Those who can be selected as seed players by Galaxy Zhinao must be the elites among the players, and all of them are very strong. These players are likely to be the last players!

This means that they are all likely to become Lin Wen's opponents!

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, a hundred battles are safe, so Lin Wen did not hesitate, and clicked directly into the post, ready to check it out!

Just clicked into the post, Lin Wen saw a sentence!

This ranking is indistinguishable!

Obviously... Galaxy Brain also needs to take into account the protection of the information of many players, so it has not come up with a combat power ranking!

However... After seeing the first place among the seeds, Lin Wen couldn't help but be stunned!

126 seeded players.

1. The Heart of Yang Yan.

Players in the Kanto area.

Possess elves: Flash Dragon, Leaf Elf, Minas, Ice Elf, Shanaido, Lucario, Nine Tails of Alola.

Player introduction: Known by the alliance as Yang Yan researcher, he has just received the special title of elf hero and has made great contributions to the elf world!

Lin Wen:  …

"I'm going, why did you put me in the first place ¨々?" This was Lin Wen's first thought.

"."This is too much hatred!" This was Lin Wen's second thought!

Although... at the very front of this post, it has already been explained that this ranking is not divided!

But... the self who has been classified as the first player will obviously be the first seed player by default by many players!

This is definitely a hate move!

Fortunately, Lin Wen had been prepared for a long time, and he quickly calmed down and did not pay any more attention.

Then... he began to read the other seed players below!

This list of [-] people includes not only players from the Guandu area!In addition, there are many masters from other regions!

It can be said that the top players in the entire wizard century have been swept away!

Lin Wen also saw several familiar names, such as Right Fire and so on!

These well-known (acquired) players in various regions, their main elves have long been no secret, so they are also clearly written in this list, but... the introduction column is not very vague!

Just like Lin Wen's introduction, he mentioned his researcher's identity and made a great contribution to the world of elves. Apart from that, he didn't mention anything!

Even...even those things that are still fermenting, clearing the tower of refinement, and participating in the three legendary elves, which are already known by the majority of players, have not been said!

This is undoubtedly a kind of protection for the information of seed players!

As soon as this list of 126 people is released, the seed players above will definitely become the opponents of the players who are determined to hit the rankings. Therefore, Galaxy Zhinao only briefly introduced some of the important ones. Information revealed! .

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-ninth group elimination system

After simply flipping through the entire list, Lin Wen could be considered to have a certain understanding.

Among them... there are many players whose names he has never heard before, and those are the top players in other regions!

This big list includes the master players in the entire elf world!

In the replies below the post, countless players are talking about the masters who have entered the seed list in their region!

As the saying goes, one is prosperous, and one is lost. For most ordinary players, it is undoubtedly a matter of honor for players in their own region to enter the seed list!Therefore, all the replies below are basically cheering for the masters and seed players in their own regions!

Lin Wen simply flipped through the pages and then exited the post!

Galaxy Brain has published three posts on the forum. In addition to the rules of the carnival competition and this seed list, it is the list of rewards!

The number of times to complete the elimination task, and the task rating is different, the reward is also different!

Moreover, in the qualifying elimination battle, players of different classes have different rewards!

This carnival competition has been brewing for a long time, and the rewards can be said to be very rich. After simply flipping through the list of rewarded items, even Lin Wen's breath could not help but become heavier!


From here, you can see how rich the rewards of this carnival competition are!

As for ordinary players, after seeing the rewards, they are even more crazy!My heart is full of energy, I want to get a good name in this carnival competition, so that I can get an incomparably rich reward!

Reward, this is the most touching thing!

After the reward list was sent out, I don't know how many players are full of fighting spirit. They can't wait to start fighting now, get a good name, and make a fortune!

After flipping through the different rewards for each class, Lin Wen flipped through the forum posts again, and immediately got up, ready to go to the living room to take a good bath.

Recently, I have been in the game warehouse for a long time. Although I am not physically dirty, but... I feel a little disgusted psychologically!


at the same time!

The appearance of the three sticky posts has undoubtedly greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the players!Make them more motivated!

On the entire forum, there are related discussion posts (bhfc) sub!

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