However... in my heart, Lin Wen is still looking forward to the next appearance of Lin Qi!


time lapse.

After Lin Wen passed through the Poni Grand Canyon, after a full ten minutes, a player finally boarded the suspension bridge!

Then... only then did the players continue to complete the task through the suspension bridge!

When nearly fifty minutes passed, this batch of players finally ended!

The gap between the two is huge!

And the end of this batch of players means that next... the third batch of tasks is about to begin!

Lin Wen also cheered up, ready to take a good look at his sister, what kind of strength Lin Qi has now!

He also made an agreement with Lin 16 Qi to participate in the doubles match together!

You must know that there is only one requirement to sign up for doubles, and that is players who have passed the group knockout quest.

On the central square, there are many rays of light flashing, which means that the third batch of players has begun to be teleported into the Pony Canyon!

At the same time, the big screen in the central plaza also dimmed temporarily, and it would light up again after the third batch of players started.

Lin Wen and Ling Feng waited quietly.

During this period, countless eyes were focused on the two of them!

Right now!

A shout suddenly sounded among the players!

"Let me go, please let me go!"

This is a rather crisp voice, and it can be seen at a glance that it is the voice of a girl!

Then... a female player with a microphone squeezed out from the crowd!

Behind her, there is a male player carrying a camera!

In the wizard century, players themselves have the video recording function, so it stands to reason that these props are not needed at all!

But... in the game, there are also sales of related items!

The surrounding players, taking pictures of the majesty of Lin Wen, did not dare to approach, but... this female player who seemed to be a host, did not have the slightest fear, and the big brother who led the anti-camera rushed over. , came to Lin Wen's side.

Lin Wen passed his gaze over.

Finally came to Lin Wen's side, the hostess flashed an excited look, and then said: "God Yangyan, I am Yanzi, the anchor of the Doudou live broadcast platform, can I have a simple interview with you for a few minutes? ?"

After she finished speaking, she looked forward to Lin Wen!

Lin Wen glanced at the big screen not far away, and estimated that there was still a certain amount of time before the third game started, so after a little hesitation, he said, "Yes!"

The female anchor Yanzi's eyes suddenly brightened!

"Thank you, God Yang Yan! Thank you."

She thanked her twice, and then... the cameraman behind him immediately aimed the camera at Lin Wen.


at the same time.

Doudou live broadcast platform.

In the blank period of the task, the Doudou platform will insert advertisements in a timely manner!

The screen is full of words like BUY BUY BUY BUY!

Right now!

Video suddenly everything!

There are countless players in front of them!

Watching the live broadcast and waiting for the third batch of players, they were immediately stunned.Countless question marks were hit!

"what's the situation?"

"I won't be hacked, right?"

"Ghost knows!"


"Hey hey, what about Superman? No more ads? Do you still want advertising fees?"

Afterwards, the camera moved continuously.

In the end, after turning around, he stopped in front of the two figures.

After seeing one of the figures, the entire audience watching the live broadcast on the Doudou live broadcast platform was stunned, and then suddenly came back to their senses!

"I rely on!!!"

"Fuck? I didn't read it wrong!"

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