And this is obviously impossible!

The difficulty of the three missions will definitely increase to a certain extent. Only in this way can we eliminate more players and wash out those masters!

It turns out that the problem lies here!

Lin Wen's eyes swept across Regais in front of him, and he keenly discovered through his eyesight skills that this is a high-level lord-level elf! .

Chapter eight hundred and eleventh sneak forward

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Chapter eight hundred and twelfth chapter pit father player

At the same time, he was also rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, it took a lot of time to find out that in addition to Regais, there are Regis Locke and the other two lord-level elves of Regis Quill. Otherwise, He patronized and avoided Regais's perspective, so he would definitely be discovered by the other two lord-level elves because he didn't pay attention!

At that time, the war will inevitably happen!

In the face of the siege of three lord-level elves, even Lin Wen would not dare to say that he could easily escape. The direct result in the end was that his time was greatly wasted, and he could not use the fastest speed to go to the beginning of the world. The bottom of the tree!

The impact of all this is huge!

Therefore, being able to inadvertently discover Regilock and Regis Qilu at such an early time is undoubtedly a very beneficial thing for him!You can fill his troubles as much as possible~ Trouble!

At this time, after knowing that there is not only one lord-level elf in this area, Lin Wen's attention can be said to be highly concentrated. He is covered in ghosts, and his eyes are on the sight of the three lord-level elf activities. Keep wandering, and try your best to avoid being discovered by these three lord-level elves!

Soon, he was getting closer and closer to the three lord-level _elves!


major live streaming platforms.

In the video, it is very clear that Lin Wen discovered the existence of three lord-level elves!

This also makes every player look forward to it!

"These are three lord-level elves. The chances of lurking in the past are very slim. Isn't the Great God Yangyan ready to fight?"

"That's right, let's fight!"

"Heart of Yang Yan is a coward! Why don't you fight them!"

As the saying goes, watching the fun is not a big deal. If these players encounter three lord-level elves while doing quests, I am afraid they will not be able to raise their minds to fight at all.

But at this time, when looking at Lin Wen's battle perspective, all he thought of was to let Lin Wen go forward and fight with these three lord-level elves!

after all!The battle between the lord-level elves will definitely be very intense and exciting, which can make players feast their eyes!

However, Lin Wen did not choose to fight against the Three Gods Pillars, but chose to hide, which undoubtedly made many players feel a little dissatisfied.

"What are the three pillars for? Why haven't they found him yet?"

"Lord-level elf! Find out that he is fighting with him! He will be lurking soon!"

"That's it!"

"Oh, looks so anxious!"

Even, in the hearts of some players, the idea of ​​​​waiting for the Three Gods Pillar to find Lin Wen immediately!


at the same time.

Lin Wen was lurking cautiously, and he was about to break through here from within the line of sight between the three divine pillars!

At that time, in the following journey, Lin Wen does not believe that there will be a lord-level elves like the Three Gods Pillar blocking it. It can be said that everything will be easier!


at this time!

In the forest not far from Lin's tattoo, a voice suddenly came!

Lin Wen's brow furrowed subconsciously!

Because of the obstruction of many elves in the primeval forest, although Lin Wen was in the first queue, the leading distance was far less than when it was in the Bonny Grand Canyon!

After all... the number of elves here is here, even if Lin Wen can easily defeat his opponent, he can't speed up after being blocked repeatedly!

Therefore, the gap between him and the players behind him is far less than imagined!

And now!

After coming to the area where the Three Gods Pillars are located, Lin Wen even got off the Ye Elf. In order to avoid being discovered by the Three Gods Pillars, he chose to walk!

Moreover, in order to prevent being discovered, he walked very cautiously, and the speed slowed down!

You know, the other players are very anxious and want to complete the task quickly!

During the time when Lin Wen's speed slowed down, the speed of many players behind him suddenly increased!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

The direct result is that!

At this time, before Lin Wen left this area, some of the players behind him had already caught up!

The first group of players who came to this area was a small team. It seemed that they should all be members of a guild, wearing uniform uniforms!

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