf will not be controlled by the player, but will act according to its own character and faction!

This undoubtedly raises a question about the value of this item!

Because... it's fine if you summon a good and lawful legendary elf, it may be multiple helpers, but if you summon an evil legendary elf, you'll have one more enemy!

However... Lin Wen was very confident in his heart!

Since the beginning of the game, his high luck has been one of his weapons. He can develop rapidly without the support of high luck!

Now, the battle situation has fallen into a deadlock. The battle between them and Yveltal can't be determined for a while. This is undoubtedly something Lin Wen doesn't want to see. Therefore, he is going to take it out directly. This powerful tool!

The legendary elf projector, as its name suggests, is a projector-like prop!

All 900 players are focusing on commanding the elves to fight. When their elves face Yveltal, although their role is limited, they add up, and there is Xerneas on the front. And the elves of Lin Wen, Ka Lunai and others are anxious, they just need to command the elves to output fearlessly!

Just like the straw that broke the camel's back, they also played a huge role in this battle, keeping the battle in a stalemate and not letting Yveltal gain the upper hand!

The scene where Lin Wen took out the props happened to be noticed by Ling Feng who just cast his eyes!

He couldn't help but froze for a moment, and said softly, "This is?"

Beside Lin Wen, Ka Lunai also saw the legendary elf projector taken out by Lin Wen, and cast her doubtful eyes over: "Researcher Yang Yan... This is?"

This item is the reward that Lin Wen got on the sixth floor of the Tower of Refinement. This is only its second appearance, and it is not known to outsiders at all!

"A powerful prop." Lin Wen explained simply, seeing the doubtful look Karunai handed over, Lin Wen then added (bhdg): "A prop that can change the situation of the battle!"

"Props that change the tide of battle?"

The doubts in Karuna's eyes deepened!

This prop is called a projector, and it really is a very similar prop to a projector!

Lin Wen simply glanced around and saw a red button on the side of the prop. His eyes swept to the two legendary elves that were entangled in the sky, and then... he suddenly pressed the button!

In front of the legendary elf projector, the lens suddenly projected into the air!

A projection of flames appeared there!

This scene attracted the attention of many players. After the battle, all eyes were on the flame projection that suddenly appeared in the air!

"What is this?"

"I do not know?"

"Looks so high-end!"

Then they noticed the person responsible for this vision!

Lin Wen!

Heart of Yang Yan!

I saw that the heart of Yang Yan was holding a prop like a projector in his hand, and the flame projection in mid-air was emitted from there!

This made many players could not help but exclaimed!

"What is God Yang Yan doing?"

"I don't know, it should be an item that affects the battle situation!"

At the moment when the flame projection appeared, the two legendary elves who were in the midst of an anxious battle stopped their movements one after another, and looked at them here!

Not just them!

Even the elves of Linwen, the elves of Karuna, and the elves of all the players suddenly stopped the skills in their hands, and their eyes were fixed on the projection of the flames!

The sensing of elves is far stronger than that of humans!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, I saw that the flame projection continued to burn, and then gradually expanded and spread!

Sparks start a prairie fire!

A figure, faintly brewing in the projection!

After just a few seconds, the light emitted by the projector disappeared!Automatically close!

But... the projection that should have disappeared when the projector was turned off, did not disappear!

In the raging flames, that figure is constantly condensing!

After seeing the figure clearly, the eyes of many players who gathered here couldn't help but widen, their mouths widened suddenly, and the whole person fell into shock!

"That is...that is?"

"Impossible? Is it really that elf?"

"Fuck! As expected of the Great God of Yang Yan, cheating! Can this kind of elves be summoned?"

"Do you still remember that during the guild battle, God Yang Yan summoned countless wild elves through a prop, and one of them was a lord-level elves. Now..."

All the members of the Lingxi Guild fell into shock!

Even though they are elite members of the Lingxi Guild, they usually see a lot of big scenes, but after seeing this scene in front of them, they still can't control the shock in their hearts!I only feel that my world view has been refreshed again, and I have a new understanding of the power of Yang Yan's heart!

Not to mention these elite members, even Ling Feng, the president of the Lingxi Guild, was in shock at this time. Looking at the figure in the flames, he was speechless for a long time!

Karuna next to Lin's tattoo also focused on the sky, looking at the figure in the flames for a long time without saying a word!

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