
"what's the situation?"

"Watch the battle! Watch the battle!"

They don't know why, they don't know why the system suddenly controls the camera movement!

The camera passed over the battlefield, and then, a figure appeared on the screen!

After seeing this figure, many players reacted one after another!

"God of Yang Yan ¨¨!"

"Next to him are... Ye Elf and Shanaido? He's ready to fight???"

"Fuck! I've been waiting for this moment for a long time!"

Many players were immediately excited!

The Heart of Yang Yan has a lord-level elves, this is something everyone knows!


Some time ago, the Heart of Yang Yan cleared the Tower of Refinement in the Carlos area, but it shocked the entire Elf Century!

Players have long known that on the fourth floor of the Tower of Refinement, it is the mirror image of the lord-level elf!

This means that the Heart of Yang Yan definitely has the strength to defeat the lord-level elves!

So,.In the face of the current stalemate, if the Heart of Yang Yan takes action, what effect will it have?

What kind of results happened?

All players are looking forward to it!

Subsequently.They saw the heart of Yang Yan, who had been riding on Ye Elf's body, slowly opened his mouth on the screen!

"Shanaido, use the fairy lock on the Three Gods Pillar!"


Standing in the heart of Yang Yan, Shanaido's eyes flashed, and then he suddenly activated his skills!


When he was in the Carlos area, with the help of Xerneas, Shanaido was successfully promoted to a lord-level elf!

at the same time!It also has its own lord level skills!

It is the fairy lock!

Fairy Sky Lock!

Fairy Sky Lock: Fairy lord level skills, Shanaido can release a lot of fairy breath to confuse and block the enemy, the enemy within the range has a high probability of falling into a coma, sleep, confusion and other negative states, and lose all skills, the fairy lock state Love, all elves cannot leave the battle state, this skill will be adjusted according to the strength difference between the two sides, it will last for at least three seconds, at most five seconds, and cool down for one natural day!

This is a limiting skill!

However, it is the most suitable skill here and now!

You must know that Lin Wen's purpose is only to break through the blockade of the Three Gods Pillars, and break through from here in order to achieve the mission!

Moreover, in the mission requirements, it was not mentioned that hundreds of three divine pillars were required to complete the mission!

A flash of light flashed in Shanaido's eyes, and immediately, a large amount of fairy breath was released!

They acted on the Three Gods Pillars!

In an instant, Sanshenzhu's movements froze, and his body froze in place!

Originally, they who were fighting with the players stopped releasing their skills one after another!

It's now!

A light flashed in Lin Wen's eyes, and then he suddenly said, "."Ye Elf, rush over!"

Afterwards, the Poke Ball in his hand shone towards Shanaido and suddenly retracted it into the Poke Ball!

Ye Elf's reaction was so fast, he sprinted over when he heard Lin Wen's order!

In the blink of an eye, it passed by the Three Gods Pillar!pass them by!

At this time, Sanshenzhu fell into a sleep state because of Shanaido's fairy breath, and couldn't use skills, so he couldn't stop it at all!

At the same time, the players who were originally in the battle were a little stunned!

What's happening here?

If I read it right, the Shanaido who just released the skill is from the Heart of Yang Yan, right?

What kind of skill is this, the Three Gods Pillar, which was constantly bombarding the players with skills, is (Nuo Hao) so miserable?

After being slightly stunned, a player immediately responded!

"Come on! Take advantage of now!"

"The opportunity cannot be lost and it will never come again!"

Although I don't know what kind of skill this is, but now, the Three Gods Pillar, which has been hindering their progress, has turned out to be misfired. Suddenly, there are many players, misfired, and driving the elves to rush over in an instant!

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