NPCs are welcome, and there are special people leading them!

It is not false that people are more popular than dead people. The heart of Yang Yan can reach this point little by little, and it can be called a legend!


Following the staff member, Lin Wen soon saw Karuna!

Karuna was talking to a man in a suit beside her!

However, they did not attract Lin Wen's attention!

What caught Lin Wen's attention... was not far behind them, the top leaders of the alliance in the Carlos region!

At this time, their expressions were all very depressed, and they did not have the usual arrogance and arrogance. They were led into the small rooms one by one by the staff of the alliance.

Lin Wen raised his brows slightly.

Not far away, Ka Lunai also saw Lin Wen's figure, and hurriedly shouted, "Researcher Yang Yan!"

"Miss Karuna."

Lin Wen responded softly, then stepped over the girl who was leading the way in front of him, walked forward, and met Karuna.

His eyes fell on some of the top members of the alliance in the Carlos region, and he was surprised and guessed, but he still asked: "Miss Caruna... This is."

"Researcher Yang Yan, our plan has been successful!" Karuna said with a smile on her face, "This time it involves three legendary elves, Yveltal, Xerneas and Ho-oh. The battle successfully alerted the Alliance Headquarters, and after understanding what happened, I was shocked by the handling of the Carlos Regional Alliance!"

"These guys..." Karuna's eyes swept over everyone: "Then they will be specifically investigated by the Alliance Headquarters!"

"If there is no accident, they will be accused of inaction, kicked off the political stage, and will no longer be able to point fingers at the Carlos Regional Alliance!"

There was also a hint of excitement in Karuna's tone.

As the league champion in the Carlos region, I have long been dissatisfied with these rotten league executives who are in their positions and do not pursue their own affairs. However, taking this opportunity to solve them in one fell swoop, this is undoubtedly a Happy things to all!

The battle between the three legendary elves was extremely powerful. Although the Carlos Regional Alliance had ordered it immediately and suppressed the news, the paper couldn't contain the fire. How could such a thing be suppressed?

Facing the battle of three legendary elves, he successfully alerted the alliance headquarters and sent people to investigate!

After investigating everything clearly, the responsibility of some senior officials of the Carlos Regional Alliance is inevitable!

They didn't have the slightest bit of preparedness for this incident!

You must know, from the same mouth of Karuni, the Alliance Headquarters has already learned that even if they did not prepare to destroy the seal this time, release Xerneas and help him defeat Yveltal, then at most half a year, As Xerneas' energy is exhausted, the seal is broken, and Yveltal sees the light of day again, and things will probably be even bigger then!

The difficulty will be further improved!

If it wasn't for Karuna and Lin Wen who dared to take a lot of risks, broke the seal, and helped Xerneas defeat Yveltal and drive him back to the dark side, if they waited for the passage of time, the seal Naturally destroyed, then... the Carlos region with no preparation at all, facing Yveltal who escaped from the predicament, will inevitably reproduce the scene hundreds of years ago! (Wang Dezhao)

This evil legendary elf will cause extremely serious damage to the entire Carlos region!

You know, at that time, Xerneas, whose energy was completely exhausted, would not devote himself again!

And if all this happens, the first thing that cannot be separated from the relationship will be some high-level executives of the Carlos Regional Alliance!

They knew the location of Xerneas and Yveltal early in the morning, but they didn't have the slightest idea of ​​helping!

Therefore, the high-level executives of the alliance headquarters can be said to be very angry after getting the relevant news!

In the Elf world, there is the existence of the headquarters of the Elf Alliance, and in various regions, it is the regional branch of the Elf Alliance!

Now, it is the investigators who came from the headquarters who came to examine these senior officials of the Carlos Regional Alliance!Identity is naturally higher! .

Chapter seven hundred and sixty fourth special title

"Very well, our plans are all done."

After listening to Ka Lunai's narration, Lin Wen nodded with satisfaction. The matter has developed to this point. It can be said that all the plans that Lin Wen planned from the beginning have been successfully completed. This is undoubtedly a very happy thing. !

"For all this, I still have to thank you, Researcher Yang Yan." Ka Lunai said sincerely.

If the most important elves in defeating Yveltal are Xerneas and Ho-oh, then the most important human being in this plan is undoubtedly the Heart of Yang Yan!

Whether it was sneaking into the White Sandalwood Forest alone to destroy the seal, or facing serious problems beyond the plan, Xerneas responded calmly without waking up, and when the battle came to a deadlock, he took out his trump card and summoned the legendary level The little elf Ho-oh, set the battle situation in one fell swoop!

No matter which point it is, it is a crucial step in this operation!

It can be said that the whole plan is entirely driven by Lin Wen. Ka Lunai is very clear that this operation can be completed without anyone. Even without her, there will probably only be some small variables. That's it.

But... if there is no Yang Yan Heart, then... the whole plan can be said to be a complete failure!

This is the role of Lin Wen.

"Miss Ka Luna 727, you are too good." Lin Wen said modestly.

"I'm telling the truth." Karuna's eyes flashed with admiration, and she said.

Her eyes looked behind Lin Wen, where a middle-aged man in a black suit was walking over like this.

"Researcher Yang Yan, let me introduce to you, this is the representative of the Carlos region sent by the alliance headquarters this time, Commissioner Jiang."

Lin Wen nodded towards the Commissioner Jiang and stretched out his hand.

The representative of the alliance known as Commissioner Jiang did not see anything, and held Lin Wen's hand.

Immediately, he looked at Lin Wen with admiration and said, "I have heard for a long time that the researcher Yang Yan in the Guandu area, although very young, is very powerful and has made great contributions to the entire alliance. Seeing it today, it really lives up to its reputation."

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