Lin Wen had been prepared as early as when he first launched today. His elves, all of which are extremely powerful, do not need this kind of temporary cramming!

As early as when he was just online, he said that everything was ready, and he ensured that he could participate in the competition in the most prosperous state!

You know...for this competition, Lin Wen is also bound to win, striving for the first place!There is no room for error!

Time goes by little by little...

Only half an hour is not enough for players to prepare, and before they know it, it arrives on time at 12 noon, and the first round of knockouts is about to start!

The carnival competition has completely kicked off!

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yanzhi, you have been assigned to the second round of contestants, please go to the central square of Vibran City..."

When the time came to 12:[-], the system prompt sounded in Lin Wen's ear!

"The second batch..."

Lin Wen frowned slightly, but then he eased off to 4.0 and walked quickly to the central square!

Here... it's already overcrowded!

Just after Lin Wen came here, his communication device suddenly rang.

Lin Wen picked it up and saw that it was Ling Feng who had heard the news.

"Brother Yang Yan, where are you?"

As the president of the Lingxi Guild, Ling Feng is obviously also bound to win this carnival competition, but... Compared with the presidents of other guilds, the bosses, his pressure is undoubtedly the least!

Because...their consonance guild has an ace in existence!

Heart of Yang Yan!

The Lingxi Guild held an emergency meeting after the rules of the carnival competition were revealed on the forum yesterday. However, the direction of their discussion was completely different from that of other guilds! .

Chapter [-] Elimination begins!

Other guilds are discussing and striving for the first place!Be sure to get the first place in the carnival competition, that is the embodiment of maximizing the benefits, but in the Lingxi guild, it is true that everyone can play well, achieve an excellent result in the carnival competition, and strive to win as much as possible. The best ranking ever!

As for the number one... the top leaders of the Lingxi Guild have not discussed it at all.

If you choose a player from the Lingxi guild who can win the first place in the carnival competition, then... besides the Heart of Yang Yan, is there anyone else?


It is precisely because they fought side by side with the Heart of Yang Yan that they are more aware of the power of the Heart of Yang Yan, and they have more trust in Lin Wen!

"I'm in the central square of Vibrant City, ready to watch the live broadcast." Lin Wen replied.

"What round were you assigned to?" Ling Feng then asked.

"Second round."

"That's good... Brother Yangyan 17th brother, you wait for me where you are, and I'll rush over." Lingfeng said in the communication device.

Then, the communication was hung up.

Lin Wen shook his head and stared at the big screen in the central square!

As a rare top-level event in the wizard century, the Carnival will be broadcast live, and all big screens in various cities will broadcast the event live!

There is a huge big screen in the central square of Vibran City, which is also the largest screen in the whole city of Victory, so there are countless players!

The carnival competition, because it will be broadcast live, it is also something that many casual players have been looking forward to for a long time. After all...once you will be outstanding in the carnival competition, and the reputation of being an anchor or a master will increase your worth. It's something players have been waiting for.

The popularity of Elf Century is not only the popularity of games, but also drives many surrounding industries!

Time passed little by little.

Lin Wen's whereabouts are very secretive, and he is also very low-key, quietly staying in place, waiting for the official start, watching the live broadcast, and the surrounding players are also immersed in the excitement of the upcoming carnival competition, so, it is not Who will recognize his identity!

Not long after... Not far away, a shout came suddenly.

"Brother Yangyan!"

Lin Wen looked up, who was it if it wasn't Ling Feng?

Next to Ling Feng, there are several other players, all of them are the senior members of the Lingxi Guild who have come to participate in the carnival competition!

"President Lingfeng." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Afterwards, Ling Feng led several senior members of the Lingxi Guild to Lin Wen's side.

Now, he can be said to be proud of the spring breeze. Although the establishment of the Lingxi Guild in the Carlos area has been postponed to a certain extent because the carnival started right after, but... it was recognized by the champion after all, and the Lingxi Guild started When entering the Carlos area, with the help of Karuna, there will be no obstacles at all!

The strength of the guild has been further enhanced, making him a very rare and happy guild president!

After coming to Lin Wen's side, Ling Feng's eyes swept across the big screen. The carnival competition had not yet officially started, so the big screen at this time was still pitch black and the broadcast did not start.

"Brother Yangyan." Ling Feng said: "How is it? Are you sure about the championship of this carnival competition?"

After Ling Feng asked this question, the eyes of several senior members of the Lingxi Guild behind Ling Feng also focused on Lin Wen, with nervousness and anticipation in their hearts!

Although the Lingxi Guild has a lot of trust in Lin Wen, but... after all, the competition has not yet started, and everything is still unknown. Even they are not really sure that the heart of Yang Yan will be able to win the first place!

Throughout the ages, dark horses and masters capsize from time to time!

Seeing the expectant eyes of Ling Feng and several senior members of the Lingxi Guild, Lin Wen smiled slightly, revealing his belief: "Of course I want to take the first place!"

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