This is not the first time Lin Wen has come into close contact with a legendary elf, but... each legendary elf is unique. It can be said that Xerneas, a kind-hearted fairy elf, is also like this. Staying beside it, there is naturally a greenness rippling, and the breath of life is constantly echoing.

"Thank you for your help."

After walking to Lin Wen's body, Xerneas slowly opened his mouth and said.

There was a gleam of thanks in its eyes, and it was obviously sincerely thanking Lin Wen.

"This time... if you didn't break the seal and help me recover my energy and wake me up from my slumber, wait until the day when the seal is naturally broken, Yveltal, this guy, I am afraid that really no one can. Control it. At that time, it will definitely cause very serious damage to the Carlos area." Xerneas said slowly.

"This is what I should do."

Facing the legendary elves, Lin Wen's demeanor was not lost, and he slowly said: "Protecting the Carlos area is not only what you good legendary elves should do, but also our human affairs."

Xerneas' eyes brightened, and there was more appreciation in his eyes.

It nodded lightly: "Yes, it is true."

Afterwards, it said slowly: "Now... Yveltal has been forced to return to the dark side of the elf world, and I can breathe a sigh of relief and regain my freedom."

Saying that, Xerneas looked around.

This is the white sandalwood forest!

Because of a major war, the area they are in now can be said to be a mess, and the ground is full of potholes bombarded by skills!At a glance, you can see that there has been a very fierce battle here!

And, most importantly!

The White Sandalwood Forest was originally one of the evergreen forests, but because of the appearance of Yveltal, the evil aura infected the main forest and took away the vitality of the forest. Now, in the entire White Sandalwood Forest, most of the trees have been Lost its greenness and withered.

The whole white sandalwood forest looks a little more lifeless.

Xerneas' eyes swept across the surrounding forest, and then... its body suddenly vacated!

The players around have been paying attention to Xerneas who was talking to Lin Wen. After all, this is a very rare legendary elf. Now, seeing Xerneas jumping into the air, he suddenly burst into the air. Dao's eyes were sent over directly, wanting to see what this legendary elf was going to do...  

Ka Lunai and Lin Wen also looked at Xerneas who rose in mid-air. They had some guesses in their hearts, but they were not sure!

Soon, Xerneas came to the sky!

Suddenly, colorful spots appeared on its back, which was a sign of using skills!

Then... an incomparably powerful grass-type energy suddenly emanated from Xerneas' body and spread out!

That is the majestic energy visible to the naked eye!

With Xerneas as the center point, it spreads out in a circle, sweeping the entire White Sandalwood Forest!

The players couldn't help but open their mouths wide, and their hearts were shocked!

"This is... this is!"

"Fuck, this is a miracle!"

"My God, this scene can be done!"

There are no words to describe this incomparably amazing scene, this is a scene that can shock people physically and mentally!

I saw the majestic grass-type energy spread out, turning into bright green stars, falling on the withered trees, and falling into the forest! a speed visible to the naked eye, the white sandalwood forest turned green again!

On the withered trees, there are new shoots, and the dead forest is gradually returning to life in 1.4!

This is a very shocking scene!

Destruction and Rebirth!

The grass-type energy continues to spread, circles and pieces. It has lost its vitality, and the withered trees are revitalizing. The main forest has returned to its previous appearance in a short period of time!

Even more beautiful!

It is now in the cold winter, but... the trees and forests in the white sandalwood forest, after the invasion of grass-type energy, seems to have come to the spring when all things recover, and the vitality suddenly spreads!

This miraculous scene made every player present speechless and fell into shock!

I can't imagine it at all... This is actually the power of an elf! .

Chapter seven hundred and fifty seventh Xerneas' guidance

The most powerful part of the legendary elves is not only that they are far more powerful than other elves, but every kind and lawful legendary elves have their own responsibilities and missions!

They respectively master various rules in the elf world!

In the blink of an eye, everything comes back to life!

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a green forest full of vitality!

This is a miracle!

Because of the powerful momentum brought by the battle of the three legendary elves, the aftermath, and the withering of most of the white sandalwood forest, the wild elves living in the forest, this night can be said to be trembling!

Now... a night has passed, and the forest is restored to its original state!

This made many wild elves show their heads, and they showed their happy emotions in the face of the familiar environment and the vibrant environment.

The grass-type energy spread and swept the entire white sandalwood forest.

Afterwards, Jerny 17 Yass slowly descended from mid-air and landed in front of Lin Wen.

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